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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. Already eager for today's sunday preview. If I had to guess, it will show the new custodes and ork releases, and a phrase teasing rats for tomorrow's monday reveal. Still beting on clanrats, and then the clawlord for the 22th.
  2. So, It wont matter if clanrats have spears or swords, theyll have the same profile?
  3. It's been quite long since GW put scenary on a starter box. The only big thing featured on the trailer is the Big-Horned-Rat-bell building, and that's both too high and too proxyable as other things for GW to dare and try out.
  4. Didn't they sold those at ridiculous prices? Digital books are meant to be way cheaper.
  5. Stormvermin on the starter box would actually be bad news. Those are monopose kits without a lot of room for customisation, and clanrats would already need a diferent kit. Doubt they'd just redo aaaaaall the skaven kits later on. Dont know if there's precedent on AoS, tho. And also, a clanrats spam is a very easy way to get past the 60 miniatures mark on the starter box.
  6. Btw, my reasoning for clawlord and clanrats being april's reveals: -Fantasy marines also got their battleline/melee troop revealed -You just anounced clanrats are going away, calm down your crazy fandom revealing the refresh -Clawlord is the clearest thing from the trailer -Clawlord is your centerpiece-likish model on the starter box -Regular troop + character are easy sell-ups before revealing the full starter box, makes thing easier for marketing (you'll fin harder filling a whole month-ish with just 3 jezzails and a machinegun, you need troops and characters there) It's possible there are other reveals on the way, ofc. This is just me speculating, basing my opinion on GW patterns and how they love to market this things. But I think it's a safe bet. For the fantasy marines id say it's also safe to predict a character reveal on april 15th.
  7. Btw, I already told you on 8th we should get a skaven reveal but now GW has confirmed it: (Americans, please, refrain from quoting) So, I'd say this monday we should have new clanrats, or the clawlord. Either way, those are my 2 bets for this month. Then, next skaven reveal should be on april 22th.
  8. Ok, so, trying to guess the rat side of the starter box, correct me anyone if I'm wrong. The box will have: -Clawlord on rat beast with halberd and machinegun -Grey seer on foot -40 clanrats (with 2 command groups), box ala termagant like -3 Jezzails -2 Rat Ogres -Machinegun artillery thing
  9. That would be the regular GW modus operandi... if it weren't he case that the Vanguard box is sold out online. And not "temporarily sold out". Just "sold out".
  10. Id say Whitefang was right and therell be a new grey seer on the starter box, and thats why the 2014 one was sneak deleted Also, while the Vanguard box is still ok the webstore, It is sold out whitout the typical "temporarily sold out" label
  11. Just checked on the webstore. Guess what miniature was sneak-deleted by GW...
  12. Oh I forgot. As you may know, Im not very huge into fantasy marines. You know AoS is not a setting that GW has sold me very well. But what GW has just done sucks, and I wouldn't wish for anyone to endure this kind of ****** practices. In these hard moment, my hearth and best wishes go for you guys, and BoC and Savage Orcs fans.
  13. I dont know how I missed that out LMAO. You really can feel this was a last minute decission, huh?
  14. Btw, seems like more chop-chops are coming
  15. Btw, I could swear the poll page had BoC as an option and they just deleted it? GW, pay a proper salary to the poor intern, please
  16. Nah, dont worry, I just deleted it. I refuse to give any credit to 4chan/tumblr things, even if deserved. Alltho, that "skavens destroying souls" would have been a cool twist on the "Sigmar lied" narrative, but it's just my rat bs
  17. Deleted, nah, throw that rumour to the trash
  18. Nurgle isn't that treachorous. As a matter in fact, the guy actually hates the Great Horned Rat because, while Nurgle wants to keep things in a perpetual life of rotiness, the Great Horned One wants to use his plagues to just kill everything. Nurgle will work with him if the needs is of them ost urgent matter, but in general Nurgle tricking TGHR into doing anything isn't going to be a good plan since Pestilens would just kill everything. And don't even need to be tricky since thsoe plagues already kill more skavens than anything...
  19. Clan Pestilens isnt a Nurgle faction... There was some ambiguity on the old Lore about Pestilens embracing Nurgle accidentally, but the 7th ed book, the Thanquol trilogy, End Times and AoS Lore killed that possibility. Oficially from the 2022 AoS skaven armybook, clan Pestilens IS a Great Horned Rat cult 100%.
  20. That just sucks ass hard. Im so sorry for you bros.
  21. But can you apply it to all the army, or is it a "1 thing per 1000 points" thing?
  22. We shouldn't have any rat reveals until next week, remember warcom reveals are on mondays. This time the fantasy marine got anounced later on 2th because of festive day on brits land.
  23. Man, now I look silly af. Here am I complaining because GW didn't retire one single unit, while savage orc fans are now relegated to playing Total Warhammer with 30 mods before Creative Assembly gets chopped. At least beastmen fans have another game system to jump to...
  24. Wait, let me get this right. So The Old World doesn't have savage orcs... and now neither does Age of Sigmar? What the hell are going to do savage orc only players now?
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