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Posts posted by Lengthster

  1. 10 hours ago, Nizrah said:

    Seqitors with 5+ ward should be bonkers. Evocats are better. Evocators are still evocators. Balistas are still strong.  Well, Dragons seems OP but i bet they will be nerfed soon and and i don't play buying more than 4... 

    Evocators lost their reroll 1's against shooting, empower is now just +1 to wound, lost their spell lore, and Grandstaves are 1" range meaning it's harder to run a block of 10. Ballistae went up in points and down in damage, although as pointed out before in this thread they're very versatile now and a lot more consistent. Their rapid fire isn't really any better than the longshot, but the longshot is now pretty damn good and changes how the ballista is used. Before you'd drop 3 or 4 with Ordinator down in cover within 18" but now you can kinda do whatever with them, and they don't rely so much on the Lord Ordinator now to be decent.

    I think the book is pretty decent, a lot of things got way better, but I don't think Sacrosanct stuff got better. It's nice that you don't have to take a Lord-Arcanum general now but Sequitors also went up by 15pts. But gut instinct is that Sacrosanct is worse off.


    Anyway for my first list I was thinking

    Knights Excelsior - Scions of the Storm - 1975pts

    Command Ability - Unleash Thy Hatred

    Lord Relictor 145 - General - High Priest, Translocation - Arcane Tome, Thundershock

    Lord Imperatant 175 - Mirrorshield

    Yndrasta 320

    Protectors 225

    Protectors 225 (not sure whether to run 2x5 protectors or 1x10)

    Annihilators w/ Shield 200

    Annilators w/ Grandhammers 240

    Celestar Ballista 140

    Celestar Ballista 140

    Praetors 165


    My thought process

    Ballistae sit on backfield objectives chucking their new and improved longshots down the board, Relictor shuffles our pieces around. Get protectors in the middle turn 1. From there on, use annihilators where needed, Relictor can Translocate protectors again to wherever else they might need to go, or to pluck annihilators out so they can charge again. Yndrasta helps to revive and keep main body battleshock free and deal with monsters, Praetors provide defense against all types of damage so they guard the Relictor. The Imperatant just gets the Mirrorshield, he has enough wounds to not die to something with 6 or d6 damage, he also has a ranged attack of his own which helps if you need to keep him out of melee.

    I was also thinking about swapping the Annihilators w/ shield for 2x3/1x6 Castigators for some more shooting power. Maybe help a bit more on the backfield objectives, possibly a threat to charge with unleash hell. 

    Maybe I could swap the protectors for retributors for +damage -survivability. I've got the pts to do so. Also if I'm running 2 units of 5 the range won't be an issue.

    Lemme know what you guys think.

    • Like 2
  2. 49 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Organized my initial thoughts into a tier list. Tiers are ordered as units appear in the pitched battle profiles

    S - Easily fit into many lists or defines an entire list, high impact niche

    • Celestar Ballistae
    • Judicators (Bow)
    • Vindictors
    • Gardus Steel Soul
    • Knight-Draconis
    • Knight-Incantor
    • Lord-Imperatant
    • Krondys
    • Lord-Celestant (Stardrake)
    • Annihilators (Grandhammers)
    • Protectors
    • Stormdrake Guard
    • Stormstrike Chariot
    • Vanguard-Raptors (Longstrike)

    A - Strong units with that you can form a list around

    • Liberators
    • Lord-Arcanum (Dracoline)
    • Lord-Arcanum (Tauralon)
    • Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos
    • Lord-Ordinator
    • Annihilators
    • Dracothian Guard Fulminators
    • Evocators (Dracolines)
    • Retributors

    B - A somewhat specific but still useful niche

    • Judicators (Crossbow)
    • Aventis Firestrike
    • Celestant Prime
    • Lord-Castellant
    • Yndrasta
    • Dracothian Guard Concussors
    • Dracothian Guard Tempestors
    • Evocators
    • Vanguard-Raptors (Hurricane)
    • Vigilors
    • Celestian Vortex

    C - Situationally useful niche, could be overcosted

    • Astreia Solbright
    • Stormsire's Cursebreakers
    • Knight-Vexillor (Meteoric)
    • Lord-Arcanum
    • Vandus Hammerhand
    • Karazai
    • Aetherwings
    • Dracothian Guard Desolators
    • Praetors
    • Vanguard-Hunters

    D - Significantly flawed, bad niche, maybe useful one day with a points drop

    • Sequitors
    • Knight-Arcanum
    • Knight-Judicator
    • Knight-Relictor
    • Knight-Vexillor (Apotheosis)
    • Knight-Vexillor (Stormbringer)
    • Lord-Arcanum (Gryph-charger)
    • Lord-Celestant (Dracoth)
    • Lord-Exorcist
    • Lord-Veritant
    • Drakesworn Templar
    • Castigators
    • Decimators
    • Prosecutors (Hammers)
    • Prosecutors (Javelins)
    • Vanguard-Palladors
    • Dais Arcanum
    • Everblaze Comet

    F - Don't use these

    • Vanquishers
    • Gavriel Sureheart
    • Knight-Azyros
    • Knight-Heraldor
    • Knight-Questor
    • Knight-Venator
    • Knight-Zephyros
    • Lord-Aquilor
    • Lord-Celestant
    • Neave Blacktalon
    • Gryph-Hounds
    • Steelheart's Champions
    • The Farstriders


    • S Tier - 15 (20%)
    • A Tier - 9 (12%)
    • B Tier - 11 (15%)
    • C Tier - 9 (12%)
    • D Tier - 18 (24%)
    • F Tier - 13 (17%)

    Big improvement over our last book but there are way too make units that they nerfed into oblivion like Heraldor and Azyros. Seems like an obvious push to buy new models...

    Im working on a podcast breaking down each of these rankings. After that I'll start working on something for our allegiance abilities and stormhosts

    What makes the ballistae so good? They went up in points and do less damage than before.

  3. Most of my army is Sacrosanct stuff and they weren't improved all that much. In fact a lot of it is nerfed it seems, LA on tauralon has 1 less cast, evocators lost their unique spell lore. Ballistae are worse :(. Someone point me towards the good stuff


    Edit: They're supposedly the wizard chamber but 1 cast/unbind across the board and no casting buffs. Big sad

    • Like 1
  4. GW's scheme for the Anvils would be way better if they painted the shoulder pads red too IMO. There are good ways to incorporate your colours into most SC models. My scheme is basically anvils but white instead of black, composition-wise my army is consistently red around the shoulders and shield. Then plumes, robes, capes etc are red too. Black and white can be pretty dull on their own and I find that my models look more 'complete' when I add the other colours. Leaving them with white shoulder pads just looks unfinished for some reason.PXL_20210717_091402418.jpg.13a8fa03aa478b94aaf273d3bd7424db.jpg

    • Like 3
  5. 58 minutes ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    The Warhammer Community facebook post saying all Kruleboyz models have been shown is the only thing that pushes me towards an Underworlds model. But then a seperate post said there was more to come so who knows!?

    In the currently shown stuff there is no way to get a Killboss seperately so that seems very possible too. Just not the most likely to my mind.

    WarCom Facebook lies or is just plain wrong sometimes.

    • Like 1
  6. Some general comments -

    1. Passive and deployment are unclear and need a rewrite for better clarity.
    2. I like the spell that moves and buffs the caster, but I feel like the selection needs a defensive spell. Things like Azyrite Halo or Thundershock
    3. It's hard to gauge how good anything is without points costs
    4. You haven't labelled what the weapon options are, leaving me to guess to what they're supposed to be
    5. I do really like the concept of a lot of units changing to a minimum size of 3, helps with the elite feel. But that raises many problems as it doesn't mesh with existing composition or what comes in a box. For example, Sequitors are 3-6-9 and Evocators 3-6. Sequitors come in boxes of 10 and Evocators 5. Then it becomes confusing with allocation of special weapons. Sequitor's unit leader can have a greatmace, and 2/5 normal sequitors can too. Possibly also problems with number of leaders that you can build from a box.
    6. Some unit sizes are 3-5-8, this also doesn't always match what comes in the box, and doesn't follow reinforcement conventions.
    7. Some 'Designer Notes' would be helpful, as they would help to explain your decisions to make it easier to follow along with your vision and intent behind the rework.

    I'm not quite able to sift through all of this (Stormcast have so many warscrolls lol and I'm not familiar with all the units), but a lot of this comes off looking like a nerf and some odd changes that go against the flavour of the unit. I'll talk more specifically here - 

    1. Sequitors - A very versatile battleline, they can be decently killy, or tanky depending on the circumstance with their original ability to choose between rerolling hits or a 5+ ward in the combat phase. That's gone and replaced with a spell ignore on a 6+ which doesn't seem like a good deal. Also the weapon options are strange. I'm guessing that the 2" range weapon is the greatmace and the other is for sword/mace and shield. The greatmaces aren't that killy, and the shields aren't that tanky. The leader gets an amalgamation of both weapons with the damage, wound and reach of the greatmace, and the rend and attacks of the hand weapon. Normally the leader just gets the same weapon but an extra attack, makes things simple, especially if you run these guys in MSU of 3, you have to roll 2 separate attack types for each one which kind of beats the point of equipping them all with the same weapon
    2. Evocators - Both weapon options have 2" range and same attacks, I'm guessing option 2 is grandstaves, they wound less but deal double the damage, doing the maths, the grandstaves are better in all cases, except for anything that reduces damage by 1 (which isn't common). Also their ability is way less exciting and harder to use. Evocators current role is to quickly delete something and not stay in prolonged combat as they don't have any defensive abilities, save for a decent save and 3W. The only defense they have is rerolling 1s to save against shooting, which helps them keep their numbers up for when they get into combat, as their chain lightning damage scales with the number of evocators left in the unit. They are also very good on their own without support and I find them really fun, I run a block of 10, 5 sword and stave in front, 5 grandstaves in the back. After attacking you get to roll a fat load of dice and deal a bunch of mortal wounds.
    3. Annihilators - Ruleswise, I like that annihilators are tankier making them more of an anvil, but flavourwise, annihilators are supposed to drop down like a meteor and charge something with great force.
    4. Praetors - You've made their unit size 5 but you get 3 of them in Dominion. They're supposed to be elite so I don't understand why you've mismatched the unit number and worsened their save. Also I'm not sure about making their ability 100% consistent and usable on anybody and then giving them a general 5+ FNP. Praetors weakness is to target them first and this kind of circumvents that by just letting them ignore anything on a 5+. It also mitigates the Stormcast weakness to Mortal Wounds a bit, whether that's a good or bad idea, I don't know.
    5. Ballista - maybe it's better, but it's certainly less flavourful without the d6 hits ability.
    6. Castigators - Lots of room for improvement over the original rules here, cool models and flavour but they're so bad (the original rules). They shoot vials filled with dracoth breath from these massive crossbows, I don't think 3 attacks quite fits, and I don't quite understand why the 2 profiles so vastly differ from one another, they feel like entirely different weapons. I reckon they should have the every hit = d6 hits ability too, to symbolise the exploding projectiles.
    7. Heroes - so many have downgraded save stats, can you explain your reasoning behind that? Is it to match the type of armour they're in? I get that, but it does make our heroes very squishy. Especially things like the LA on Tauralon, 4+ save is poor for something that can't benefit from Look out Sir or Cover, and 6+ ward doesn't do much.
    8. The -1 to hit for units mounted on gryph chargers is pretty neat and flavourful
    9. I do like that the weapon profiles are very diverse, so often GW defaults to good combat unit = having 3+ hit/wound -1 rend, then damage and number of attacks vary with unit type.
    10. The wizards being able to easily attempt to dispel endless spells seems pretty oppressive, I haven't played against them much, but it seems too easy to get rid of them with these abilities.
    11. Lord Imperatant losing their grpyh-hound buddy is pretty sad. Him having the same weapon profile as a sequitor is also pretty sad.
    12. Lord Commander, this is the leader of an entire Stormhost and they've got a 4+ save, also the same ability as the Imperatant to duplicate commands. Speaking of which, valid target would cause some issues, things like All-Out Attack and All-Out Defence require the unit to be picked to fight, or targeted by attacks. It is pretty cool to be able to circumvent the once per phase limit on a command ability.

    Perhaps it might be a good idea to pick a small subset of units at a time and focus on that? Like rework first forging stuff and get the fundamentals down, then add the vanguard chamber, then sacrosanct, then Thunderstrike. This is a big project due to the sheer number of units.

    Hope all of this helps and I don't come off as rude or anything it was supposed to be a quick comment but I had fun sifting through it all and thinking about the game design, so my writing is probably really patchy but it's all meant constructively. Really cool to see fan stuff like this, it gets you thinking, and I'd love to see how you iterate upon this.


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  7. 16 minutes ago, jhamslam said:

    I generally agree, but prime electrids seems fine. It just says instead of 1 , you do d3. So it means you dont have to be within 3 to do d3, it does it at range, d6 if you roll well

    Yeah that's how I've been playing it, just feels weird. I like that arcane bolt is now a lot better for combat wizards, but it's funny how a Stormcast wizard that specialises in shooting arcane bolts doesn't get any bonuses for being in combat range.

  8. Man I forgave the barebones FAQ - Translocation broken, Yndrasta + Praetors interaction not cleared up, Lord Arcanum's prime electrids also broken, no clarification on Blaze of Glory, no meaningful points changes - thinking that the new tome was right around the corner, but no, things have been broken for months now and the tome is still weeks away. It's just been really annoying. I can't paint anything for my army or put effort into listbuilding knowing it could all be for naught.

    On the optimistic side, I'm really excited to see how the rules for the knight judicator and vigilor turn out. Knight Judicator general, Vigilor batteline, castigators, lord-ordinator and ballistae, I can't wait to lose all my friends. I also really wanna see how Gryph-Hounds end up because I love those little buggers.

  9. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    They could have worded the ability something like "They can cast this spell instead of casting Empower". They chose not to do that.

    They don't need to because it says they can cast 1 spell. The rule says nothing about allowing them to cast additional spells. "Each EVOCATORS unit in your army can know and attempt to cast 1 spell from the Lore of Invigoration." It's worded badly but it doesn't circumvent the 1 cast limit.

  10. What's the controversy? It literally says above the highlighted part that Evocators are a wizard that can cast and unbind 1 spell. 1 spell. They can choose to either cast empower, or the other spell they know. Evocator warscroll says they can't cast any spells other than empower, the lore of invigoration is an exception to that, I mean it would suck for your Evocators to know a spell but not be able to cast it.

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  11. 2 hours ago, xking said:

    What's up with that Lord Commander? Don't really like the model, seems kind of plane and boring in my opinion.

    I think he's awesome, if I were to describe him with a quote it'd be "walk softly, and carry a big gun(hammer in this case)". He's got that cold confidence and is approaching slowly like Mr X from resident evil or something. I'm just sad that I don't run Hammers of Sigmar, hopefully there is a generic version of him I could use.

  12. 2 hours ago, lare2 said:

    Disheartening to read the opinions about Sequitors. Recently converted up a LA on foot to run 2x5 to cover battleline. Was thinking 2 wounds with a 5+ fnp sounded pretty tasty. 

    Sequitors are my backbone and are really versatile even in MSU, they can be tanky if you need them to live, or pump a bit of extra power into them. Their attacks are alright on their own, so I usually default to their ward save, unless I need them to kill something immediately and they won't be killed first. 4+ save that can easily be brought to 3+ with a 5+ ward is great, not to mention that they can actually hit back.

    I haven't been playing for long but I tend to win my casual games (80% winrate across 15 games). Even did well in some small tournaments (still sorta casual), 2-1 in a 1k tournament (my first 3 games ever) and 3-1 in a 2k tournament, losses were against Tzeentch and Lumineth.

    I run a lot of Sacrosanct stuff plus heroes like the Castellant, Veritant sometimes etc, slowly testing some Dominion stuff out. In comparison, the other Stormcast player here runs a lot of first forging stuff, I'm not sure on his record overall but both times I've played him (during the tournaments), I've won. I'm just one data point but I like Seccies :)

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  13. All these weird things are fun for us to do, Yndrasta with praetors, Lord Arcanum stacking for maximum explosions, moving after translocation, but they're too strong and I don't think they're intended. Yeah you can play with them, but don't expect to be making any friends if you do. It's one thing to lose to an army with a strong book, but it feels worse when people scramble for cheese like that.

    • Like 4
  14. 37 minutes ago, lare2 said:

    Love the new praetor models and thinking of how to run them. I know there's conjecture about how they protect Yndrasta so want to avoid running them with her. Also, she's too quick really so only really see them protecting a foot hero. Anyone had any luck with them? I was kinda thinking of two routes - protecting someone like a Relictor to try and secure Pillars of Faith or have them protecting a combat hero to cause merry hell. 

    You can also set them to guard someone with a big enough base so that they don't actually have to get into combat. The best way for someone to deal with a hero guarded by praetors is to kill the praetors first. Example is mounted heroes on oval bases, Stardrakes or Tauralons. They're all a lot faster, but since the praetors won't be charging they can run to keep up.

    For on-foot heroes, a lot of them seem to have the same amount of fightiness, but I reckon the imperatant is a pretty good choice, even the Gryph-Hound can slightly extend the Imperatant's "base size" to help the praetors stick to him.

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  15. So with all the emphasis on Monsters in GHB2021, what's the best way of going about it? I feel like Yndrasta is an auto-include, but I'm wondering whether we skip monsters to deny some tactics/strategies or try and make use of the realm spell with wizards? I'm also wondering if we'll get a new monster or if we'll have to settle for Stardrakes and Tauralons. With all the monster stuff, do you guys think Tauralon is good now? Maybe Praetors can help keep it alive. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Tizianolol said:

    Guys do you know when new models are aviable on tts? Thx a lot!

    They're made by the community so it might take some time. From what I can tell, most are made from the 3D rotating view on the GW site, which is basically like 3D scanning, you gotta get the model then prepare it for textures and stuff it seems pretty involved.

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