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Everything posted by pitzok

  1. There's been removal of units from the Index in the Codex already in 40k, so I guess a slot in the Index isn't really a sign that the unit is safe.
  2. Man I was hoping to pick up the Flesh-eater one but I already have the army box and i don't need another 10 Cryptguard nor a Varghulf. I was really hoping to see a more varied box like they did for Soulblight which is probably one of the best ones out there. You can't have everything I guess.
  3. I personally don't agree with the sentiment that Gitmob fit with Kruleboyz stylistically. When you look at the snarlfang riders all their details evoke a feeling of being well crafted with a lot of care put into them, opposed to Kruleboyz weapons and armor looking like they were shoddily bashed together and using flayed skin for clothing and banners. Honestly Gitmob look the best at crafting weapons and armor from all the greenskins, and if not best then the most caring for aesthetics. Look at their wicker banner or leather armor for their mounts. No other greenskin would have the patience to sit down and make something like that.
  4. I'm torn between Gitmob being their own tome, maybe along with Grotbag and them staying in Gloomspite. I have a pretty large Gloomspite force and I'd like for them to expand on Spiderfang more because I'd like to run some spider riders which I think haven't aged well at all but I also want more Gitmob units to play around with and synergize between each other without getting into a whole new army. In any case more green is always better in my book.
  5. Oh, lanky fast troggoths wasn't something I thought about before, that sound really fun, maybe smaller ones on 40mm bases? Packs of them could form mounds when sleeping.
  6. Speaking of Gitmob unit speculation I was thinking maybe they could get a unit on stilts with long sickles to pick off enemies in tall grass. Also for a foot unit I'd like to see a heavier armored unit with weapons similar to ogre ironguts (maybe they followed the ogres around for a while) to keep it unique from repeating night goblin hordes. Also I agree for cavalry to be battleline but if so they should've gone ahead and sold them in 10's instead of 5's. And it might be boring but I'd also see them getting their own troggoths, I just don't really like the concept of golems but elemental spirit trapped in masks used by shamans that would be cool. A giant sandworm for a monstrous (leader) unit would also fit great with the whole Mongolian death worm thing. Edit: Also they need a bard musician character that sings Mongolian throat songs, maybe it could be a priest unit or like a warchanter. If they got their own invocations he could be summoning sandstorms that are made of wolves or making giant worms appear from the ground.
  7. We're on a 2 week preorder window (which is really annoying for me personally) so it wouldn't surprise me if they updated the app on the saturday after this one.
  8. Tbh it's not really an issue at my store, where often there are events taking place at 1000-1500 or even 750 points to boost community engagement. But maybe it's an exception to the rule.
  9. Cool new Callis and Toll artwork from warhammer instagram (sorry for the bad merge)
  10. On rules, for the love of all that is green I hope magic stays. It will probably be moved to other phases but I wish they don't go into the same direction as 40k. I also hope they keep more of the unique abilities of units like the marrowscroll herald or hand of dust because it's really fun and flavourful. I honestly hope they go more into customisation like Old World rather than smoothing all the edges like 40k.
  11. I mean yeah, I haven't really gone into the lore of kruleboyz that much but it's sad to see a killaboss on great gnashtoof without a unit of lesser gnashtoof to lead, and there's room for flying cav and other monsters too I was just thinking of filling missing roles in the roster.
  12. Other than a gnashtoof unit i hope we also get a juvenile troggoth unit (marshcrawla or mirebrute, doesn't really matter to me) that has a breakanob handler, that would be an awesome heavy infantry option.
  13. Well, they're almost useless with a 4" move. But the fun part is when you knock them down they stand right back up.
  14. With 40k's current points values, trust me, it's not gonna be a better deal.
  15. I'm actually a big fan of the leg poses, because they look more like they're this unstable shambling construct. They look less dancey in real life. But yeah I'm not touching grave guard until someone comes out with a good 3D print or GW updates them. I hope it's what's next for soulblight, if not a deadwalkers update.
  16. Depends on what you view as quality, I'm not an old warhammer fan but I like to look at older warhammer books and media and the stuff from way back I feel has a lot of people wearing rose tinted glasses. It's all incredibly silly, even more silly than newer lore. I think that there isn't much of a quality decrease in lore written today than lore written back then, in some aspects I'd say the writing has matured a bit, the only thing that really bothers me is all the jargon that GW makes up to make things easier to copyright. I personally really enjoyed the narrative of the Arks of Omen campaign and Dawnbringers too, especially some of the short stories that really shine a light on underused characters (I really liked the part when they showed Astreia's childhood, I honestly felt that I could relate to a character from a faction I previously viewed as soulless)
  17. What about the monthly vampire lord tax?
  18. All this mech talk sounds like aos could be kinda going Warmachine/Hordes stylistically.
  19. Picture these guys but stormcast, would be totally awesome.
  20. Yeah, the book has a bit of a narrative where the court of a certain ghoul king (I don't recall the name) abducts a mortal painter and forces them to paint portraits of various nobles in the court, and while they at first paint them as they see them, they slowly give into the delusion and start painting them as the upstanding nobility that they see themselves as. It's a nice touch with the portraits and the knowledge that they're being painted by someone in universe.
  21. This is the funniest **** I think I've ever seen when it comes to rumours.
  22. Yes the art is in the battletome, a lot of the hq's get these kinds of portraits with lore detailing them next to the portrait. (Sorry for the bad photos)
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