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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. First properly update the entire skaven range. Then we can talk about getting humans to be racists to.
  2. Theyre just speculating, and the lack of Whitefang feedback probes it. There is lore indeed from the RPG Fantasy books on human followers of the GHR, tho. But Id rather prefer new night Runners and plague monks before everything else, thank you very much.
  3. Ummmm seems like there's no meat on the grinder today. Ok, I'll respawn when the rat lore article drops and then go to hibernation until rat food is back on the menu again.
  4. 1000000% part of the new Sisters of Battle dropping on summer
  5. i dont think GW will discontinue games like on the old days of the past. Most probably, they'll just gradually stop making new teams until the game is silently retired and hope no one notices.
  6. Today should be the Thrones of Decay trailer
  7. Also, have to say, this is the first time I start reading rumours about skavens in warcry. I know, just 4chan, but its nice to start seeing the river flow.
  8. Also, please, someone tell Gregg from Swadlincote to stop harassing female customers. Gregg, you can do better.
  9. Yeap. Rogue Hobbies (former GW worker that seems to have left because she had problemas at the enterprise) told its an inner source, but no one knows who it is, and its not planified in any way by Warcom. She speculated with the leaker being a higuer up or someone who desperately needs a raise
  10. Ok first thing that makes me doubt this: "TOW IS underperformimg because of tomb Kings" "Tomb Kings are selling bonkers" Bro, could you clear up your ****** mind? Anyways, its allways entertaining to read fanfic about the inner ups of a global enterprise. The latest phrase is oddly specific and its by far the BEST part.
  11. Nah, skavens very usually dont have a shared painting scheme. Mine dont.
  12. I may be wrong, but the event text implies it's new skaven. Skittershank's bros are 2 years old now
  13. Also, the articles from Warcom, on skavens, from Age of Sigmar, dated this year, today, some mere days ago, talk about diferent particular specific clans and the Council of Thirteen. Stop doomposting, skaven society isn't gonna change per GW itself (yeah, i know, it's ironic im the one saying this)
  14. there are huge notes of pestilens, Eshin, and Verminous(?)/the martial clan on the designs! which means you have the opportunity to mix and match to make clan-specific units it seems
  15. Hummmmm But none of the clanrats have these things...
  16. Also, btw, I keep reading all these "Nah, bro, clanrats are new, they don't need an update" Latest clanrats models were from 2010. 14 years ago. Let that sink in. There were other skaven units in WAY most dire need of a refresh, but they also needed an update.
  17. Okay key question here Are these spears, or two handed weapons? Because if they are spears, then thats 20 clanrats with swords/// 20 clanrats with spears for the box
  19. Gotta say tho, this leaked sprue doesnt look like very multimodular to me, nor it leaves room for other sprues. I legit think if weapon teams come, on this way or the other, they wont be using this kit.
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