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Posts posted by Darnok

  1. Sorry for some sort of double post, but this fits so much better over here:


    On 7/23/2021 at 10:07 PM, EnumaEilish said:

    The GW article on TOW has a date marked on it's calendar. It shows a 30 day month that starts on a Tuesday with the 23rd marked. The only days through 2025 that fulfil these criteria are November 23rd, 2022, and April 23rd, 2025, giving us an optimistic release date and a pessimistic one. Unless one is silly enough to believe that GW would just create a stock asset showing a general release date with no deeper meaning.

    TOW Release Date.png

    Only problem being... this is incorrect.

    Looking for coming months that fit this scheme - i.e. 30 days, starting on a Wednesday - you end up with September 2021, June 2022, November 2023... stopping at October 2025. Not April!

    While I do not believe for a second this September 23rd will be the release date, it might very well be the date of the next TOW preview - possibly including an actual release date.

    June 2022 is pretty too soon in my opinion, it has one major benefit over November or October though: it is a "classical" release month. November in particular is pretty much impossible, since at that point GW has the Christmas bundle boxes up. October is not as unlikely, but would still be a bit odd. It would also be over four years away - while I am not the most optimistic person in general, I'm not that pessimistic here.

    To be honest, I consider June 2022 not that unlikely all things considered. It fits as a "major product release slot" and also adds up with the "more than two years off" comment in the original announcement back in November 2019. With the other options being either too soon or unfitting for other reasons - and doubting that GW has dropped this bit without any meaning whatsoever - I guess we are in for either some major news this September or the games release next June.


  2. On 7/23/2021 at 10:07 PM, EnumaEilish said:

    The GW article on TOW has a date marked on it's calendar. It shows a 30 day month that starts on a Tuesday with the 23rd marked. The only days through 2025 that fulfil these criteria are November 23rd, 2022, and April 23rd, 2025, giving us an optimistic release date and a pessimistic one. Unless one is silly enough to believe that GW would just create a stock asset showing a general release date with no deeper meaning.

    TOW Release Date.png

    Only problem being... this is incorrect.

    Looking for coming months that fit this scheme - i.e. 30 days, starting on a Wednesday - you end up with September 2021, June 2022, November 2023... stopping at October 2025. Not April!

    While I do not believe for a second this September 23rd will be the release date, it might very well be the date of the next TOW preview - possibly including an actual release date.

    June 2022 is pretty too soon in my opinion, it has one major benefit over November or October though: it is a "classical" release month. November in particular is pretty much impossible, since at that point GW has the Christmas bundle boxes up. October is not as unlikely, but would still be a bit odd. It would also be over four years away - while I am not the most optimistic person in general, I'm not that pessimistic here.

    To be honest, I consider June 2022 not that unlikely all things considered. It fits as a "major product release slot" and also adds up with the "more than two years off" comment in the original announcement back in November 2019. With the other options being either too soon or unfitting for other reasons - and doubting that GW has dropped this bit without any meaning whatsoever - I guess we are in for either some major news this September or the games release next June.



  3. Looking forward to this like crazy. :x

    Keeping square bases as well as mentioning now that old armies will be playable is a great move, ensuring there will be a player base ready from day one. If the rules as described - i.e. an evolution from the 3rd-8th rules rather than something new - remains to be seen, but I remain hopeful. Worst case scenario is GW  getting it wrong - boohoo, I still have what I always had, namely the previous rules and alternative games. It is new plastic crack now though!


    2 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

    A bit conflicted about the return of square bases. One of the great things about Horus Heresy is that you can take models from this side range and plonk them in to Warhammer 40,000 without much trouble. A different basing system sends a message that this isn’t how it should be done for the The Old World.  

    Well, from GWs point of you you definitely should not do it like that. I have no doubts we will see multibases to rank up round-based models though - they exist already, GW will most likely do their own at x3 the price. I guess the parallel is more "two games set at different time periods of the same universe, with some overlap in miniatures". It's not like you can take all HH models and use them in current 40K anyway. On the other hand some stuff from AoS will always be cross-compatible: Empire, Chaos, Skaven, to name a few.

    2 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

    On the other hand, Age of Sigmar plays just fine with models on squares. I plan to continue to rebase my old Warhammer Fantasy Battles models for Age of Sigmar. I just hope The Old World doesn’t have a negative impact on the health of the main game by splitting the player base.

    I do not see how there would be a split, except for people worrying about "I can't possibly afford both games!". Most AoS tournaments demand round bases these days, but that is pretty much it - nobody can stop you using square bases anywhere else. Yes, peer pressure in gaming groups is a thing, and yes, some people will be happy ith playing one game and not the other.

    Overall though? There is no reason to not just do both. With some parts of the model range there will be overlap, with some there will not, just like with HH and 40K. Both of those are doing pretty good I think.

    • Like 3
  4. 3 hours ago, Athrawes said:

    If hero's arbitrarily don't count to you, how about psychic awakening for 40k? Eldar and Dark Eldar both got new units and new heroes, all without a new codex.

    They got new models for existing units and heroes, not new units/heroes. You make some other solid points, but this one is just wrong.

    This does not mean anything for the future though, GW rarely keeps to any one "standard procedure" for too long.

  5. 2 hours ago, Mokoshkana said:

    I don't think any rule could make that expensive finecast enticing to me haha

    Take bits from other factions, convert your own. While the old sculpts are really nice, I also would never bother with "fine"cast - but you really don't have to anyway.

  6. Who else got thinking about using old O&G models to count as Kruleboyz?

    We still have only an incomplete picture of the Kruleboyz range, but I see quite a lot of options for using older miniatures. Orcs with spear and shield, check. Orc boss on foot or mounted, check. Orc shaman, check. Some goblins on foot, check. Spearchucka, check. Hell, even the "crossbow Orcs" are covered by older models, have a look here.


    Sure, it will not be for everybody, and some cases might only be covered with a bit of handwaving. Still, to me it feels like a reasonable option for those who want to give the rules a try while not being interested in the new models (like me).

    What is your take on this?

    • Like 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, Jymmy said:

    I was thinking… in AoS you cannot stack modifiers, but in GG there is multiple abilities that gives the unit +2, that means that they are now nerfed and only receive +1?

    Some examples are the +2 saves of the Goobapalooza and the +2 wound of the stabbas.

    The +1 cap is for the total sum of all positive and negative modifiers. So a +2 is still great if you are facing something with a -1 ability - you end up with +1 in your favour, and all is fine.

  8. My FLGS still has both the German and the English Dominion box up for preorder, and they had a "preorder for preorders" list leading up to this. As many others have said, we have no insight on how much was produced, and "not selling out quickly" is not at all a sign of "selling poorly".


    As for my own two cent: the models just do not do it for me, and GW has acted too weird for my tastes lately. In short that's it.

    The Kruleboyz have some interesting design elements, and I applaud GW for re-imagining some classic designs with their current possibilities. Still, I most definitely did not ask for "weedy Orcs with a LotR look", and to me the whole "not really fighty, but a bit, but more cunning and evil(ish)" is done just so much better with Gloomspite Gitz.

    Then there are the technicalities of the models: just so much fiddly and easily breakable parts. Dammit, I want to be able to play with these without the constant fear of breaking something! Most of the Kruleboyz - and the Hobgrots in particular - have parts that will break even with all the care in the world, unless put in a cabinet forever.

    For me another serious turn-off for the Kruleboyz is the question of their rules. Will the be in the Warclans battletome? Will they have a book of their own? GW has been vague about this, and thus I am left scratching my head.

    As for the  Stormcasts? They are looking good, but also feel very "Primaris Eternals" to me, which I do not like at all. I have a sizable collection of SE, I like their "old" look, and I feel uncomfortable in getting their "2.0 upgrade".


    Put this all together, and I came to the conclusion to only get the big rulebook - which I like for the prospect of, and could get at a comfortable 20% off - and wait for what my other armies will get later on. Until then I have more than enough to work on, and can quit happily sit this one out.

    • Like 2
  9. 34 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    As bittersweet as it gets, another megaboss on foot, while looking cool, was just about the absolute last thing I would want... Nobody ever brings 2 and the current kit is great... At least if it was a warchanter that would be better, as the army needs 2-3 to work, with only 1 sculpt available :/

    This is exactly how LE models should be in my opinion: adding an alternative sculpt to something that is easily available already. Doing it any other way would provoke massive gnashing of teeth, and rightly so.

    • Like 12
  10. Other than ragged clothing and equipment I see no similarities between Skaven and these new models. I admit that those visual elements can give that impression as they are a strong part of both armies looks, but a factions identity is way more than just its outside appearance. There is none of the crazy steampunkish Skaven weaponry here, none of the "creature construction" aspect either. Their backgrounds have some similarities, but again not too many.

    In the end I consider the Kruleboyz to be very much their own thing, and I for one welcome their addition to the AoS world.

    • Like 2
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  11. I expect these to be in the Orruk Warclans book, to be the first battletome after the SCE one. Thematically they feel like a solid middle ground between barbaric (Bonesplitters) and heavily armoured (Ironjawz).

    Atleast that is what I hope for.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Beastmaster said:

    I’m a bit biased: I started collecting Ogors before they were souped. I wanted to create an army like a Stone Age hunting party, so it was clear from the beginning that the core should be a Hunter with his pets for tracking and a bunch of foot Ogors and a Slaughtermaster to do the killing and butchering. It was a risk, if they wouldn’t have been souped later, I wouldn’t have a playable army that fits my idea. So I’m very happy with the souping.

    The thing with Ogres is: they were split into different factions only when AoS came around. What you call "soup" now was their natural state in WHF to begin with.

    • Thanks 1
  13. I would rather see them split existing books up than merging what is out already.

    In some way CoS works for me, but still feels weird - 20 years of WHF socialisation are hard to overcome. Gloomspite Gitz work because they have always been a mix of different Greenskins plus trolls - and I still would love to see a seperate spiderrider faction book. Similar for Orruk Warclans - I applaud the game designers to make both halves play well on their own as well as together, but the models just do not mix well on a visual or background level.

    Merging Kharadron Overlords and Fyreslayers would be just a recipe for disaster!


    No, I would much prefer to see models added in a way that allows for more of the currently smaller factions to stand on their own. They all have potential to do so, it is merely a question of investing the ressources to make it happen.

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  14. I think five "hero Stormcasts" are perfectly reasonable. Make it one (unspoilered) "big boss", some wizard type, some standard type, a unit of three lesser guys (think 40K Bladeguard Veterans) - that is already five models covered plus one bigger thing to still show for Saturday.

  15. 27 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    When Whitefang affirms something without doubting, it is because he knows things...

    Pretty sure it was meant as a reference to the upcoming antagonists in the Dominion box. This could include Ironjawz and/or Bonesplitters of course. I remain doubtful until roven otherwise though.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    Coming...very soon!

    Like, several days?

    Apperently there will be new Greenskins. Ironjawz or Bonesplitters though? I don't think so.

    Don't get me wrong, this is not meant as an attack: taking your comment literally can be taken like "see, Gloomspite Gits and Spiderfang and Gnoblars get new models too!". Which is clearly not the case.

    I remain hopeful that all of them get new releases at some point, and look forward to what Saturday has in store for us.

    • Like 1
  17. 7 minutes ago, SunStorm said:

    Well as an Ironjawz player I am not being forced into using Bonesplitterz, the Orruk Warclans book allows me to still just use Ironjawz in the same way before. 

    Do I wish we'd have got some new models? Sure, but do I think it killed off or diluted the identity of my Ironjawz force? Not at all.  

    I am in a similar situation - just with Bonesplitters. The OW book is in such a weird place: two rather distinct armies, both playable on their own, as well as together. Note how I said "weird" and not "bad": I think the game designers did a really good job here.

    Having said that: both "halves" lack variety in terms of models, and they don't mix well on a visual level. I just wish they got more models sooner rather than later.

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