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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. That's actually fair enough, but bruh is it gonna suck for all the guys that put it together as a screaming bell and separated the plague priest
  2. But, man, not having the horrible looking night runners going is bad. I would have prefered them receiving the sweet mercy of expiry-death to give all skaven players mental peace.
  3. That's: 1) Epic hero 2) an Underworlds warband that now we know is going to be shot by the Legends canon at some moment
  5. Ummm GW, how am I now suposed to field a clan Pestilens army? GW?????????????????
  6. Youd be surprised by crusade's popularity amongst 40k players, myself included. Not only it is funny, but also has less loads of rules to keep control of, and use to be played on smaller games (ever1 seems to be playing at 1k points nowadays anyways)
  7. This is a GW game, would also be weird if GW doesn't "fix" this. Not worried because bluetack exists
  8. Its 100000000% gonna happen. Would be greatly surprised if not
  9. Man, I remember when the games used to be 1500 and you just needed like 300 euros for a whole army...
  10. Also, told you the skavendom is at a 40k level.
  11. Those are launch boxes, they are intended to be bigger and last only a few hours at best. Not the actual force-box. Also, after 10th point shrieking, that's not even what you need to field a minimum army. I count like 600 points there.
  12. The agnostic clans idea was blown up in the tunnels once GW came up with the clan Verminous idea. Really seems like the generic option will be the good ol' grey seer, unless GW is planning to add grey seer padawans
  13. Btw, this detachment thing will then mean that master moulders will still be a thing, either with an updated mini, or the old resin ones kept around for a while, like firesights and vespids on the tau army. This brings me more mental peace towards the future of the skaven clans, at least until the armybook releases.
  14. Lmao, now rats are wining at 68%, its crazy
  15. By the way, I forgot to share this here, but...
  16. Btw, I dunno how trustworthy is this whitout a whitefangcheck, but seems weird to have Moulder monsters and not a master moulder. I guess the weird stuff on the artwork was just that, artwork?
  17. If I had to bet, new clanrats will probably be scrouching more, with longer separated tails, and more dynamic poses now that they'll be made with a round-base-squad game in mind. Something like Spiteclaw, but with more scrouching, and on a middle term since they must look like the same unit. And also, I guess some little rats as decoration or at the feet.
  18. Gotta be honest, you're gonna kill me, but, what's the diference of then ew fantasy marine model showed yesterday? To me it really seems like it's the same miniature as other fantasy marines, but slightly thinner?
  19. It's not how warcom works. Monday is allways for a mini reveal, this time it only got delayed because of April fools day. It's not enough minis on any starter box for a full month of reveals, unless you want a daily clanrat
  20. I allways knew Fantasy marines were going to be the first preview, it's an easy to predict GW patterns A rat mini should be revealed next week (monday?)
  21. Took me 9 years to scrawl back to square base gaming after End Times, imagine now that OPR exists. Alltho, you guys are right, I will wait and see for the moment. Don't want to be unfair until proven otherwise.
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