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Everything posted by pitzok

  1. Idk if you guys know about the game Arcworlde but they have a swamp wyvern there, I was cosindering to use it as a kruleboyz maw krusha
  2. They never said that there'd be 1000 points in a box. They're supposed to be self contained in the spearhead game mode yes, but they never said they'll be 1000 points.
  3. Man I feel like this pre-edition period is going by like such a slog, I wish we were already past it so we could not only play the game but also get on with more rumours.
  4. I wonder if we ever get dragon ogors in aos back. They're one of the coolest concepts in both settings and it's a shame for them to just disappear, especially after having a homeland to fight for. We could see some new models for them in S2D, to serve as a tanky cavalry for Darkoath.
  5. I'd really like to see new fimir, honestly for any game. I crave a celtic folklore inspired army (I was gonna do celtic beasts before the cull) and nothing is scratching my itch. I'd buy them up for kill team, there's a lot of squandered potential in them not creating any minor xenos and factions for that game. They could be similar to pisceans created by Dead earth.
  6. Fimir already got a rewrite, with them being now in destruction and just normal egg laying without the bad stuff.
  7. Oh man and imagine with terrain like this.
  8. From what we've seen, Blight City doesn't look like a normal human city, the buildings are made out of scrap and are jagged spires, which would make it a very unique and different looking city setting, and honestly I'm not a fan of the gnarlwood terrain, to me the trees look like they went like 10 meters into the forest and started fighting, compared to art of the deeper parts of gnarlwood it's really disappointing to me. Although I think that Blight City would be a very hard place to infiltrate without a rat ratting you out to the Skaven patrols. I'd personally like to see Warcry be set in a deathly location next, perhaps Shadespire or Ulfenkarn (even though I'd loathe more Vyrkos minis) or some new place.
  9. Hell, I'd buy those old skeletons and this lord for aos lol.
  10. I doubt the clanrats will get 28,5 mm bases, maybe even stormvermin won't. cryptguard are on 25mm and skeletons stayed on 25mm too.
  11. As a self proclaimed Vyrkos erm,,, not fan, I'd prefer for them to be either legended or made into more generic units. Sometimes when I go to build a Soulblight list I think to myself "Oh wow I have so many units to choose from" and then I realize that 1/4 of non battleline is Vyrkos stuff that doesn't fit in my army and 2/4 are warbands that also don't fit. I'd like to see for example generic zombie ogres or a cool generic beasty hero thing to lead my Vargheists instead of them being specifically Vyrkos styled.
  12. The AoS companion app uses a picture of the plague priest from the plague furnace, so they probably expect you to use that.
  13. The current price per point ratio for 40k and the overall points expected from the average player is insane imo. I hope we don't get drastic points deflation in AoS
  14. Is that treeman any different from the current one?
  15. Livestream =/= reveal stream, they could be streaming the games. I expect at least a post with the whole box on that day but waiting another month and a half for anything is probably not how this will be handled.
  16. Endless spells are a cool concept imo, but they should be more easily available (not just online only) and some of the models are just really dumb and goofy. Jack in a box ghosts? Why is there a face in my chaos icon spitting fire? Just normal birds??? Also, just a fence.
  17. I'd prefer her to stay a CoS character, orna Sylvaneth/CoS hybrid, she could sacrifice herself to become a tree and enshroud Verdigris in a bubble of magical wood that keeps out the invaders. And when they finally get through wittled down by the life manifestation (Abraxia would probably have to cut through it with her spear, corrupting it) it withers and Thorian becomes immobile, becoming like a literal tree in the middle of the city, being worshipped as a saint and saviour. Maybe she could then spit out a sylvaneth-esque avatar of herself from the tree and we could get a miniature of that (I really want a mini of her)
  18. Maybe for GHR to ascend he had to go through the same process as Griffith and this sce just got caught in the crossfire of the eclipse?
  19. Honestly through the whole narrative I was more rooting for the crusaders in Ghyran, marshall Thorian speaks to me way more than Zenestra. Hope she turns into a tree or something and survives the narrative.
  20. I'm used to it, I just think it's funny that with every new edition for each of their games they try to make it "more reactive" and coming up with more convoluted rules (like stratagems) instead of just doing alternating activations. Although I wouldn't mind on cutting down on the scale of the game to be alternating, I find 2k points games to be too big for me anyway, at least in 40k.
  21. They'll do anything to not just add alternating activations.
  22. I'm personally not against gitmob being part of the gloomspite tome (even if they rename it) but also I would like to run some nighthaunt and fec in my soulblight army and for them to work together (I already have fec and soulblight and noone can stop me). When it comes to new gitmob units I have a few ideas that I already posted here once before but It won't hurt to do it again (maybe GW designers will read this) Moundback troggoths, a unit of troggoths that are either a smaller unit of 5 (that roll up into mossy stones and roll around) or one big trog that has a whole burial mound on his back (and maybe carries a dead gitmob boss in a necklace around his neck for buffing?) Inspired by burial mounds associated with roaming nomadic cultures. A Snarlfang battlesleigh instead of a normal chariot for a bigger kind of mounted unit. A unit of 5 gitmob goblins on stilts with big long scythes that walk around picking off units in tall, plains grass (Gitmob Kosyniers?)(Scythes that look like this, just a reference picture) A more elite, armoured unit equipped with armour inspired by persian cataphracts and mongolian warriors. These guys would be in units of ten, I imagine them with either long scimitars and gitmob shields or with polearms/glaives inspired by the chinese guandao. I can't come up with a name for these. I wouldn't want gitmob to be a retread of gloomspite so I tried coming up with a more elite side for the whole gloomspite tome that isn't all monstrous infantry units like trogs and aren't pets like squigs.
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