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Posts posted by SentinelGuy

  1. Finally getting around to looking at the new cities and my gut feeling is that they put 5 minutes of effort into the entire CoS section. Those narcotics are weak, no spells, only 1 useful option for the general and only 3 magic items. Even the errata is a joke, just an extra useless narcotic. The only thing this city has going for it is the ability to drop a hydra or kharibdis up close. I suppose you could try 10 drakespawn knights but they're doing nothing but blocking. I'm torn as to which is worse, this or Phoenicium.

  2. Has anyone tried the new stormkeep rules? I was wondering if getting access to slightly cheaper battle line would help out. Perhaps freeguild guard could act as better chaff/blockers than liberators?

    What are peoples opinions on the following list? I have a friend who really dislikes facing named characters so I'm trying to make a list without Kroak :/

    I popped in the protectors as a little extra protection for the slann. I've never used them before so not sure how effective they are really.


    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    Mortal Realm: Chamon



    Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (500)

    - General

    - Celestine Hammer

    - Command Trait: Staunch Defender

    - Artefact: Plate of Perfect Protection

    - Mount Trait: Storm-winged

    Drakesworn Templar (420)

    - Tempest Axe

    Lord-Castellant (120)

    Lord-Exorcist (90)

    - Spell: Chain Lightning

    Slann Starmaster (260)

    - Allies



    5 x Liberators (90)

    - Warblade & Shield

    5 x Liberators (90)

    - Warblade & Shield

    10 x Freeguild Guard (80)

    - Swords and Shields



    5 x Protectors (170)

    - 2x Starsoul Maces

    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)

    - Allies


    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs

    Everblaze Comet (100)


    Total: 2000 / 2000

    Extra Command Points: 0

    Allies: 340 / 400

    Wounds: 100


  3. On 8/25/2020 at 9:49 PM, Dankboss said:

    So after 10 months of working with Freeguild of Hammerhal, I've now come up with my perfected Semi-competitive to potentially competitive list. I reckon it can go 3-2 at a tournament depending on matchups/ missions. It has a roughly 75% winrate vs StoD and so far a 100% winrate vs Tempest's Eye. Unfortunately I can't test against other armies due to the pandemic, but I go up against strong shooting or board control every game, both with high armor.

    The purpose of this post is to help other people with their lists, and not to improve what I already have.

    This list usually generates an additional CP a turn thanks to banners, 2 if I'm lucky, and combined with the 1CP from the battalion gives it a healthy number to work with. Note I do not have any retinues/ adjutants in this list, nor do I need one.


    My list has just 2 heroes, however both are reasonably durable. The meta is not kind to single foot heroes with all the magic and shooting going on, and frankly, there are none that fit this aggressive list. I originally ran Saint's Blade on my Griffon, but found it to be overkill most of the time, so I've now opted for +1 save. The Griffon takes opportunistic high priority picks, but I try to reserve him for turn 2-3 if I can. His Knights will be doing most of the work, and so he needs to stay alive. Blood of the Twelve ensures consistency of damage.

    The Luminark is more valuable than the Hurricanum in this build, especially because I gave him Twinstone. I do not rely on its magic, but in the 50% of games I get to play in Hysh, it does become more reliable. In a single caster build, the Luminark does not need to juggle Wings of Fire with Cindercloud, thanks to Pha's Protection. While it's not a powerful caster, nor are its spells critical, it is a useful toolbox which has a spell for everything; an emergency hoard clear with Burning Gaze, durability with Pha's Protection, or mobility with Wing's of Fire. The Searing Beam of Light racks up good damage over the game and forces the opponent to move units in ways they wouldn't normally have to. This is also great for bullying small heroes. The Luminark is usually beside my Greatswords, and proxies as a Freeguild hero thanks to Twinstone.


    My core consists of my 30 Greatswords and 20 Gunners. The recent points drop of the Greatswords put them back on the table, and in this build they are critical to the success of the Lancers. Through trial and error, I've discovered that Hammerhalian Lancers works best when there's a second big threat on the table, that being the Greatswords. They will blend whatever they touch, but actually serve as an extremely bright distraction, as if they're ignored they will annihilate a front line. When protected by a Luminark, they usually last long enough to do their job, and fight over objectives, but again, their purpose is to create breathing room for the Lancers.

    The 20 Gunners simply provide fire support, and in some circumstances, are used to screen. I do not have a Freeguild General in this list, as this list is too aggressive for standing still, and I find the game moves too quickly for him, and so he has no place in this list. Gunners are important for peeling stragglers off Demigryphs.


    Support Elements:

    Two units of 10 guard are my support in this list. They provide screens and objective holders. Note the reason I have 10 Halberdiers and not shields is because they're painted, and anything hitting either unit will destroy them anyway. (They're also Manann's Blades).


    The Hammer:

    My hammer is a minimum sized Hammerhalian Lancers battalion. I often deploy 1 unit on one side of the board, while 2 units work alongside my Griffon. One obviously won't be getting the benefits of the battalion, but some missions require the flexibility. I usually hide them in cover until they get the chance to charge, or against aggressive lists, I put out a screen to net fast units or stall them, and then counter strike. Sometimes, a bold unit sprinting up the center of the board with an At the Double can serve as a spanner and/ or distraction in the works, as they require a dedicated enemy unit to remove, and if ignored in favor of the main battalion, will be in a prime spot for later turns. The Lancers are great at coming from multiple angles, with the Griffon pinning targets while the Knights deliver the blow. They regularly run through 30 2+/3+ save Longbeards or StoD something with reroll saves and ward save. Their damage is great, and usually won't get bogged down unless caught out of position, which is another element which is critical to its success; positioning and foresight is the most important thing to consider when using this battalion, as it relies on them charging. This is why the Greatswords creating breathing room is so important, as without them, the opponent will just castle the side that the lancers are on. They can however fight better than most other cavalry off the charge, so a protracted fight is not always a failure. The goal of the Hammerhalian Lancers is to plow straight through a flank of the enemy, and to keep activating with Righteous Purpose to dig farther and farther into the center of the board. With good charge rolls and enough CP (which is likely), the whole battalion can be fighting twice, and carving through the flank. If multiple units are tagged they'll be causing a chain reaction of pile ins, blunted retaliations and 2nd activations that can win through causing the enemy's force to crumble frighteningly fast, while maintaining a strong infantry presence elsewhere on the board.

    Do be aware that in missions where the territories are smaller, you will need to be even more careful with your targets. Unfortunately, Hammerhal is weaker in these missions, but that's not to say they can't win. If playing the missions with full territory coverage, Freeguild of Hammerhal can be a very potent force.



    Mortal wounds are a problem, and so the Luminark is important even just to save some wounds.

    Movement disruption is another weakness, such as Be'lakor, Khorne Daemon Princes and Endless Spell blocks, however Wings of Fire is a useful tool for these situations. I've become so used to these disruptions that they're rarely a problem for me anymore, and just add to the positioning game the Lancers need to play. With enough experience, they shouldn't be stopping you too often.


    Other Advice:

    This is a 6 drop list, so it's quite possible to decide who goes first. Unless the scenario requires a quick objective grab, aim to go second, even against a shooting army that wants to attack first. You need the opponent to move up first before you can commit to a Lancer charge. If they're not budging, throw your Greatswords forwards and bait them; they're a juicy target and open up areas to exploit if the bait is taken.

    Place your Demigryphs in cover during set up if you're concerned with alpha strikes; a 2+ save ought to keep them safe. Keep the Griffon safe at all costs. Use the Guard to create space.






    I really like that list. If I was having a go at something similar I would probably do this -


    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar

    - City: Hammerhal

    Mortal Realm: Ghyran


    Freeguild General on Griffon (320)

    - General

    - Shield & Runesword

    - Command Trait: Blood of the Twelve

    - Artefact: Armour of Mallus


    Luminark of Hysh with White Battlemage (270)

    - Artefact: The Twinstone

    - Lore of Cinder: Cindercloud


    Sorceress (90)

    - Lore of Cinder: Wings of Fire


    3 x Demigryph Knights (180)

    3 x Demigryph Knights (180)

    3 x Demigryph Knights (180)

    10 x Dreadspears (90)

    10 x Dreadspears (90)

    30 x Executioners (300)

    10 x Shadow Warriors (110)


    Hammerhalian Lancers (140)

    Emerald Lifeswarm (50)


    Total: 2000 / 2000

    Extra Command Points: 1

    Allies: 0 / 400

    Wounds: 125


    It's an extra drop but the sorceress and executioner block can get those long-range charges off which makes them more threatening than the greatswords early on.  I swapped the gunners out for shadow warriors for objective games, and upgraded the guard to dreadspears for the bonus save and magic sacrifice ability. That left me just enough for lifeswarm to keep everything topped up.

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  4. Removing keywords from at least some of the command abilities would have been a good start.

    So many times I've wanted to take this awesome looking black dragon but he only buffs a chariot or knight unit and I don't want either of those. 

    They made them far too specific. Black dragon lord, nomad prince, anointed, sorceress, and freeguild griffon at least could have had their commands apply to all CoS. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, PhoenixLord said:

    Dragon Princes were such great models too!!

    They really are. I've got 5 boxes and a dragon that I bought ready for CoS. That was right before we all found out they were dropped.

    I'm going to say something that people will probably disagree with - Dark Aelves shouldn't be in CoS. Or rather, they should be restricted to Anvilgard like how Sylvaneth can only appear in Living City.  Instead they should have been rolled into the same book as all the Morathi stuff (especially now that the fluff is basically leading to it anyway).

    GW should have kept dragon princes, dragon mage, dragon lord, elf general/standard, loremaster and skycutter/hero in CoS. 

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  6. Step 1 - GW need to rerelease the Dragon Princes and High Elf General/Standard Bearer plastic kits. Rewrite their fluff so that they are elves with a drop of dark dragon's blood. They see themselves as tainted by it and strive to become heroes so that they can be reborn/cleansed as phoenix guard. 

    Step 2 - take the existing city theme and sprinkle in the idea of wandering knights and nobles flocking to the city to prove their honour, courage and skill at arms. The most elite of the warriors who have proven themselves become the phoenix guard. 

    Step 3 - modify city rules to buff knights as well.

    Step 4 - this becomes the city for people that want to field Brets/Empire knights/Elf knights/elite good guys backed up by peasants/followers/worshippers.

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  7. 8 minutes ago, Juicy said:

    The warpriest cannot take an extra prayer because he doesnt get a keyword as an ally sadly. 

    I thought he was part of the Lethisian Defenders list so would get the extra prayer. I don't have my copy of forbidden power with me at the moment to check.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Maturin said:

    He will bring back at max 1 liberator a turn, that's not what I would call a resurrection.
    Those resurrects are only good on very tough 1W models lke PG.

    Yeah, you're probably right, was just trying to fit in a model I never use. Figured with 2 healing prayers he might be worth trying.

    I'll more than likely drop him for something else. Maybe cut him and the gravetide and use the points for a heraldor. Or ditch the CP as well and take a castellant. That would also give me points to upgrade the judicators to Morsarr guard.

  9. This has made for a fascinating read. I've always been interested in stardrakes but they just seemed a bit rubbish, now I think I'll proxy them for a few games and see how they run.

    Has anyone thought about trying them in a Lethisian Defenders army? I know their rules are considered weak, but they get access to some pretty useful prayers.

    Something like this as a starting point -

    Allegiance: Lethisian Defenders
    Mortal Realm: Shyish

    Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Sea (380)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Raven Priest - Morrda's Embrace
    - Artefact: Crown of Raven Feathers
    Excelsior Warpriest (80)
    - Prayer: Morrda's Resurrection
    Knight-Incantor (120)
    Drakesworn Templar (420)
    - Tempest Axe
    Drakesworn Templar (420)
    - Tempest Axe

    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers

    5 x Judicators (140)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Extra Command Point (50)
    Suffocating Gravetide (20)
    Everblaze Comet (100)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 94

    The Eidolon has excellent support spells and when making him a priest with the trait he can chuck out a re-roll 1s for saves aura with good range. The artefact keeps him alive a little longer and he can heal himself. Plus his shooting attack is reasonable and he's ok in combat. As a support piece for the drakes he seems ideal, if a little expensive, but he brings a lot of tools to the field.

    The Warpriest is cheap, can resurrect, heal, deal mortal wounds, and has a hound for added backfield protection.

    Even the weak Liberators get a buff from the Lethisian Defenders rules.

    What do you think? Worth a go?

  10. 23 hours ago, Zartish said:

    I am really glad that GW has increased number of new armies , but it is time to stop. We need new models, cauz you can't build something interesting and playable with 3 units and droths. All discussions and roster building come to one conclusion - you need 20/40/60 HB with double activation.

    GW has basically driven AoS to the same place they took Fantasy - cookie cutter lists, spamming the few good units, hordes being best etc. The average AoS army is now the same size as a Fantasy force and costs as much, if not more.

    The only difference is that there are fewer unit choices for some of the armies like Fyreslayers and the new elves.

    I find that quite sad really as I do enjoy a lot of the AoS lore. Just wish the game wasn't so rock/paper/scissors now :/

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  11. On 8/10/2020 at 8:08 PM, Forehead said:

    I'm inclined to agree with Mcthew both because it serves my interest as i want to get started with this allegiance and secondly i agree its not a warscroll or battalion, just a seemingly rare and obscure allegiance choice. You can still play much older factions such as dispossessed to my knowledge so surely 15 month old allegiances shouldnt be getting the chop. 

    Nevertheless i have my first game as Lethisian tomorrow. List below:


    - Runeson on magmadroth (general)

    - Runesmiter on foot.

    - Endrinmaster with balloon.

    - Knight incantor


    - 2 x 10 Arkanaut company (BL)

    - 10 vulkite beserkers (BL) (picks and shields)

    - 2 x gunhaulers

    - 2 x 3 endrinriggers

    - 5 auric hearthguard

    - 10 hearthguard beserkers (polestrike)


    Celestar ballista


    Zhaggron flamespitter

    Dais Arcanum

    Thoughts are... Castle style build at the beginning with lots of screening (i think i'm playing against beasts so need to ride out the turn 1 ambush) keeping celesta and gunhaulers in the middle. Runesmiter underground with the HGB. The gunhaulers, Endrinmaster and riggers for mobility and late game movement/objective grabbing.

    Interesting list. Is the Runeson on Magmadroth there as a cheapish beatstick?

  12. In that case I'd suggest Tempest's Eye as the city and consider taking them as pistoliers. The Tempest's Eye thread would be a good place to look for discussion on army ideas. There's a lot of chat about pistoliers and their various merits. That city is also good for lots of the slower infantry units like longbeards, which make excellent battleline objective holders. 

  13. Use them as vampire blood knights in a death army. That way you don't wreck the knightly aesthetic by sticking pistols on them. Sad truth is that GW sucks at writing good cavalry rules.

    Dark riders are ok as a fast objective grabber that can throw out shots at longer range than pistoliers. The bravery debuff can be useful in an Anvilgard army though.

  14. I didn't mean as an alpha strike on their own, they'd be the supporting piece working in tandem with other units. 

    As a deployed unit they act as an anchor to more important units that you want off the board at the start. In my case that's usually a mix of something like Wildwood Rangers, Drycha, Durthu, Treelord, Dragon etc. 

    Paired with an Aquilor (another anchor) they can jump multiple times throughout the game to take objectives, avoid charges, and pick off supporters and chaff. Their footprint is much smaller than 30 Darkshards or Crossbowmen which makes them easier to deploy, hide behind terrain and avoid charges. That's what I meant by survivable. 

    They also work well with the birds and can get them to move out of turn.

    Are they the best option? In most lists I very much doubt it. But then I've seen plenty of games where the hordes of Darkshards and Crossbowmen get deleted by Gyrocopters.

    I don't see the point in playing what is essentially a static gunline with Living City, Tempest's Eye does it much better. For me personally, I'd rather have ninja troops popping up all over. The hordes just don't fit how I play.

  15. The vanguard raptors can also make use of the aquilor command which allows them to redeploy up the board. It means that you get a full alpha strike with pretty much the entire force on turn 1. 6 of them chuck out 54 ranged shots (essentially darkshard stats) but are more survivable and have a smaller footprint.

  16. My excitement for the return of proper elves has diminished slightly after reading the book. The lore isn't bad at all really, it's just the lack of units which seems a bit silly when they mention them and they don't get an entry. I honestly wouldn't bet money on there being a future release any time soon which covers them. Cities didn't get cannons and every novel that features them mentions cannons, skellies still don't have archers even though Neferata's forces are described as having bows.

    In the old days I'd have said it was just GW being GW - that a new book and kits would drop a year from now, because why sell one army book when you can milk fans for two? Now I think they've just been focusing more on 40k and have dropped the ball with AoS on some of the last few releases. Lots of cool looking minis, some of their best ever, but the rules are all over the place and feel a tad incomplete.

    I'm keen to get the Lumineth on the table and try them out, I think there's the basis of a cool faction here and I'm definitely in the pro-helmet crowd. Just kind of wish there was an un-named choppy hero and a chariot or artillery piece. There's not exactly much meat on the bones and I think playing them is going to get stale pretty quickly. I'll be keeping them as a second army I think.

    • Sad 1
  17. On 7/30/2020 at 8:51 PM, Dankboss said:

    I prefer the hard borders between factions. It prevents it from becoming true soup, which I dislike. I much prefer the modicum of structure it gives. Personally, I never stopped playing Freeguild, just because they got rolled into a book with others.

    There's more than enough generic buffs in the book as it is, primarily in the city rules. I don't want to see everything blend together.

    Realistically speaking, a Freeguild General shouldn't be versed in the tactics of Wanderers and vice versa. That really makes no sense. I know they share a city, and GW says you can do what you like in theory, but it's pretty clear that each city promotes one of the factions and in essence is a replacement for their allegiance abilities. Freeguild in Hammerhal, Wanderers in Living City, Dwarfs in Greywater, Dark Elves in Anvilguard, Phoenix Temple in Phoenicium, and with Tempest's Eye and Hallowheart being more mixed.

    My problem with this is that for some stupid reason all my humans forgot how to use bows and horses and my dwarfs, masters of technology that they are, can't operate crossbows etc.

    I think all of the differences for the races should have been removed and replaced with a generic stat line. Then the flavour should have been added back to the units with their abilities and hero buffs. 

  18. 49 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    Good for you.  

    Make the Darkswords your retinue.  And your sorceress adjutant.  Just keep them behind the 20-man RAngers.  

    I wish WWR would have gotten a points drop or they FAQed the battalion to be Rangers or EG.  

    Also consider the NP with the spear.  He's not shabby and will surprise you.  He also heals well.


    I agree, you want the wizard.

    The thing about CoS that surprises people is it ain't cheap and plentiful building a list.  You really have to focus on what you have.  In the case you don't face monsters you really want to make sure you are hitting and wounding as much as you can.  So the NP and Hurricanum help

    What about this?


    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Living City
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran

    Nomad Prince (120)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Druid of the Everspring - Ironoak Skin
    - Artefact: Spear of the Hunt
    Sorceress (90)
    - Artefact: Deepmire Cloak
    - Lore of Leaves: Cage of Thorns
    - City Role: General's Adjutant
    Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (280)
    - Lore of Leaves: Lifesurge
    Lord-Aquilor (170)

    20 x Wildwood Rangers (260)
    10 x Wildwood Rangers (130)
    - City Role: Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models)
    10 x Wildwood Rangers (130)
    10 x Darkshards (100)

    10 x Shadow Warriors (110)
    1 x Gyrocopters (70)
    6 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (280)
    3 x Aetherwings (40)

    Viridian Pathfinders (140)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Chronomantic Cogs (80)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 110

    I dropped the sisters of the Thorn and upgraded to the wizard on the hurricanum. Used the last points to pick up a gyrocopter for more blocking and objective play. 

  19. Well one thing is for certain - I need a hurricanum in the list. That +1 to hit is too good to give up. But it's where to shave the list back to get the points.

    The treelord could go I suppose. His stomp is useful and he can take a few blows but he isn't critical to the list and the mortal wounds from the hurricanum will make up for some of the lost damage. Cutting back the aetherwings to 3 would then provide the rest I require.

    There's a part of me that doesn't want to run the hurricanum without a wizard :/

    Only problem with that is it would mean swapping out the sorceress for the wizard rider and with a force that can be so spread out, I don't really have the option to leave the hurricanum back to babysit the cogs. And I can't use our city deployment with the hurricanum and get cogs out on turn 1, which is probably when they will be needed most.


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