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  1. This is awesome info, thanks so much everyone. Yeah just for wanting to play the game so bad I dived in pretty hard. I know I probably should wait for updates. I did buy some Chainrasp Horde and I'll add some Grimghast Reapers too because all of that sounds viable. Yeah I do agree the Wight King just seems to not be performing well for me either. Thanks so much everyone for the advice! I've got things to work on then.
  2. I know he had a unit of leadbelchers, a Frostlord on Stonehorn, and two others on Stonehorns. He also had mournfang packs and the ogor footsoldiers. They seem disgustingly strong. I was trying to screen them off with weak troops. I did ambush the footsoldiers with the two Harbingers but only managed to kill 1 or 2 before they got countercharged by one of the Stonehorns and killed. I did manage to take down the leader with a ton of skeletons, Mannfred and the Vargheist but it wasn't until turn 5. He lost that and a few of the footsoldiers and that's it. Thanks for the ideas though. I was afraid I would have to buy more models for this army, I already have a ton. I was looking at adding Chainwrasps and Reapers since it seems like everyone is running them. I'll bite the bullet and do it.
  3. Hi, new here and happy to join. I'm new to AoS and went with a Nagash army focusing on Deathrattle more; a bunch of skeletons and necromancers and such. We've only played two games but I've been completely dominated by Beastclaw Raiders. For the first match I tried Arkhan with Graveguard and a ton of skeletons, Wight King and necromancer. It was brutal. Charged right through my lines easily and destroyed all my heroes. The second match, I tried Legion of Night to try to lure him in and I had Mannfred, Harbingers and Vargheists ambush in behind the lines. We randomly got a battle where the three objectives were in the middle. Yeah that didn't go well. Another brutal loss. Is there any chance to beat that army? They feel insane. Super fast, can shoot and hit like trucks and never die. I figured I could have an advantage having way more models but they count for a ton of models each and he still had like 30 some models and easily just camped some on my gravesites and the objectives and dominated. It feels completely unbalanced, even after summoning back most of my army multiple times. Thanks!
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