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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. So, instead of a 20 clanrats + 10 stormvermin box seems like we're looking at a 40 clanrats box. I mean, clanrats on the leaks, clanrats on the trailer, clanrats on the artwork... I think the sooner we accept clanrats will get a refresh, the better.
  2. Well, well, look that like. Seems like meat is back on the grinder, guys
  3. If there's clanrats with spears on the kit that would sum it up in 20 clanrats with swords and shields + 20 clanrats with spears and shields (no way the limit is going any lower) not leaving room for stormvermin (not saying they won't come on the actual skaven wave, tho) For the design, I don't expect a lot of changes, just same plain ol' stormvermins with more monoposy kits to avoid all the kitbashing that skaven players have been doing with them for the last 14 years.
  4. Stormvermin tend to have more armour on legs/arms and halberds. For what I see on the art, these guys are wearing spears, which could imply that the box will have clanrats with swords (featured on the trailers) and spears (here)?
  5. I find this afirmation quite controversial. A lot of players that I know that went from AoS to ToW did so because of rule customisation. And it's, in fact, one of the main complaints about 10th ed, the fact that a boltgun and a plasma gun cost the same is just ludicrous game designing. Also, I allways see these "9th ed was confusing" complaints, but as long as I can remember from my group of friends, the latest year of 9th ed was a blast. But maybe we're in the minority.
  6. If you don't mind me asking, do you have a date for the actual kroot wave coming? I'm eagerly expecting to buy and paint a lone spear!
  7. They mention clan Skyrre on the warcom article about the trailer. But again: would leave and not look back.
  8. The moment they remove Pestilens and Eshin armies for dumbification issues I stop any atempt of playing AoS at all and leave this forum forever
  9. I wish he just came to us to tell if there's a skaven warcry team on the way... come on gee-dubs...
  10. Lol, bro cares more about beating the surprisingly sexy goth daddy guy than about releasing censorship
  11. As far as I can tell, soloing 70% of Fantasy's destruction already took the Great Horned Rat to an oficial 5th chaos god position, it's just that the other 3 didn't respect him. He was even present when giving Archaon boons, but the edgelord just spat on him. He's an oficial great chaos god and doesn't care about the opinions of the rest because at the end of the day the GHR only wants to gain more power and kill them all. Also, I thought Archaon released Slaanesh already?
  12. It sucks so hard to not have slaves on all GW systems anymore... I miss the days when I just threw waves of ****** to my enemies and shot, killing more skavens than my own enemies, until my machines exploded on a big green mushroom... Those were the days...
  13. Btw, I already noted it earlier, but Im gonna talk about this again: the clawlord is handling a mini-ratling gun. Why is this important? Because bringing back the old weapon teams on just an updated note would be weird since skavens have now the technology to make versions slightly smaller. So, yeap, despite my relunctancy, it is highly possible that this artillery thing is in fact a ratling gun. The sprue isnt compatible with multimodularity, but I guess there'll come a new remade one in the future that allows the weapon in the top to change (and flesh slayers will be tossed up to legends because theres no way you can toss it up on the kit's idea)
  14. Also, 22nd makes more sense since it's a little after the scholar year ends. Gotta milk those whales!
  15. -4 weeks of april showing 4 miniatures/units from the starter box -Reveal of the starter box at the beginning of may -Dawnbringers 6 -Rules and previews from the rulebook during the rest of may -Starter box preorders start on 22nd of June -Release day 2 weeks after -Rest of skavens model showed on july -Skaven wave coming on september-october
  16. That's now how they managed Leviathan, but, granted, @EonChaois probably right and now they want to milk It more and avoid bad PR. Id say tho the hype train for 10th was Great until It was revealed that whole points-are-now-power-levels drama
  17. Also, another btw point: ok, I was mentally prepared for not a single miniature being shown (It was 50/50 to me, just coping to see a single new clanrat) but Im also surprised that they didnt show up the new model of datasheets like they did with Leviathan. If you want to hype up a new edition you gotta give some visual reasons...
  18. Btw, very surprisingly we didn't get a single roadmap for any of the game systems! I thought at least one for TOW was kinda due at this point? How truly messy is GW's calendar rn?
  19. The box come preorders in 22th of june, mark my words
  20. Gotta be honest, apart from my excitement on rats, and Lost & Damned finally becoming an oficial thing, I have no opinions on the rest, I'm totally neutral about it all, sorry, lol.
  21. Ok, gotta quote the list again if someone needed it.
  22. So, asuming GW follows patterns: last year they started showing more of the Leviathan box on April's first monday. To me it seems like the most logical step to start unveiling Ruination at April's first, first monday of the month as well. Sadly, it will most probably be a stormcast, but I'd expect something from the fun part of the box being teased on 8th, and another for 22th.
  23. Btw, on the 40k front they did mention that CSM will get a cultist/traitor guardsmen detachment. That's my main army! I've allways used to have the Astra Militarum detachment, but the moment this drops I'm gonna jump so quick, lol.
  24. Btw, I still see amongst the skavendom the same dumb discussion/worrying about whether or not the clans will cease to exist, and can tell with confidence that warcom actually mentions them: Also, see that subtitled phrase? It redirects to the Warp Lightning Cannon. So unless the intern has messed up or Ikit Claw is killing all the clans, seems like the WLC will live to kill it's own crews for a bit more. Btw, GW keeps failing spectacualrly at selling me stormcasts, or at least at making them as compelling as the poor smurfs, but I'm glad the rats are keeping their sense of humour for the future. Glad to see there are writers behind that care.
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