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Everything posted by pitzok

  1. I have so many ideas, don't get me started.
  2. With the mention of cards, I'm actually pretty interested in playing spearhead, as opposed to 40k's combat patrol, although it is still a shame that it's not really customisable, although I guess you have to sacrifice that to play at that point size. I wish there was more ways to play lower point games of 40k and AoS as honestly full sized games are kinda tiring for me.
  3. From what I understand I don't think you can be ascended post mortem, at least that's how It worked in the books i read, and it was mostly 40k books
  4. I hope the bat mutant from the underworlds box is a sign of things to come, flayers could really use an update,,, Praise be! Magic stays!
  5. They better not be getting rid of Beasts as a whole, last sword minis will be releasing some great new beastmen and I was hoping on getting them to make an army (perhaps mixed with darkoath) Edit: also they have cool flagellants out this month if you want some cool ones and own a 3D printer.
  6. Fellwater Troggoths still look very good, but as someone who had to put them together they definitely show age in that department,,,
  7. Maybe that was the turnout Warhammer Fantasy fans that got mad at the old world exploding were hoping for?
  8. Too many mad factions, maybe they should see a psychiatrist?
  9. The word madness is very much associated with FEC, I can't remember the prophecy off the top of my head but what if it's like the riders of the apocalypse, first they had to fend off the Kingsblood curse, then they had to deal with the nighthaunt invasion in Embergard and now the ruinous skaven are coming for them.
  10. I think AoS should land somewhere between 40k and TOW, with universal special rules but also with a lot of flavoured unit special rules.
  11. Definitely feel the same, I have an eldar force and I've felt no pull towards 40k ever since psychic disciplines got dumped.
  12. Oh definitely, the cover is what's keeping me from buying the Gloomspite tome since it came out.
  13. Although if the book in the photo really is a seperate limited edition, maybe we're gonna get a bit more than just the book, looking back at the last 40k limited edition core book. Though, they should've gone with some John Blanche Stormcast to get matching rulebooks.
  14. That's true, but I just checked leviathan and it didn't have gold pages, although they would be a nice touch for the new book, the gold is what's keeping me for trading my box fec tome for a standard one lol.
  15. I agree with switching TOW and AoS, also I think the white version is a limited edition coming after the launch box, the other ones are base versions and if these are relatively recent photos, then I'm guessing the box ones are already shipped out and maybe even packaged. I have both the book from 40k Indomitus and AoS Dominion and they don't have gold foiled pages (unless Leviathan changed something).
  16. I'm just not a fan of the gold on red, especially with the dark blue infill in the logo.
  17. Not a fan of the red ribbon ever since third came out, would've preferred it be a more neutral or colder color, but I'm excited to get my grubby little hands on the book! And learn more about the guy on the front (can it be Vandus??)
  18. Man I hope dragon ogres get some love if they're removing BoC, like maybe get new models for S2D or be a part of a newer iteration of BoC, because they're one of the coolest races in the setting imo, being driven out of their homeland, harnessing the power of the storm, very underutilised and very overdue for an update.
  19. 40k got a Crusade book right after launch so who knows
  20. Do you people think that we're gonna have narrative expansions throughout the new edition instead everything being pushed into the last half year? Currently 40k is having narrative advancements happening within Crusade books with the latest one continuing the narrative from the last end-of-edition campaign (Vashtorr showing up in the Pariah zone). I'd be really happy to see that carried over to AoS too.
  21. It wasn't tournament wins, it was just results people submitted of their own games.
  22. True but I hope that heroes will still feel impactful, unlike most characters in 40k rn Edit: I didn't realise that the post was that many pages ago,,,
  23. Abraxia? Will her spear be able to clean my clothes of wasteland dust too?
  24. But I imagine that these really aren't for people that have been in the army for 9 years, and FEC didn't have a vanguard box before, the only real box they had that wasn't a limited run was a start collecting box with a unit of ghouls that is illegal to run now. I was hoping for it to be a more equal spread of new and old.
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