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Posts posted by Garrac

  1. 2 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    do we know for sure that the galvaneer(?) leaked model is in the launch box, it's on a single sprue and not a combined sprue so I could see it not being in the box. But also indomitus necron half had 4 characters and the space marine half had 5 lol. Dominion had 4 SCE chars and 4 KB chars. I don't think it's out of the question

    If you look at my sherlock holmes articles on the past, I already deduced that the leaked engineer was not indeed part of the starter box.

    But I guess grey seer its not indeed out yet. Wasnt there a suposed leaker comenting the full content of the starter box here? Seems like they were wrong.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    With the lack of DB short I doubt we will get DB 6, especially as we got AoS last week.

    Perhaps, but we just got AoS last week and the 40k meta-thint with all the new points is due in a few days 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    It would be interesting to compare that list with the one from SG Warhound.

    I think it's the same leaks

    Btw, great article on the skavens from GW. I often prefer to consider 1986 as the foundign year for skavens, but it's true that it was on december of 1985 that the first skaven minis were teased on the third Citadel Compendium.

    As Warcom(GW doesn't ****** care about crediting the mfing authors, will be interesting to note that their designs and first-hand lore was crafted by Jes Goodwin himself


    Not gonna put all the pages from the third Citadel journal (what I prefer to consider their origin, april 1986) but contrary to what the article says, skavens are the only warhammer race that hasn't changed much in all these 39 years.


    I see there's also no mention to William King, Rick Priestley, or Andy Chambers, but know that these guys were also great colaborators on founding the skaven mythos (not even a mention about Thanquol!!!!).

    It's also sad that the article talks about the ratckoning when everything moved to plastic,without a mention about Seb, you know, Seb, but oh, I guess it's a full lore article.

    But one thing to note


    No doubt they would have soon conquered everything had not some fellow named Archaon ushered in the End Times.

    You can say that this is technically what it happens, but never forget that skavens did all the dps during End Times. Araby, the Southern Realms, half Cathay, the lizardmen, dwarfs, half the Empire... that was all skaven-doing, but oh well.

    Btw, i'm also lacking some narrative direction on objectives and cities to defend. This needed a narrative book puting al lthe details.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

    They did mention as well that we no longer have Heresy Thursdays to focus on Mortal Realms so there is a chance we get one on Monday and one on Thursday each week now too

    Id be surprised if thrusdays aren't used to give more insights into the rules. But that could double up on the reveals and show them all before the later half of may (im still asuming there are 10 units more, tho)

    Also, if any1 wonders, faction focuses should start the 1rst of May.

  5. 57 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Not her, but her unit.

    We have 4 monday mini reveals, so I expect to have 1 unit and 1 character per each faction. Not only to rise hype, but also for easier marketing, if you muster an army of the new minis it will shine better if the troops are led by a hero/villain. Then my guess for next week would be the new mounted clawlord.

    Alltho, that's asuming GW will follow their april starter box reveals model, and not change it. There's still the chance of all the contents being showed thru monday reveals (Alltho, I still doubt it since it would delay marketing on the box for at least 10 weeks, when the box itself releases on 8-12 weeks)

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  6. 1 minute ago, Baron I_oyd said:

    Is that Stormcast model in room with us

    Are they in the room with us right now? Meme Generator - Imgflip


    It's as simple as that this is what they allways do with their starter boxes: week 1 of april, they reveal a good guys mini, 2nd week, a bad guys mini, now it's 3rst week so it's the turn for a stormcast model, (most probably that lady from the trailer) and a skaven mini for the 4th week.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I assume the next big reveal is the full Boxset reveal in May and any small reveal will be either more SCE and Skaven models

    It should be new stormcasts

    Finally calling them out stormcasts because the stormcast fandom is one of the few warhammer fandoms that has showed how to behave with the new female custodes "drama" (please dont engage nor @ me, im just clearifying why im finally showing stormcasts some good earned respect)

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  8. 4 hours ago, Chikout said:

    My prediction for Pre-Orders is:

    April 20th Dawnbringers 6, Abraxia and Darkoath.

    April 27th Tau or Chaos 40k

    May 4th Old World Dwarfs. 

    May 11th Tau or Chaos 40k

    May 18th Kill Team and or Warcry

    May 25th Left over old world and Legions Imperialis

    June 1st Made to order only. 

    June 8th AoS 4th. 

    I think there's some debate about the launch date. It's either launch on June 22nd or pre-order on June 22nd. The warscroll from the other day seems to back up the second theory. If that's true I could see warcry and Kill team getting their own week and another week of filler stuff. In any case, I'll be very surprised if we don't see the old world Dwarfs in May. 


    I know u guys are eager for DB 6, but im more eagerer for my new poor kroot army to get expanded with those lone spears and mfm points. We'll be already waiting for 3 weeks, lmao

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