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Posts posted by SentinelGuy

  1. GW and the fanbase has always been toxic to some extent. It stems from a time when they basically ignored players which led to the detriment of the game. You can see that they are trying to turn it around but they never quite manage to shake off the old image of cash grabs, lying about quality etc.

    Me personally, I've been collecting Warhammer for decades. I wasn't happy with AoS to begin with, but I accepted that it was the new thing and just got on board with it. I haven't played at all over the last year as GW have taken ages getting a book out for dwarfs, elves and humans and I have no interest in stormcast or the other new factions. So, you can imagine the awesome feeling of finding out that we were finally getting a book with updates and new abilities. Then they just axe a large number of units, far more than the handful originally mentioned, and with such poor communications as well. I know newer players that have now lost their entire armies because they started playing AoS after the End Times and had no idea that legacy units would eventually be removed. GW should have never continued to sell those models if they were going to end up unsupported. I guess it's feeling like GW are slipping back into their old ways.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Knight Scáthach of Fimm said:

    Me: today is a likely day that they will announce Cities of Sigmar pre-order.


    GW: here are the new SPACE MARINES that we literally only told you about less than 24 hours ago.

    You mean you don't want another boring space marine dreadnought/scout squad/librarian? In all seriousness though, I agree wholeheartedly, getting sick of seeing nothing but marines and stormcast releases for the good guys.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Kamose said:

    This is extremely hyperbolic. This is only true if you play at the top tables in Matched Play at the biggest tournaments. In other words it is true for a small fraction of games played by an even smaller fraction of players globally.  It's not even true at most tournaments or else every game at every tournament would be FEC, DoK, Skaven, and LoN fighting each other. If the stats show anything it's that there are a huge variety of armies at every event. I don't think all the Beastclaw, Slaves to Darkness, Stormcast, Seraphon, etc. players are masochists that just enjoy losing every game...which is good since they don't lose every game. They even 'gasp' win some tournaments!

    Of course legends is not available in Matched Play and for those of you whose armies have lost warscrolls, you have my sympathies. Just think of this as a chance to explore new army lists and play styles.

    As for models being invalidated, that's simply not true. At the end of the day every Freeguild Guard, Elf Spearman, and Dwarf Warrior are just humanoids with a melee weapon on a 25mm base. The only parts of that description that ultimately matters are "melee weapon" and "on a 25mm base". I can use my entire high elf army in the new book. The warscrolls that represent the model's rule might have changed; maybe my Reavers are now called Pistoliers but that's what Sharpies are for. Just cross out Pistoliers and write in Reavers...or just tell your opponent you're using your Reavers as Pistoliers. I'm sure that between all of use here we could find warscrolls to represent every discontinued model.

    If the problem is that you weren't able to buy the model you wanted before it was discontinued, again you have my sympathies. It's unfortunate but others on here have already explained why discontinued models are necessary and inevitable.

    PS: I know many people think this wasn't handled well and you are right. However, I would argue that there is no way to handle this well. If GW discontinued any model and emailed everyone personally with their exact amount of remaining stock, updated hourly, and predicted sell out date months in advance, this thread would look pretty much the same.

    A stormcast with a crossbow is a stormcast with a crossbow. Why do they need 4/5 separate unit entries? Same with the shield and hammer guys, the numerous stormcast cavalry etc.

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  4. 18 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

    Not saying you are a new player but this sort of thing hits new players the hardest.

    As a grognard, I knew that when Age of Sigmar hit anything that wasn’t Khorne or Stormcast could disappear at any moment. I had the cash to buy up all the things to finish off my armies and I did. GW don’t tell you this but you have anywhere between about 4-15 years to complete your collection from the time the models are released.

    New players don’t know this and they see this beautiful Swifthawk agents boxed set and decide this is the force for them. They might save up for ages with plans to expand then this happens. Not good at all.

    Last Chance to Buy has not been that great as you have to be keeping a very close eye on things to ninja a popular model. It has been better than what we had though. I’d encourage all new players to do a bit of research beforehand to get a feel for how long your chosen force might be available for.

    I've been playing Fantasy and then AoS for 25 years, so not really new to the game. I agree that it does punish newbies the worst, as well as those that don't follow the AoS news religiously (like me). 


    18 hours ago, adreal said:

    Idoneth deepkin have namarti reavers, you know, a elf unit with bows

    The fish aelf army aesthetic is hardly reminiscent of proper elves. 🤢 What do we count glade riders as these days?

  6. 16 minutes ago, Nick907 said:

    The great thing about old models is that they are physical representations of rules, meaning you can change or delete the rules and the model still exists. I've converted every model in my Wanderers force (and from my Woodelf force before that) and it really doesn't matter if they count as Glade Girls or SOTW, or something else newer and more exciting. An battleline aelf with a bow is all I that need, and I'm 100% confident that we'll have a warscroll for that purpose. 
    Here is one of my 'Glade Girl' captains:


    The issue is that as it stands at the moment there are only 2 elf units with bows and they're both made from the same box. GW has demonstrated that they're quite happy to kill off units at the drop of the hat so basically nothing is safe. There may be no elves with bows in 12 months. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Actually GW has been adding and removing kits for decades. Squatting in itself is reference to the dwarf 40K army called Squats which were totally removed. Meanwhile armies have had things added adn removed over the years; zoats used to be in Tyranids; meanwhile Imperial Guard used to have a load of alternative chapters back in the metal era which were all pretty much dropped save for the core and Cadians. 

    Squats were removed decades ago and you can hardly compare losing specific guard regiments with say the loss of the entire high elf line. If GW had axed every guard unit but the taurox and basic infantry squad you may have a case. 

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  8. 35 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Up to now, everything seems to be out of stock except the loremaster. I really wonder why so many people just don't buy those ready to be discontinued model before GW decide to discontinue them and wait to the last moment. If there are so many people buying them previously, I don't think GW will discontinue them. 

    Not everybody is a rich. I've got friends who can only afford 1 box of minis every couple of months. If you're building a 2000 point army then that can easily take a year or two to get everything you need. Imagine spending all your hobby money on an army that GW just squated overnight.

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  9. 9 hours ago, SilverJelly said:

    Nothing. The rule set was bad and the cosy of entry was too high. GW over reacted. Look at the success of Total War and Vermintide


    To be fair you could use the same argument for AoS. The cost of a full army is the same (sometimes more) than an old Fantasy army and the AoS rules were equally bad to begin with and the armies are just as unbalanced now as they ever were in Fantasy. They could have solved everything wrong with Fantasy by rolling it back to 6th edition and introducing a Generals Handbook to fix points costs and rules every year.

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  10. My favourite is Tempest's Eye because the single piece of artwork we have shows the city with a bit of a Chinese/Japanese/Korean theme to some of the buildings. I'm currently working on converting up aelf airships as stand-ins for some kharadron as I feel that the aelf aesthetic fits Tempest's Eye better. 

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  11. I'm starting to wonder if GW made a mistake when they introduced the keywords to units.  Things would be so much easier if instead of using aelves and humans they'd just used a generic free peoples tag and had generic units. People could play silver helms, knightly orders, kislevite lancers as a single cavalry type, high elf archers and spearmen would be playable again etc. I know we can just pretend and use what we like, but having it officially set out would be nice and stops those gamers who take offence at people using older minis.

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