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Posts posted by Bolanferth

  1. 1 hour ago, Kronos said:

    A new-ish One for the growing Undead Army. Decided to have a bit of another go at the Varghulf, sortnof…


    Vorag Bloodytooth. Making the infamous Ghoul King but as a Varghulf, Never really understood why Strigoi Were anything but Varghulfs that have retained a vestige of their intelligence. 









    This is such a crazy collection, I feel like you could play them as an army of giants a la Sons of Behemat, if the playstyle and theme wasn't completely off.

    An absolute gallery of fantasy titans though, so cool.

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  2. That is a fearsome beast, reminds me a bit of the old wood elf stag (the big metal one for a Lord mount) but looks more like an actual animal.

    It looks like it would wreck face - not familiar with dwarf rules so hard to say what it should be, maybe an Anvil (does that mean the runesmith whacks the antlers and gets a magical bonus?). 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Acrozatarim said:

    Not quite by the painting contract rules, as I haven't painted any miniatures for months and didn't realise I'd be doing any now, but...

    Being on a bit of a creative kick after finishing up some writing drafts, and inspired by what we've been seeing of the coming edition and the new Skaven, I decided to grab a Warlock Bombardier off the shelves of Wroclaw's new Warhammer store and test out a paint scheme. I wanted to try out using Contrasts heavily, as my usual painting process is very slow, and it worked out fairly well. A day after having bought the mini, I'd already finished all the base layering and shading, then it just took a little bit of highlighting and basing to finish up. The little bit of water effect on the base took longer to cure than the rest of the mini did to paint.

    The robes did come out a bit darker and more intense in terms of colour than I was expecting, and I'll try and knock that back a bit for the clanrats/rank and file I paint a bit, I think.


    Robes look great! Really nice looking piece

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  4. A WIP of my butcher... Greenstuff work needed on the apron, missing cleaver from his left hand, and some skulls from his chain necklace. The head is from the savage orc Warboss/Warlord, which I like a lot.

    Tempted to give him warpaint, I have tried a kind of white baron samedi effect but it didn't work out. An alternative look I like is like Dhalsim from Street Fighter 2... 

    I also want to do something more interesting with my leadbelchers - currently they just have helmet-less orc heads, but I feel they need something extra, like Mohicans or different warpaint, something to make them stand out a bit.

    Finally, I have been working on a Trugg (the Troggoth king) proxy to go with my small collection of gloomspite. Based on a Reaper bones giant. He's in very rough shape at the moment, not much of a troll king, but re-positioning the limbs and building up the head is fun. 


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  5. 55 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    Facebook Old World Groups. Seems to be mostly that Some People have a grievance of how an Old Dwarf Woman Looks like - Never mind thatbit was a wip, even if I left the Leman Russ face untouched - Who’s to say what a Fictional Dwarf Woman, several hundred of years old and weathered by war looks like - I would suggest they look at veteran Women UFC fighters. My biggest issue is that no one seems to batter an eye at a grizzled old Dwarf King or Slayer. Grumble Grudge Grumble.




    Dwarf Characters- Gotrek Gurnisson, Grombrindal and Sifna Throrindottir (WIP)

    I realised I very unintentionally made a representation of the Ancestral Gods via my 3 WIP Characters - Gotrek/Grimnir, Grombrindal/Grungni, and Sifna Throrindottir/Valaya. 





    What a bunch of miseries. These guys look terrific and I love that you're recreating the pantheon, dwarfs could do with some cosmic attention in the background! 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Kronos said:

    These look cool,and pardon for hijacking your log with this post. These really remind me of Eeza Ugezod and the Mothercrushers  (Say it in yer Best Orcish). A Unit from 1985. A Notrious Regiment -  keep it up, they look Great. I think this would work phenomenally as an AoS take on Eeza, his mother Crushers, and his separate Unit, the Death Komanndos. Even the colour scheme is Identical! 


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    Thanks! That means a lot, especially coming from you, I really admire your work.

    I love these pictures you posted above, I've spent a lot of time poring over photos of old orc minis, they're so characterful. I like all the Great Orcs from Warmonger/Warlord too. 

    I wasn't interested in Ogres until I realized I could turn them into big orcs which would be easier to convert (being bigger) and quicker to build into an army.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff too! 

    • Like 1
  7. Once a bruiser BSB, now just a bull with a banner I guess?

    He has the big metal arm from an old butcher model, thought he should look tough if he has to fight one handed.

    As with most of my Ogors, lots of work to do to make him look respectable, highlights, some greenstuff work etc, but I like the pose he's in now.

    Hoping that posting these half finished minis will inspire me to finish them off, photos really do expose the most obvious issues! 


    • Like 3
  8. On 5/19/2024 at 9:16 PM, Kronos said:

    If this the case I’m sorry to report your Nan looks like Leman Russ 👵🐺

    Thanks it is still cery early days - Has beena total Marmite of a Miniature in terms of reponse. 

    More to come. 





    Poor old Nain. Well, the Lord of Fenris will do! 

    I have faith.

    Where are you posting this with such negative responses? 

    • Like 1
  9. 19 hours ago, Kronos said:

    Dwarf Caharcter number 3 and still very early stages.


    The Dwarf Queen. Before people bash her (social media has been cruel to her) I’m going for. Wueen Victoria Ursula Creed sort of Aesthetic. 




    Keep it up! Having seen your other work then obviously you have the skills to finish this convincingly. A WIP is a WIP after all.

    The fur is a good look for a dwarf queen! And I never realized how much Sanguinius looked like my grandmother.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Might have to steal this idea of u dont mind XD. Ogor bodies fit the Orruks very well imho. Would like for GW to release more bodytypes in general across all factions.

    Of course - I've seen quite a few people do this over the years, so it's not my idea 😀.

    I first saw it done by someone called Nightmare on the Ogre Stronghold forum/website (now sadly gone) around 2014 probably, but only just got round to doing it!

    • Like 1
  11. This is Mollog the Mighty from Stormbringer magazine. I read that he was an unusually short Dankhold Troggoth, and so decided to lengthen him a bit.

    Sprue extensions were added to stomach, arms, legs and club and then covered with greenstuff and milliput.

    I bulked out his face a bit based on pics of a "normal" Dankhold.

    Some press molded details (oyumaru) were replicated and added to the club and the legs. 

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