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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. They already removed it on The Old World. It's gonna happen.
  2. Singapore Warhound Upon still water Autumm leaves falling Yes-yes!
  3. Meanwhile, the trailer for 10th that revealed all the miniatures coming:
  4. Just like a 5%, I know GW pattersn, I know Dawnbringers 6 IS still yet to be anounced, and the fact SoB and GSC hqs wont be revealed on Adepticon gives me the clue to this just being a blurry trailer and my true hopium: a unit of new clanrats
  6. There goes the original source. Dunno if OP was just wishlisting
  7. Nope, I took It from someone that passed It into a WhatsApp group
  8. Ummmm I might not be here on thursday. It's not that I don't want to (OF COURSE I WANt TO) but that day I have work and then have to got to the country's capital. Will wake up with very nice news, tho.
  9. Oh, I thought u guys already commented It. Here we go: Adepticon reveals: AOS >Abraxia lady of ruin >Ascended Khul >The cinematic trailer for 4edition Underworld >Nurgle demons vs Nighthaunt alchemist Warcry >Kurnothi wardancers vs Bonereaper Monsters TOW >Dwarfs Thane with shieldbearer (Bonesplitterz survive another day) 40k >Chaos lord terminator & chaos lord with jumpack & box KT >Votann pioneers vs Brood brothers (with new cadian look) Necromunda >Trailer teaser of Necromunda secundus Horus Heresy >Mechanicus knights
  10. Well, the adepticon reveals leak sounds legit. I guess there'll be another preview around may-end of spring if the SoB and GSC hqs wont be revealed yet
  11. TWOOOOO DAAAAAYS FOR ADEPTICOOOON* *actually a little bit more, but Im not gonna wake up at 4AM two times this week
  12. Still no teaser imagen from Warcom. I guess tomorrow they'd start a countdown of 3, which is very lame knowing how It used to be and how many releases there'll be.
  13. It's a niche, but just that niche is bigger than some AoS armies, some Fantasy armies, and whole wargame systems. It's 40k.
  14. I know this is my 4th or 5th "I can't believe the chickens still have stock" but man, I can't believe the chickens still have stock
  15. The beastmen page is going to be the most overlooked at.
  16. Well, I'll be damned, there's still stock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. The point shrinking has also been quite bad, a lot of bros are rn just playing with 1000 points because their armies no longer reach the 2000 limit.
  18. Ah, Im on your same page. I'll just play some with my 40k group and then play OPR the rest of the time, where i dont have to buy 120 minis to play a single match.
  19. You're totally right! And it's still up! Broooooooo, this must be like the first time in years that I see a release holding up so much time, it's a miracle
  20. Wellp, now there's no stock. But it was up for almost 1 hour! That's very impressive!
  21. Yeap, I was preocupied for over-reaching, but it seems like this time around GW was surprisingly prepared for this! Hope they prepare the same for when Ruination drops
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