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Posts posted by Random

  1. Just finished Dark Harvest and it was "ok".  It certainly didn't do anything unique besides the fact that it was set in the Mortal Realms.

    If you're familiar with horrorstories, you can predict this thing with 99% accuracy as all the characters in it, have their typical roles without a hint of deviation from them. There's the companion who's obviously only in the novel so he can die, for the "oh no" effect. Or the worshipper of something evil, who gets killed by the thing he worships. The novel used these archetypes and tropes like stepping stones, skipping from one to another.  It wasn't bad, but not something I'm gonna revisit.

    The best thing about it was that it featured an old god and Sylvaneth. Which is a nice change of pace from the usual Chaos worshipping. Which brings me to: Anathemas.

    An anthology alternating between stories in AoS and 40k. And it immediately shows why AoS has simply more to offer in this regard as 90% of 40k's stories revolve around Chaos. Even when the force behind the events isn't revealed you still think "That's Tzeentch's doing!". Whereas the stories in the Mortal Realms offer a wider variety of immediate dangers that fit into "Horror".

    Unfortunately, the stories are utterly generic and predicable and feel more like exercises in writing for Goosebumps than Warhammer Horror.   One of the stories starts out with a case of domestic violence and the victim being sent out to deal with a murder of crows. Immediately my mind went to the trope of the kid befriending the crows and/or commanding them into killing his abuser. And voila, of course that's what happens. Right down to the T.

    Halfway through and so far nothing has really gripped me.

    • Confused 1
  2. On 2/22/2021 at 12:24 AM, sandlemad said:

    If you like we could also make the point that the emphasis this mode puts on his killing another chaos dude - I don’t think there’s actually many chaos models with other dead chaos folks on their bases - has faintly Malal-esque resonances but at that stage it’s a little bit in the eye of the beholder.

    That's exactly why it stands out for me. It makes a point in showing the dead Chaos Warrior at Be'lakor's feet. Whereas Be'lakor's entrance into the Mortal Realms would've easily suggested dead SCE at his feet for the visual impact. Especially in regards to the newcomers who don't know who he is.

    I think the ideas of Be'lakor vs the Everchosen as being a main drive behind his mini(and maybe accompanying army) are spot on.

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  3. Remember the people who thought it's gonna be Malerion and not Be'lakor?  Ha.

    But boy oh boy, that boxset is gonna be hard to ignore. I usually dont buy the special games, but the Cursed City is bursting with top tier stuff.  Overall a pretty great preview party. I seem to be the only one who didn't particularly like the Wight King update, as it's aesthetic is a bit too Oldhammer for me and its "just" a Skeleton Knight. But I do get the nostalgia hype for a model like that.

    And I wish the Nighthaunt would get more than just bedsheets with different faces... There's so much GW could do with spectres and ghosts, but we're stuck with bedsheets it seems. But those Lumineth previews make me second guess not collecting them...

    People are already spekulating about Be'lakors alignment inside Chaos due to the dead Chaos Warrior at his feet, and believe he's not gonna be part of them. It'd be interesting to see what they're gonna do with him.


  4. On 2/5/2021 at 11:30 AM, Greybeard86 said:

    If everyone is riding bears and swinging magic swords, nothing is special.

    Aren't they already doing that with Kislev and ice magic though? But I've seen a discussion in which someone pointed at the usage of "plurals" in the old Kislev armybook, citing that these things weren't as uncommon as it might seem.

    But in terms of the discussion about the attractiveness of the Old World in terms of videogame fans: It's not easy to gauge.  A lot of people have been made aware of the TT. And a lot of them are potential buyers. But how many, who knows?

    Its not even easy to say how much it'll appeal to old WHFB players, as its certainly gonna be(and try to be) different enough from WHFB to fully fit into the "AoS prequel" niche that GW wants to put it in. I'm sure a lot of armies will be very different from their WHFB versions, as will the rules. And speaking from personal experience, despite being absolutely buttblasted when the old world died and badmouthing GW for a year straight, I don't miss it nearly as much as I thought I would after getting into AoS myself.

    Either way, its tough to estimate attractiveness from the little information we have so far.

  5. On 1/6/2021 at 4:04 AM, Bayul said:

    Can anyone convince me to continue Dark Harvest? I'm in chapter 14, so pretty much in the middle of the (audio)book. Nothing interesting happened yet and I am losing interest. The last scenes were

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    Blackwood meeting three mysterious dogs and him speaking with Kurnoth. He spend the night in an inn where he and his sidekick found some kind of puppet in their room.

    Is this story written in a Blair Witch Project manner? Because I can't listen to 12 more chapters in which a broody protagonist is hardly finding any clues.

    I'm listening to the audiobook and I'm currently in chapter... uhh 4 hours in.

    While I'm not bored of it like you are, I'm still waiting for the "horror" to happen to warrant the "Warhammer Horror" tag. Nothing against Reynolds in this regard, but while its certainly grittier than other books, it really just reads like another BL novel. It's my first WH Horror novel though so I'm not sure if they ever truly go there.


    And now for something completely different: Anyone else a bit disappointed that some factions ended up roughly in the same places they were before? Skaven, despite their big role in the End Times, are pretty much in the same place they were in the Old World. Sitting underneath cities and scheming to overthrow the surface kingdoms. Only that they now also have their own floating rock, and don't dig through dirt but SPACE ITSELF to get somewhere.  - At least from what I read so far. Seraphon likewise, seem to be in the same "stand by" position the Lizardmen used to be in.

    Some people say AoS changed too much, where I'm thinking it didn't change enough in this regard.

    • Confused 1
  6. 3 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    Thundrik's Profiteers are cheaper than a Khemist, and include a Khemist. Also from the era of Underworlds when their models were much better value.

    Yes, that was another reason for the decision.

    It was actually quite difficult tracking a box down because it was "sold out online" on GW's site, our local GW store doesn't do pick ups and the LGS didn't respond to my approximately 44536 calls. And online they were sold out everywhere except in places where the shipping cost would've negated the good value.

    Then today my LGS called back and voila he still has a box! 5 minutes later I check GWs site for other stuff and see that they're back available online as well. Despite GW stating that things with the "sold out online" tag don't go back in stock willy nilly. Weird...

  7. 2 minutes ago, Smillis88 said:

    Just getting into KO. Was curious of the best rout to go. Dont have qny models yet and was wondering in the new battleforce box or a start collecting box would be best for the start. 

    I'm in the same boat as you and went with something else entirely: Thundrik's Profiteers. 5 unique models for 20€ is a good value. Good in the sense that I'm getting a feel for the KO minis as well as being able to paint more interesting models than range minis.

    But tbh, I'm a collector first and TT gamer second so my priorities are probably different.

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