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Posts posted by Deakz28

  1. 1 minute ago, Feii said:

    CC models do have standalone AoS warscrolls and were marketed that way, noboody said that yeah they are getting AoS warscrolls but you cna only play them together which is another rule. Warbands have the rule on their warscroll CC models don't. 

    I think one of the leaks said the wolf can be played separately but everything else together, cc says altogether... but I think they will be in the tome nonetheless, since they were to be released a few months apart, which then they may allow radukar (hopefully vyrkos) to be taken alone, or the vyrkos bloodline makes taking them all worth while

  2. I think.... destruction has finally swayed me... mega vagrants almost took me but now I know what’s after soulblight... think I’m going to paint Kragnos with a more eshin  grey/charcoal black skin/fur tone, keep the red fur otherwise, think it’ll give a more menacing vibe! Absolutely blown away last night by the vamp reveals and kragnos! Thought there would be more but can’t complain! Super cool stuff coming our way! 

  3. 1 minute ago, Ratboy genius said:

    If it's not clan eshin piloting a sky grot ship with malerion riding on it casting idoneth endless spells onto the silent ones we riot!

    Ah yes the new lion on plastic thunder hawk meme... yes aos is the future! Warhammer 40what? 

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  4. 1 minute ago, Raptor_Jesues said:

    i am putting on my armor right now. Me and some fellow aristocrats are ready to take the local GW store by storm 

    Please don’t I work in a war store, unless it’s not mine... in which case... have at it! 😂😂

  5. Just now, Tiberius501 said:

    Damn, I’m all out of reactions today, been lolling at too many comments. Just assume I’m liking and lolling at all your posts!

    This just happened to me 😂😂


    2 minutes ago, Raptor_Jesues said:

    just give me abhorash and nobody gets hurt

    Would’ve reacted to this... but this is my dream reveal for tonight! 

  6. 20 minutes ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    @Deakz28 I predict that there will be absolute carnage with Kragnos, Kroak, the Slaaneshi Twins, Gordrakk, the Sylvanth, and the Stormcast beating the snot out each other....

    ....and then in a brief snippet in the background we see Malerion say, "And that, Be'lakor, is how you do a 'Just As Planned.' "

    Please... tell me you have inside knowledge! Whitefang please prove this to be true 😂😂

  7. 32 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    So I always enjoy doing my predictions... which are typically some silly variation of Malerion doing something dope!

    But for today I will go more subtle and say we are getting a full reveal of Kragnos and Soulblight. A little dash of Underworlds hopefully the IDK warband and something Warcry related. Then at the end we will see a silhouette of a Stormcast with a strangely familiar helmet design astride some kind of fantastic noble steed, with text telling us to tune in on Saturday for a big reveal...

    Come Saturday we see Malerion hanging ten a surf board... the first of many variants of Malerion king of cool!

    Ah dude... what lengths I would go to to see a malerion reveal.... 

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Dreddships said:

    With OBR the 'redux' Tomb Kings,

    If the Gitmob is the spiritual 'redux' Oldhammer Orcs,

    And the 'Stormcast Knights' is the spiritual 'redux' of Bretonnia,

    Have we almost finished the arc of 'what happened to the squatted factions go?' 

    I don’t see there being that many left, only shadow elves and maybe a couple others I’m missing but I doubt any are major other than Malekiths/malerions side to the elves... I definitely see them arriving in 3rd... I’ve been waiting since aos began for their return... but the vampires certainly have filled that void for now! Can’t wait for all the reveals! I know I’m gonna be blown away regardless of how much/little is shown! 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Aleser said:

    Next weekend preorder predictions? I am going with WU warbands as they are meant to be released in may. Maybe both at same week



    Pretty sure it’s the Necromunda starter set, but they may add a couple more things possibly the Ork set! I think gravelords will definitely come out this month, the model of the month and white dwarf suggest it. But I could definitely see this set coming out alongside a release too! 

  10. 16 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I'm going with Saturday for the 3.0 reveal. There's two days dedicated to 40k even without a new edition coming so these Days can't be 'that' packed. 

    Presumably there's still a sizeable chunk of Soulblight to reveal, as well as the contents of BR: Kragnos to discuss, which I imagine will take up almost the whole thing.

    I think it'll come down to how long these Days actually are. Their Previews usually last an hour and with this one starting later than usual (6pm GMT as opposed to the usual 2pm) I doubt they'll be running for long.

    I think they’ll still be at least an hour, I think the time change is because it’s the first time of online warhammer fest, and it meets so many people as they finish work (uk at least) 

  11. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    A bit of context we could show us the next Saturday.




    We can expect a new animation video, two models, a new centerpiece, rules and extended narrative.

    My only worry is that when 9th was announced they made it clear it was a 40K preview, why now hide the aos 🤔 like they clearly don’t mind showing us more than one day of the same game... I still believe Saturday is 3rd just perplexed to why the mystery this time 

  12. 32 minutes ago, Ghoooouls said:

    I was convinced the mother of sorrows was a kitbash, but the more I look at it, the more I think it's a new model. Not too keen on the hybrid/centaur style thing and the bat wings being used like a walruses flippers but it's impossible to tell from the blurry pic, I could fall in love when seeing good quality.

    I also think one of the unsolved rumour pics could be her 'bat/wolf/centaur' feet. The one with the animal foot perched on some kind of scenery? Anyone got that?

    Yea this is true, I’m keeping an open mind since the rumour is it can build a generic version of whatever she is, and if I don’t like her version I may like that one, although the more I look the more I like it hahah! Rare for warcom to leak their own stuff! 

  13. 2 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    I can't remember if they're from Cursed City's announcement or release, but I'm leaning towards the latter. The only reason I consider them credible is how unlikely it would be to guess a vampire centaur named character as a centerpiece.

    That's a screenshot of a recap of leaks that are older. I remember the original post, but I never bothered saving it because it was made around the same time a bunch of other people were "leaking" stuff.

    I mean I hope it’s true, but also hope it’s not... I want more vamps to feast even though there’s loads already! 

  14. 15 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    This is a repost of leaks that were first posted around the time Cursed City dropped

    Based on that White Dwarf page and Grave Guard apparently sticking around, they look to be the most accurate SBGL leaks we have


    I unfortunately think this one is one of those that while probably true isn’t a real leak, the wolves considering they’re off the webstore seem obvious and we know the new model since warcom leaked it themselves, the other things like Arkhan are just filler and obvious, and I think the preview will not only be wolves and the new mother model, I think at least a couple more things a new unit and hero to join them will be it, and this was posted today after all these things, seems abit suspect for a leak, it’s almost definitely true, but we already know that anyhow, but I think the person themselves hasn’t seen the book, plus all the cursed city rules are out too so no extra credibility for those mentions either

  15. 1 minute ago, pixieproxy said:

    Was this originally posted before or after Anika and Kritza were shown?

    From the date at the top it was posted today, I’m not going to take to these rumours, they seem a bit obvious and it would mean the only new things are this huge model and wolves, I think there will be at least one more hero and maybe a new unit

  16. 26 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Beast Snaggas for 40K Preview. Also what is that Shadow?


    Probably the new war boss or character they’re getting, he had in the video a huge skull of some sorts around his head, like a helmet, and one on his shoulder, both had horns/tusks so I’d assume given them positions of both spikes it’s the character/war boss 

    • Like 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Verminlord said:

    I think tyrion is being saved for the counter release to umbraneth aka malerion's dark elves

    This actually makes a lot of sense, just feel like broken realms may continue into 3rd but then that could mean different gods will show up or none at all and just pivotal characters 

  18. 1 minute ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    For me its the Shadow Elves. We kinda know that AOS3e is coming, and getting another new faction annoucement before that? That seems unlikely.

    True, like they will certainly come but the timing is a bit off, they’ll be like next year earliest 

  19. 2 minutes ago, JustAsPlanned said:

    I’m hesitant to believe that schedule simply due to the inclusion of “new Lumineth model”. I can confidently say that there is no way in all the realms that they would be getting anything this soon. If they do, I will eat my (exceptionally pointy) hat!

    The only possible thing is Tyrion... broken realms Tyrion... anyone? 
    however I do sit in the extremely unlikely rumour side!

  20. 1 minute ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    I don't know why, but I feel like we have seen this exact list before last year for warhammer fest.

    If this were to be true and shadow elves/umbraneth I imagine the big model would be malerion, or fulgrim for 40K but who knows

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