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Everything posted by pitzok

  1. People thought the same about USR's in 40k and instead of taking away or giving a unit an USR they decided to completely rewrite how certain rules work, I'm hopeful that won't happen again but I'm keeping my expectations temepred.
  2. In my country there are only two official stores and in every larger city there already probably exists a store or a couple with thriving communities, the discount is usually the only option there is anyway, even if someone would want to pay full price for some godforsaken reason. Also I feel like often people are dragged into the hobby by other, more experienced people that would probably know about the 3rd party discount.
  3. This might seem crazy but what if they got a unit with slings, but instead of stones they throw goblins that claw at the enemy.
  4. It all depends if Warclans still exists or not.
  5. It wouldn't surprise me if Ironjawz and FEC got the Sylvaneth/Nighthaunt treatment. FEC could use even another larger wave with refreshes for Knight units and their monsters (I hope for a Terrorgheist/Morbheg dual kit). IJ could use some range if they're getting wholly seperated from Kruleboyz, perhaps a catapult could fit them, or some kind of javelin throwers unit. Imagine this pulled by a big pig with a catapult in the back.
  6. With the trajectory of how D&D is heading, it already kind of is? Well, not on the scale of army painting but we're heading there.
  7. I just finished the Fallout show yesterday and it was so good that it filled me with a lot of hope for the Warhammer shows. I wouldn't mind them doing a adaptation of existing stories as there is a certain series I could see lending very well to that idea (Gotrek and Felix) but I'm assuming we'll see a 40k show first, from which I hope they would maybe take some inspiration from ASTARTES, make it very self contained and really show the weirdness of the unvierse. I'd also like to see a high budget animated show in the vein of Invincible coming from 40k, maybe more xenos focused. The warhammer+ shows are of questionable quality, not to be critical of the animators themselves as I'm assuming they didn't have a lot of resources to work with. Otherwise I'm very hopeful of what will come from this collaboration.
  8. That's not quite true. While legends warscrolls haven't been updated for 3rd edition, they were still usable in the 3rd edition ruleset and technically didn't need an update even if they were horrible. And, they did update legends datasheets for 10th edition 40k, at least quite a lot of them.
  9. True, It would be cool if he stayed a permanent addition.
  10. It's a limited comemorative miniature, they never get non-legends rules.
  11. Ah I see, I wasn't counting the warbands and mawpit.
  12. Wait what 7 kits for ogors are from AoS, I can only think of 4.
  13. I thought this was the AoS rumour thread, not the 40k lore discussion thread.
  14. Honestly I'm just happy that magic is still a thing in the game. Removing psychic was a huge blow for me when 10th edition came around and I don't even play one of the factions that got most affected by it (I play Aeldari). I was really uninterested in playing the game for a long time and only recently started playing more often again. And the changes to magic look really fun! I like that you choose a spell lore that every wizard knows and and it's interesting that unbinding now can use up one of your casts as well. The prayers are really confusing and I hope they get cleared up more when we get the full rules. My only gripe is that I think moving magic to the phase that it affects would be nicer, but I get keeping it in one phase for simplicity, since we already got rid of the morale phase anyway.
  15. Winding down shooting in the scope of the entire game doesn't mean there won't be playstyles and factions that heavily rely on it. It will make their presence even more unique and will offer a different tactical challenge in a game imo
  16. Just noticed that in the last article there's the Iron Golems in the background of this photo.
  17. Yes it is about the touch, but if a normal human is the size of a kroxigor's leg, it will be much easier to turn them into crystal than a kroxigor.
  18. The ability makes the enemy unit in-universe into crystal. Big things are harder to turn into crystal, because their bodies are too big. For example: A small person will get drunk more easily than a big person, because the alcohol if circulating faster through their body.
  19. Wait you mean to say they actually used to look cool? I've never seen these models these are cool as hell.
  20. I'm not well versed in Fantasy lore but ****** I'd pay a lot of money for a Azazel model in AoS
  21. I just really hope that Sigmar doesn't have romantic partner, if we're going with the berserk inspiration.
  22. They got caught in GHR's ascension ritual and have been branded for sacrifice.
  23. They were in a short story. Since they were carrying around Skragrotts throne, maybe there's 2 of them in a unit, with size in between of Rockguts and Dankholds, Sourbreath troggoths with Armor (3+ save perhaps) Edit: Also bodyguard unit maybe for squishy foot heroes?
  24. I was really hoping to see Gunnar Brand and his family going up next week, so I could better restrain myself from indulging in the entire big box and just buy the character minis. I guess I'm gonna have to exercise more restraint next saturday.
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