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Posts posted by Rotbinger

  1. 19 minutes ago, Squark said:

    Does anyone who's worked with the Corpse-rippa Vulcha kit know how practical it is to magnetize the rider so it can be run as either Gobbsprakk or a Killaboss?

    Perfect timing. I'm literally building mine right now, and thinking the exact same thing. 👻

  2. 1 hour ago, umpac said:

    Standards and musicians are exempted from the WYSIWYG rule, they are assumed to be armed with the same weapons as the rest of the unit. You don't need to convert them with spears to be legal for matched play.

    Edit: from the core rules:

    "Command models must be represented by the appropriate Citadel Miniatures. They are assumed to be armed with the same weapons as the other models in the unit unless noted otherwise, even if they are not shown on the model itself."

    Brilliant! He's getting a shield to tie in with the unit, whether he likes it or not. 😉😂

  3. Has anyone had experience building the Gutrippaz multi-part kit as spearman? I'm  curious how you got around the fact that the standard bearer doesn't have a spear option. Going by the RAW on the their warscroll, all models must be armed with the same weapon. I was thinking about just fixing a scare shield and classing the banner as a spear... after all, it does look pretty 'stikky'. 🤔

    Anyone got any thoughts on this? 


  4. 14 minutes ago, Dracan said:

    Urgh... ouch...

    Going to be a totally different looking army going forward, that also plays totally different than it currently does.

    Must admit at first glance, I am bit concerned that it might be a bit of a lemon... Hopefully I will be wrong, but if your  whole shtick is army wide 5++ with movement 4" and an allegiance ability that is having to do booking keeping for 6es to hit with max of 7 per unit per tun (never mind the resetting afterwards) then having to roll 4+ to do a mw... yeah hey not great...

    You probably just feel like that because of old rule hangover. Even though I've read very little in regards to what's coming for MoN, I think we'll be in for a treat. 😎

    Having played Nurgle since the start of 2nd ed. AoS myself, I'm pretty excited to see how the new rules shake things up. They felt very one dimensional for quite a long time in my opinion - at least compared to other armies I've played with. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, Sonnenspeer said:

    Has anyone of you a picture of the multipart Gutrippaz Boss with wicked stikka?

    So far I have only seen the one with two short "hakkas" or the one from Dominion

    I haven't see it, but I know the spears are included in the set. I'd imagine the main part of the model will be the same, with the weapon and shield being the only difference.  

    • Thanks 1
  6. 34 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

    I think he presents some really good cases for why we should not overlook Gutrippaz. And why pure Boltboys might be a trap. So yeah, bottom line is that it'll be super interesting where the army ends up in the meta.

    I actually took his advice on board tonight and ran two units of 20 Gutrippaz instead of Boltboyz screened by hobgrots.  Personally,  I felt like this list had a lot more stay in power had things not gone my way, and pushing out of my territory was a lot easier once my units had dealt with the initial charges in turn 1. Besides that, kicking out that Kruleboyz Waaagh definitely helped reduce the damage I could have potentially taken, too. It's certainly made me rethink the direction I want to go when buying more stuff for the army. 

    • Like 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, frenk_castle said:

    I bought Dominion Kruleboyz of a friend and from before I have 2x10 Savage Orruks with Stikkas. Currently looking at the rules online and in the app, still waiting for the battletome to arrive, looks like Big Waagh is the "best competitive" option if you want to run Kruleboyz. For pure lists people seems to prefer Big Yellers. Since I would like to make predominantly melee oriented Orruk army and would ideally like to run Bonespliterz solo, Kruleboyz solo and Big Waagh with combination of both what Kruleboyz subfaction after Big Yellers seems "the best"?

    Grinnin' Blades, I'd say. 

  8. Had my first proper game since the release of the Warclans tome last night against a good Hedonites player, and tabled him by the end of turn 3. 😬 Mind, he deserved it considering he's been hammering me for weeks without the book. 😂

    This was my list

    Allegiance: Kruleboyz
    - Warclan: Big Yellers
    - Mortal Realm: Ghur
    - Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery
    - Triumphs: Inspired
    Drirty Tricks: Covered in Mud
    Gobsprakk, The Mouth of Mork (300)
    Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast (315)*
    - General
    - Command Trait: Slippery Skumbag
    - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)
    - Mount Trait: Smelly 'Un
    Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot (105)*
    - Lore of the Swamp: Nasty Hex
    Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot (105)**
    - Lore of the Swamp: Da Black Pit

    6 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    6 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    6 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)*
    - Reinforced x 1

    10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)*
    10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)*

    Beast-skewer Killbow (130)**
    Beast-skewer Killbow (130)**

    Core Battalions
    *Battle Regiment
    **Grand Battery

    Total: 1965 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 106
    Drops: 5

    If anyone has any cool ideas for adapting this list, I'd love to hear them. 😊



    • Like 1
  9. 36 minutes ago, Aphotic said:

    Speaking from experience the maggoth riders are just not good. I just played in an rtt with a funsies list not trying to be competitive and while I had some chances the damage output of the riders for their cost is just obscenely bad. Drones with blades are insanely good but the rest are just horrifically bad in general..

    Nurgle right now is like playing hard mode.

    I love Bloab. Not used him in 3rd ed., though. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/15/2021 at 6:27 PM, Grimrock said:

    So I tried out a game with Maggotkin using the new rules and I have to say that the monster, hero, and command ability rules made some absolutely massive differences. I had a support Great Unclean One with bell and blade kill Dexcessa on turn one and then 100 to 0 a summoned Keeper of Secrets on turn 3. I got some lucky rolls on the keeper, but combining his command ability, mortals from the sloppity, spell mortals, charge mortals, stomp mortals, and All Out Attack  made him into a shockingly significant threat. It absolutely sucked to lose out on the warscroll battalions but I made an easy one drop list that included both daemons and mortals which was a really cool benefit. Also having all those command points throughout the game was huge for the army and made all our great command abilities seem a little more usable now. Has anybody else tried out the new rules?

    In that case, your best option would be to grab a couple start collecting sets (I think there's three at the moment) and go from there. You'll have a good mix of unit options to start things off. 😊

  11. 15 hours ago, Blair said:

    Good morning nurglings 

    So I'm thinking about building a new army, nurgle looks good to me because it looks like I can raid my bits box to build so cool looking unique dudes

    Question 1 is how do they play, what the general tactic and fell of the army

    Question 2 is what should I collect/build, I like to run a different list every game but how many is to many plague bearers and other units


    Thanks fo the help 

    They're mainly designed to capture objectives and using their resilience to hang onto them. Although they're still fairly resilient compared to some armies, the game's changed a lot since the current battletome came out, and there are armies that do this better. Truth be told, they're in need of a new book, which I cannot see being too far off now 3rd edition has dropped. 

    It all depends what you want to run. If you wanna run all daemons, you'll want a fair amount of plaguebearers to bulk out your army.

    Personally, I prefer Blightkings but I also run a unit of 30 plaguebearers too - and it's handy having some extras laying around for summoning, etc.

    What sort of things have you got your eye on?



    9 minutes ago, Hannibal said:

    But coherency rules simply make them even less of a threat.



    Yeah, I found the coherency mechanic a bit restrictive in combat situations, especially with anything over a 25mm base size. The jury's still out on that one for sure. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, meatpipeline said:

    Good point about summoning.  If you want to take a unit to sit on your own backfield objectives, literally any unit will work.  I'd try to think about what else that unit might have to do in the game (not die to someone trying to taking the object, run out to move block, screen a caster, actually deal some damage).  Nurglings don't do anything very well other than have a bunch of wounds.... their 3 bases don't even take up much space.

    Furies are chaos daemons... why GW don't they have a mark of chaos?!?!?!?!?  They do in 40k!

    I like Pusgoyle Blightlords as a way to move block, gum up the board, cap late game objectives .  Not sure about the alpha though... Doug from 2+ Tough used to have a Nurgle Pusgoyle based army that was trying for the alpha-pin... sounds like a good starting point, although now I can't find the video where he talks about it.

    Paul Conti (Radio Free Hammerhal) has a youtube video on Pusgoyles from a few months ago.  It is really good as well.

    Wicked, mate. I'll check that out. I've got a couple kicking, which I really love. Sadly I don't use them enough. I've never ran them outside the minimum unit size of two, but I wouldn't mind taking them in a bigger unit sometime. 

  14. 3 hours ago, TheBurnhead said:

    Hello, I need some tips for how to handle monsters with Nurgle. My friend has played nurgle for a long time and always struggled against monster lists (beastclaw raiders and mawtribes) but now has no idea on how to take down my other friends Sons of Behemat.
    I don't know enough about Nugle to help him and thought that I could probably find some idéas here.

    Hmm... I haven't had any experience against Sons of Behemat, so I'm afraid my any advice would be rather arbitrary.

    Has he had a look on YouTube? If you don't get much joy here, there might be something to be had from players over there. I know Rerolling Ones did a battle report between the two a while ago, where I think Maggotkin won. Might be worth a look. 

  15. On 5/8/2021 at 1:06 PM, Homer72 said:

    My Fault! I don't play with plague drones, in fact i hate the models but they are none the less great troops.

    And therefore i didn't saw the role of the LoA for buffing them!  Your list is therefore even better than I thoght.

    I like to play my Nurgle armies with 2-4

    wizards, that was the reason for taking festus instead of the LoA into the list.

    But that was, as I wrote before a fault.

    Sorry for the confusion.

    No worries, dude. 😊 I was a bit surprised when you said to drop him. 😅

  16. 17 hours ago, meatpipeline said:

    I like the look of the list.  I love using an LoA with Drones.  I would offer the following feedback:

    - The problem with Blades is that you are paying all those points for the sorcerer, who doesn't do a lot else.  Blades is a 7 to case (just of 50%) and there are a large number of powerful casters or auto-unbinds running around.  Some armies can just kill your sorcerer before he's able to cast.  There is some likelihood that you'll never be able to get Blades off.  Blades is VERY powerful, so the risk/reward is there.  I look for consistency and I'm risk averse, so for me Blades is inferior to either of buffs from Spoilpox or Sloppity.

    - I strongly dislike Nurglings.  I get what people are using them for: summoning point by being in your opponent's territory and move blocking.  I just don't think they work very well to do either.   In a tournament, you don't have control over the size/shape/location of terrain and in many cases your opponent will screen you out of those pieces based on their deployment.  A number of battleplans have huge territories, meaning after the first movement phase you'll already be in your opponent's territory anyway in which case the Nurglings did nothing.  Once the Nurglings are placed, they are SLOW.  They don't use the first movement phase, so you are unlikely to want to spin the wheel to the movement buff to get them in a location to affect the game.  In your list, Gutrot Spume does similar things to the Nurglings.  If I wanted a unit to fill the "nurgling" role, I'd look for something cheap/fast that can also be used to take late game objectives and screen my territory from teleports.  I'd probably go for a units of Furies for 20 extra points.  Furies can go a long way in one turn (move (12), charge (2D6), retreat (12+ D6) instead of combat)... so you can move them 24+D6+2D6 inches, assuming there is a unit they can charge into.

    Again, this is because I want consistent performance from my units and I am risk-averse.  If you like the play of these units, go for it.

    That's a great point on the Nurglings, actually.  Spume and his unit carry out that role so in hindsight they do seem a bit pointless in terms of scoring Contagion Points. That said, however, their secondary role of hopping onto backfield objectives and allowing my more powerful units to advance hasn't been a bad tactic for me either, but then summoned units could carry out that same role, but only less quickly. It's certainly something to think about. 🤔

    I have to admit, I'm torn on Blades, too. If it comes off it's a great addition to the list, and being that the current meta I play in doesn't feature a great deal of unbinding, it usually hangs on the cast roll as opposed to being overwhelmed by buffed unbinding. 

    Unfortunately, I don't own any furies. Although I see the benefit of running some, I do have a slight problem when it comes to running allies. It's silly, I guess, but that's where my 'purist' side creeps in. 😄

    What's your thoughts on Pusgoyle Blight Lords? I kinda like the idea of doubling down on the Alpha strike to get in my opponents face even more so than with just the Plague Drones. I doubt I'll have to worry about any hard alpha strikes myself during our games, but possibly giving them something else to chew through for a turn or two might help with early scoring. What do you think?


  17. On 5/4/2021 at 12:29 PM, Homer72 said:

    Looks pretty good but i would skip the LoA and instead taking Festus with Plague squall and may be an endless

    spell or a chaos spawn for the remainig points. If you don't have endless spells. I think the whitherstave would be a great artefact imho better than rustfang.

    But a lot depends on your enemies and the missions. But all in all you made a good list. Holding Power, fast units, deepstrike abilities all is there. Would like to read your experience with this list.

    Thanks for the feedback, mate. Out of curiosity, why would you drop the LoA? I personally find him really useful for dishing out the extra attacks on each of the drones' weapons, being that he's the only one who can keep pace with them. I think it works out at an additional 5 or 6 attacks each. 

  18. 😅 Your secret's safe with me, mate.

    In all fairness, I got a few lucky breaks during the match. I managed to get my Plague Drones powered up to the teeth before they went in, and then got the double turn and did it again.  Numbers on the table won it in the end. There was just too many bodies for the Terrorgheists to chew through, whic meant I was scoring max points for the majority of the game and my opponent wasn't.  🤷‍♂️


    • Haha 1
  19. On 5/2/2021 at 11:45 AM, Honk said:

    Try using that hook-up line in chaos chat 🤔 

    No real experience with the maggotkin rules. But it‘s the same as above, as against stonehorns, khornethirsters or others. Score, endure, try to die as late as possible in the game.

    the maw does not degrade, so the 6 mortals are a constant threat.
    Maybe go for full gardening & summoning, to score around the board. Also nurglings could be good counter, their regeneration is nice.

    delay, divert, debuff, especially speed which you have iirc. Remember, retreat back to objective is an option, he need an hero for frenzy...

    I did what you said... And won. 😁 Thanks, @Honk

    • Sad 1
  20. Hey guys - some friends and I are starting a 2k league next week. I ran this list minus the sorcerer and extra command point, but with the addition of Festus. Although it preformed pretty well, I figured the only reason I wanted Festus on the table was to unlock Blades of Putrefaction, and so I decided to drop him out for a vanilla sorcerer and the extra command point. Anybody got any thoughts on how I can improve on it? Or is Festus a better option.  All feedback welcome. :)

    (Leader x4)

    Great Unlean One

    General, Grandfather's Blessing, Doomsday Bell, Bileblade, Glorious Afflictions.

    Lord of Afflictions 



    Blades of Putrefaction 

    Gutrot Spume

    (Battleline X3)

    x30 Plaguebearers 

    ×10 Blightkings 

    x5 Blight Kings


    x6 Plague Drones

    x3 Nurglings

    Extra Command Point. 

    Total: 2000



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