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Posts posted by Hungey26

  1. 1 minute ago, SilverJelly said:

    Where did they say that on the stream. I've been trying to find it. 

    It was after the hour mark but i dont remember the exact timestamp. They mentioned that they don't have the core book FAQ or Batlletome FAQ which may change how bonereapers are.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, Hungey26 said:

    Honestly I am just excited by the prospect of those weapons. A mortek unit with rend -2 seems crazy. That being said I would love to see a full unit of all those weapons (bow, mace, halberd) as they would look awesome.

    Whelp I cannot edit the post so here goes. I am not very good at the game and have little experience but I feel like 190 pts for them seems... decent? (again not too good so cannot be sure) Seeing as Mir Kainan is just a straight up better Soulreaper (not hard to do). I assume since he is a named character he cannot be given traits and such?

  3. On 5/12/2021 at 9:04 PM, Knopers said:

    I would love to see some units for OBR in near future, but I don't have any rumours. My wishlist would be like:
    - archers
    - mortek chariot
    - mid-tier warmachine like bone bolt thrower
    - unit of executioners
    - totally unreal but maybe some kind of monstrous cavalry like necropolis stalkers from TK (riders on snakes)

    For me this nails it. Another warmachine doesn't interest me as much but the CHARIOTS are a must IMO. I need more of that TK fix.

  4. 1 hour ago, Btimmy said:

    -Archers: I don't really want them. Crawlers already fulfill this role very well, and adding more shooting to the game isn't something I personally want in light of the current KO/DoT/LRL/Seraphon meta. 

    -Shadow Skeletons: Not sure this is really on brand for the army. Teleports would be neat, but not every army needs that specific trick. OBR definitely needs SOME sort of tricks, as right now any skilled opponent can look at any OBR list and know exactly what the game plan is, but I'm not sure deepstrikes are it. 

    -Chariots: Would be great, but Big K is pretty anti-chariot in the lore, which is unfortunate.

    - Acolytes/Missiles: Like I said above, increasing shooting saturation is not something I want, and death's wizard units have always been stand-alone hero's, so not really on brand. 

    I would want more bone constructs similar to the necro-sphinx, who's job is simply to kill. A liege foot hero that is actually killy, more infantry options for battleline, such as a unit of 5 2/3wound bruiser skeletons. Morghasts need a warscroll overhaul to be even remotely worth it. 

    Spells I actually think are mostly good, drain vitality is a fairly decent spell against hordes, and arcane command is good for lower point games. Only Mortal contract is pretty meh, and empower shields got hit with the death nerf to after saves.  More offensive spells, which would give us access to mortal wounds would also be good. 

    I feel Like the ranged problem is an AOS problem in general. Its power needs to be reigned in but I don't think it should exclude us form having them. Old fantasy negatives to hit need to be reintroduce, no more shooting in melee etc would help a lot to tone down their power as well as some rebalance to key offenders. I feel like Katakros would not be stubborn enough to not see the usefulness of chariots and feel that he (although not ride in one etc) could have them in his army. Especially if nagash was kind of telling him to do so.  Otherwise I agree with your points. I actually feel like reinforce battle shields should just be a 5+ negation agains regular AND mortal wounds but that could make it a bit too strong on a big mortek blob.  I do feel we could use other battle lines. I want our bigger constructs to be able to be conditional battle line but 2 wound beefy infantry would also be very accepted. 

    I feel one or two infantry, chariots and one or two bigger/medium constructs would round us out quite well. Say archer, halberd/greatsword unit, chariot, big necro sphinx/warsphinx esque construct and 2 wound greataxe style unit (though the 2 wound could easily tread on our 4 wound models' identity).

    Also GW make morghasts better please. Give them warscroll RDP ability and just buff them in general. By the size of them I could see them at 8 wounds easily.


    7 hours ago, Btimmy said:

    I strongly disagree with the assertion that OBR's basic infantry, cav, and stalkers/guard cover all of the possible melee roles such that the only design space left is more shooting in an army that already has to bring 1 or 2 crawlers to even be competitive. I'm not terribly interested in whether or not thematically it makes sense for some skeletons to pick up bows. I am/would be disappointed that the path GW would take is, in my opinion, the least effort and most boring one. Its already annoying that the heavy infantry elite army requires a commitment of at least one maybe two crawlers to function because the army lacks any other tricks or threats apart from march up the field and fight. 

    Honestly I get where you are coming from but have you considered that we have to take crawlers because everyone else's shooting is also much too strong. AOS could have gone two routes, limit shooting on ALL armies and make it strong (but boring) or actually properly address shooting. Us getting a new archer unit doesnt fix all the super strong ranged spam armies. Having shooting units makes sense but as other have stated there shouldn't be builds removing all your characters and/or a chunk of your army just from shooting T1. Being able to do build like that AND them being the most efficient in the first place is the problem. Also we have other melee units then morteks like stalkers immortis morghasts yet these medium and big constructs don't get played as they are so outshone by the basic mortek spam. The book already has a hard time balancing our melee units internally let alone with more. Don't get me wrong I actually want a whole unit of the other warband guy revealed too, just big 2 handed axe squad sounds awesome but it certainly doesn't give as much variety as a ranged option. I will say I am also a big fan of setting limits on # of units being taken in an army but that's a whole another topic.

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