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Posts posted by RetconnedLegion

  1. 2 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    There's a certain intoxicating flavour of nostalgia that comes with old models that are ugly as sin. The old massive-crab-clawed Daemonettes, from Fantasy Battle's fourth edition I believe, are never going to win any Best Model contests. But I love them just the same, and still use them when I feel like it! 

    It’s why I still have the original Mandrakes in my collection. Some things are so horrendously bad they loop around into being good.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Something I always thought was a bit odd about the Chaos Dwarfs is that they're not very chaotic. They were all about industry and organisation. I wonder if that will change... 

    Chaos (big c) =/= chaos (little c). 

  3. 1 hour ago, Mr_Whateley said:

    How many of you like the concept of a "necromunda like game" but actually don't play Warcry?

    Because we, the players (at least all my gaming circle) are comfortable with the game, would like minor tweaks (and don't like the removal of our warbands, because we have a lot and don't want them to become unplayable).

    Again, my point being: Are you playing Warcry these days and think Necromunda style would be better, OR you don't play Warcry and think Necromunda rules would make you enter the game? Thanks for your responses in advance.

    I play Warcry for Warcry and Necromunda for Necromunda. I don’t want Warcry to be a reskin of Necromunda because there already is Necromunda.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    What ? Witch Hunters, chaos dwarves and squats all had a very official army book in their time (different editions of 40k and Battle). Fimirs had very official rules too in very old books.

    What you're saying is not true. GW did remove these entire miniature ranges at the time, render non official their factions to be able to play for years before some came back and it had the same impact on their respective communities too at that time.

    Witch Hunters are Sisters of Battle, no squatting just a rename, Chaos Dwarfs didn’t have an army book, we had a collection of White Dwarf articles and there was no Codex Squats because they stopped being sold at the start of 2nd edition, not 3rd. Fimir were a handful of models. A far cry from removing a full range of plastic miniatures.

    Regardless it’s a moot point. The dropping of small ranges of mostly metal miniatures in the early ‘90’s is hardly a trend when it’s literal decades before its done again.

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I found the point Tom Lyons made on the most recent Warhammer Weekly pretty interesting. His idea was that the removal of the Stormcast Sacrosanct models is explained by a shift in product management of the Stormcast line. Sacrosanct would have been sculpted and put into production during a time when the overall plan for Stormcast potentially still was for them to be fantasy Space Marines, with all that would entail. Specifically, with separate kits and books for different Stormhosts or Chambers.

    The realities of how the AoS player base interacts with Stormcast turned out to be so that this plan had to be changed. Looking at the current wave of Stormcast, with its focus on refreshed models and a new unified aesthetic, So the shift would be from Stormcast as a huge faction with potentially books and model lines for its individual subfactions to a more regular faction that works like everyone else.

    Entirely possible, and I imagine the continuous production woes for the last several years played a significant role. I think it’s certainly clear something has changed in GWs plans for supporting products.

  6. 2 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

    Just seems like they could sell a steady stream of them, especially to new players.

    Timmy, "What's a D3?"

    GW staffer, "Buy this!"


    Maybe the markup isn't high enough on such a product, but there are a lot of D3rolls in GW games. I was thinking they could just be generic non custom dice, like the D6 they sell in a cube. 

    I own several D3’s because they came with Warlord Games ‘Gates of Antares’. After the initial novelty wore off, they’ve lived in my dice tub unused. It’s simply far easier to roll one of your many, many d6s and halve the result then to bother taking additional special dice.

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  7. 14 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Yeah, but role-wise, what is the difference between a Lord Important and Bastian? It is basically the same. That's where I think Celestants, Mr Importants and Commanders clash. One gotta go, IMO.

    The fact I’ll need to see a flow chart before I even know who’s in charge of what and reports to whom is evidence of this.

  8. 9 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Yeah, a lot of the talk about which factions are "safe" kind of reminds me of this endless cycle I see mainly in 40k. A certain faction hasn't gotten any refreshes in a while, people constantly whine about how neglected they are, GW finally gets around to updating said faction, people move onto complaining about the next faction that hasn't gotten an update.

    That cycle is why the Beastcull has surprised so many. Despite some claims, the GW model has typically been to leave armies for substantial amount of time and then add something or refresh the range. “Squatting” a whole army, rather than the occasional unit, isn’t common at all.

    Nor is dropping a range of plastics after only six years. The fact my Catachan army is still based around a kit released in the late nineties is an example of how the opposite has been the norm, that plastic kits linger.

    As a Bonesplitterz player, did I expect new models? Nope. Did I expect a brand new Battletome exclusively for them? Nope. Did I even expect them to be on the store shelves at my local GW? Nope. I expected them to remain as is, maybe updated rules with the next Orruk book, online only to buy. But still available. 

    That for GW was the norm. Instead there’s a rules update but I can’t buy anything new for my collection. It’s literally the case where I WANT to give GW money, and I can’t.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Life in the mortal realms are sad if your favourite factions are Spiderfang, Bonesplitterz, Gitmob and Wanderers. At least Ironjawz are here to stay.

    Which is ironic because it wasn’t too long ago that the consensus among my friends was that Ironjawz were definitely going to go because GW had done so little with them for years.

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  10. 54 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Also about this bit. GW PART of the hobby. It is not the only thing played out there. There are other games where you can use the same minis.

    The counter to that, however, is I don’t want to play other games. I want to play AoS and I want to collect and paint Bonesplitterz models to do it. Something that now has a time limit. Yeah digital battletome and then legends lets me play for hopefully at least an edition or two, but I won’t be able to buy the models without trawling second hand sites.


  11. 4 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    Ok, so having a lot of auxilary units in your list isn't a great idea with that in mind.

    Based on my past luck with 40K etc, I can almost guarantee I’ll find out the army I want to collect will end up being auxilaries. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Khorne already had his go at having his own Beastmen, back in... what was it, 5th edition? 6th? Something like that. 

    No more beasties for Khorne. 

    In a completely different game system. It’s like ruling out anymore Kharadron sky ships because Squats had them in Epic.

  13. 6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:



    I am 100% certain Ogors are staying. We couldve had the exact same arguement for Seraphon or Skaven getting the chop but BOC has people in flight mode.

    Theyre going nowhere.


    That’s the biggest impact of the Beastcull: uncertainty. We’re all left unsure our factions are safe for the long haul. I anticipate we will see rumours of “X or Y is going” for the foreseeable future. 

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  14. 34 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    Even at my most cynical, that 4chan leak seems pretty silly.

    The Chaos Dwarf bit alone feels wrong; working with the TWW crew to bring Azgorh to Total Warhammer, releasing the Horns and Hobgrots as extremely obvious Chorf teases, and bothering to include them as a Legends army for TOW when they were barely a thing for the majority of Fantasy all points towards "GW would like to sell some Chorfs in the near future"

    How could they possibly decide to lay that much groundwork and then decide "wow we chose to sculpt these brand new figures as racist caricatures" when, if we assume the Perry twins acted in good faith when they sculpted them, they were never intended to be offensive to anyone. And, frankly, the Perrys have enough good-looking historical sculpts under their belts that I doubt it.

    That and “Legions Imperialis is underperforming” makes me say bullplop too. Selling out of every single release, as soon as new stock comes in, does not indicate underperforming. 4chan tried to spread the same nonsense about Adeptus Titanicus.

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  15. On 4/7/2024 at 2:02 PM, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Well, to be fair, these greedy baddies have said that we can do exactly what we like with our miniatures. They've made it perfectly clear that there's still going to be rules for everything. It's just a fraction of players who are really affected by the decision to restrict what's allowed at official events. 

    In the case of Sacrosanct and Bonesplitterz it’s also a case of availability. If I want to add to my Maniaks in the future, I’ll be trawling eBay for them, something that’ll increase in difficulty and cost the further on we go. Having done that for years with Chaos Dwarfs, I can tell you it can really hurt your motivation for a project. 

  16. 1 hour ago, The Red King said:

    Bringing them back from where? I mean I know it's now what you meant but also they're literally not gone as they will continue to sell them for ToW.

    That’s what’s going to be difficult about the boosting Legends play route. If i buy some beasts in solidarity, that sale is a tick for The Old World - so any increase in sales sends the message that it was the right move them to TOW. But conversely, if I don’t buy Beasts, that’s a sign they aren’t selling, sending the message there’s not enough demand.

  17. 2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I agree, factions that are legacy in TOW don't have to worry about being removed from AoS.

    The path for legacy factions to graduate to core faction status is by having their old kits re-released instead, which I think is very possible for Vampire Counts. They have a bunch of old models that some people might want.

    That, I think, is the key issue for whether or not an army returning to TOW affects AoS factions. Soulblight have had new models for most of their core units, and said new models wouldn’t work ranked up on square bases and have their own design language distinct to AoS - a Soulblight Vampire doesn’t look like a Van Carstein of old - so even if Vampire Counts return to TOW they should be relatively safe bar Graveguard and Black Knights.

    Compare that to our sadly departed armies, who never had an AoS refresh and so still had their WHFB aesthetic. If GW want to keep the two ranges from crossing over, then removing Beasts of Chaos was the only option. 

    Seraphon are the faction my friends are currently discussing. They, and Gloomspite, differ from Soulblight because they have had new models but the WHFB aesthetic is pretty much unchanged from their Lizardmen and Night Goblin origins. If Lustria ever becomes part of the plans, i do wonder what their fate will be.

  18. 11 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I hope they are very dynamic, as the current clanrats are still very good, it would be a shame to have them in the same style as the ones they are removing.

    Although as you need lots of clanrats, the danger is that to dynamic poses, would look a bit ackward if you have to many of the same dynamic pose in a unit. With the current clanrats, the clone feeling isn't there simply because they all have the same forward moving pose. If they have a to acrobatic pose it will much more noticeable.

    Lol, I don't know if I explained it well what I am trying to say.

    Yeah I get what you mean there. We’ll have to see what GW comes up with. My own additional preference is that they aren’t all leaping over bits of scenery. 

    • Like 1
  19. I’d imagine the biggest risk to Underworlds is another wave of issues around getting cardstock components printed. Otherwise I think the game itself is largely safe, even if individual warbands don’t last long.

    Likewise Warcry has turned into AoS Kill Team, a way to release kits that don’t necessarily justify being made a full AoS release. Those that sell well will likely make the shift to a proper AoS release - Darkoath being the best example for AoS.

    The factions at risk are those that still use a large number of WHFB leftover kits. That means the non-Human Cities units and Ogors for the most part. Skaven are getting their refresh, Ogors are rumoured for one, but Cities Aelfs and Duardin are likely to vanish with the next Battletome.


  20. 1 minute ago, Garrac said:

    Skavens are rats, and rats come in swarms. When a group of skavens is going to battle, they almost lose all their sense of individuality under the supervision of a cruel lord until ****** starts crumbling down. That's why they have so many LD rules.

    Skavens are not just brown goblins with fur, please.

    None of which is equivalent to them all striking similar poses, linking up their shields and marching forward in a neat block. But agree to disagree, and we will see what GW brings us tomorrow.

  21. 1 minute ago, michu said:

    On the contrary - their limited poses added to the swarm feel. There's so many of them that there is little space for individual clanrat.

    Different strokes for different folks. When reading Skavenslayer etc I never once pictured the Clanrats etc. neatly forming up and marching forwards together ( Stormvermin being the exception)

  22. 3 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Skaven are a swarm army.

    Which is why they should be in a multitude of poses not neatly ranked up. Ironically this is also why Beastmen never quite fitted WHFB for me. In a game of square, ranked units their background was an ambushing, charging in a horde from the woods force. Which fits AoS playstyle far better than Fantasy.

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