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Posts posted by LeonBox

  1. 3 minutes ago, KrispyXIV said:

    How often did your opponent let you have DP instead of eating Mortals?  

    Towards the end he realized that there was no point not eating the mortals in a Troggoth-heavy list where he could just regen the wounds back. I would say he gave me maybe 5 dice worth of DPs and the rest were all mortals. 


    1 minute ago, Selpharia said:

    Slaanesh magic has sucked for a while; it’s just not reliable. I tend to consider it a nice little bonus when it goes off, but you really can’t plan around it, except with the epitome. 

    Yes, but now we don’t have Glutos’ +1 either, for a faction completely without pluses to cast. Pretty rough because when I did get Phantasmagoria/Soulslice off, they were amazing. 

    • Like 1
  2. Just finished, won 27-16 (he conceded bottom of 5). Early thoughts: 


    DP generation is so easy I can see them errata’ing the numbers up pretty fast. I generated 72ish, and that was with quite a few forgotten temptation dice. 

    Exalted Seekers of both flavours are excellent. Slickblades are super speedy and generate so much DP with EK. 

    Our magic sucks hard now unless you take the epitome. My other armies are Skaven and Soulblight, and I sure do miss pluses and re-rolls. 

    I’ll post a full batrep with pics in a bit. Overall, I’m super impressed with the new book. And temptation dice are *so* much fun. 

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    Had a short game, though unfortunately had to be called early - only got to the end of turn one, though Glutos had died to a trogboss after failing his saves and after saves to a huge damage roll :( Bad luck more than anything really! 

    Exact same thing is happening to me right now! His Troggboss damage roll on Glutos: 




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  4. I’m struggling with the best list to come up with to deal with 2x9 Troggoths (which is the list my opponent took last time). I abandoned the idea of a Keeper general because it messes with battleline too much. I’ve settled on Glutos for sure, but everything else is up for grabs. Any suggestions on dealing with 18 3+ 5++ Troggoths that come back on a 4+?

  5. 2 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Hopefully going to try this tonight 

     - Army Faction: Hedonites of Slaanesh
         - Army Type: Pretenders
    Glutos Orscollion (480)
    Lord of Pain (135)
         - General
    Lord of Hubris (135)
    Lord of Pain (135)
    The Contorted Epitome (190)
    Myrmidesh Painbringers (145)
    Myrmidesh Painbringers (145)
    Symbaresh Twinsouls (140)
    Symbaresh Twinsouls (140)
    Blissbarb Archers (150)
    Slickblade Seekers (200)
    TOTAL POINTS: 1995/2000

    I think I'll put Strength of Godhood on the Lord of Pain, as well as the Crown of Dark Secrets. I'll be against Gloomspite Gitz. Phantasmagoria will be on the Contorted Epitome and Born of Damnation on Glutos. 

    Will hopefully have a battle report to write out! 

    I have also got Gitz tomorrow -- I suspect a Troggoth-heavy list with that underpointed moon on a stick dude. Haven't written my list yet but I'll likely go with a Strength of Godhood Keeper as my centrepiece. I'll be sure to get plenty of pics and write up a batrep too. 

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Jaskier said:

    Warscroll early thoughts, apologies for the long post; 


    No need to apologize for the length of your post -- that was a fantastic breakdown and has my mind abuzzing with possibilities for this tome. It's such a fantastic overhaul for the entire faction. 

    2 hours ago, zombiepiratexxx said:

    I've not felt this excited about Slaanesh for a long time and have even pushed aside my current painting project to get painting Slaanesh before I've even got the book in my hand. 

    You and me both -- I've got a bunch of Slaanesh I never finished painting, and they'll be taking the place of my current projects immmediately. 

    • Like 3
  7. 57 minutes ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

    I believe it can. Doesn't specify a type of attack.

    So I think I get how to use rat ogres. Tag team them with a moulder and rush forward. Preferably behind a screen. But how do you use stormfiends effectively? It's a lot of points with a very clear, "kill me first," sign on them. The shooting is also kind of short range too.

    In my list they feel like a, "pick your poison," type unit. Get shot or get eaten. (Or shoot them both off before they reach you. Xp) Do people typically use a grinder weapons team to drop them in? Could I use the gnawholes for that? (So I can avoid breaking theme)

    Speaking of, how do you use your gnawholes typically? Teleportation threat? Purely for the +1 to prayers/casts? Something beyond my comprehension? 

    Sorry for all the questions. I'm just trying to wrap my head around some of the more nuanced concepts before I commit to the army fully.

    With Gnawholes, you generally want to castle up around one during deployment for your pluses to cast, chant, unbind and dispels. The other two can be deployed according to your opponent: a little forward if they're a castle, to force them to come forward if they want to shut them down, or in their backfield if they're elite and you want to force them to keep a unit back that could otherwise be doing damage to you. 

    Either way, they should be placed in a way that makes them able to threaten objectives. And they should always make life harder for the opponent when it comes to shutting them down. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Selpharia said:

    Exploding 6s usually equate to approximately a +1 to hit. Given how easy those are to acquire these days, and the likelihood that there are other ways of getting a similar bonus available to the army, I don’t think most of our units will miss old Euphoric Killers

    But it was, in effect, a flat +1 to hit across the whole army (in melee). It remains to be seen if the new allegiance abilities make up for that. 

    On another note, with -1 to hit being our allegiance ability at 12+ DPs, I think we can expect changes to Glutos' ability, since he gave -1 to hit in a 12" bubble.

  9. 12 hours ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

    This is the list I was thinking of building towards. I like the small model count and raw face punching. Xp Objective capture struggle bus, but if they're dead, they can't contest. :D We lost our competitive folk about 6 months ago so I'm not TOO worried. 

    Weird question, but how are melee storm fiends?

    1970pts, 135 wounds, 2 drops

    Battalion 1:

    Master moulder- catcher

    3x6 giant rats

    Battalion 2: 

    Master moulder - whip, +1 to hit for pack units artifact

    Greyseer - spell: death frenzy

    Arch warlock - General, devious adversary, spell: more more warp power

    2x4 rat ogres

    2 rat ogres

    1x6 stormfiends - 2 ratlings, 2 mortars, 

    Don't give me ideas! XO    I'm still trying to finish painting my flesh eaters! XD I found some 3d prints that are pretty awesome. Trying to minimize my work with ... fewer conversions. ... Like heroes ... and armoring ... Aw hell, I'll probably make some. XP

    Your screens are made of paper obviously, but if you can dictate who goes first (which you have a good chance of doing) this list could do a lot of damage. 

    I've actually heard of people running 3 Stormfiends with a melee profile recently. They're decently tanky with their wounds profile, but with fewer ways to buff than ranged ones (unless MM can affect them? Not sure on that one) I can't see them being as good. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 1/24/2023 at 2:23 PM, Enoby said:

    Slaangor buff! 

    "Slaangor Fiendbloods join their less fancily-dressed cousins in the new battletome, ready to revel in the waves of primal energy unleashed by Ghur. Not only do their razor-sharp claws sport an extra attack and a spruced-up Damage 2, their Obsessive Violence has become even more intense. Once per game, the Slaangors can fight twice in a single combat phase – ensuring that their victims are utterly torn asunder, but striking last the second time."


    Are we entitled to use the updated warscroll from the new Beasts book without a FAQ that explicitly replaces the warscroll in our book? 

  11. 2 hours ago, El Syf said:

    Q3k1CwxzAiZNJAyt.pdf (warhammer-community.com)

    Less points than a normal vampire lord and arguably better? Definitely has some flavour to him and relieved that he got an extra point of rend on his sword. Preorder confirmed for me. :) 

    Also his mortal wound ability is amazing. Mid-range characters that would usually be impossible to chew through (Eltharion springs to mind) are eminently killable if you Finest Hour and all-out-attack Cado. 

  12. On 2/23/2022 at 6:44 PM, Wordy9th said:

    A stressful game that only got to the bottom of turn 2 before we ran out of time and ended up (with some stressful discussion) in a draw. Loremaster took the middle objective and landed the mortal wound rock endless spell in the middle of my skelton blob. Mannfred and GG killed the big mountain dude and a bunch of stuff, the Vlozd took out some hammer units on the right until we had to end it. Probably would have went on for another 2 hours before resolution but end of day fatigue was kicking in for both of us.

    I'm curious as to why the game was so stressful, other than it being against the kings of NPE! 

    On 2/23/2022 at 6:44 PM, Wordy9th said:

    I took the turn, bats came back... 

    I may be missing or misinterpreting a rule, but how do bats come back if they're wiped? I thought Endless Legions only allowed Deadwalkers and Deathrattle summonables to come back? 

  13. 22 hours ago, umpac said:

    I tried it a few times with 2x40 zombies in 2.0 and didnt feel like I got much out of it. You basically only have use for it turn 1 and its hard to get 2 units in range without feeling super restricted with your deployments. Might improve early board control slightly but Pack Alpha is too good and I always ended  up regretting not picking it instead. 

    I feel like you definitely need to put it on a large base if you really want to run it for the reasons you mention.

    I just played a game with it and I have to agree with it not being really worth it and making your deployment way too tricky. I'll stick with Pack Alpha (Vyrkos is super CP-thirsty) or Hunter's Snare in future. 

    • Like 1
  14. Quick question regarding Spoor Trackers: whilst this is a great trait for getting surprisingly fast zombies/faster Dire Wolves, it is also very short-ranged (wholly within 9"). I was tempted to put it on a Necro but, given his small base and its limited range, I feel I won't get too much out of it. The other target is a VLoZD, but that might hamstring his being where you need him if he's babysitting zombies/wolves. Who would you put it on and why? 

  15. Hey guys, 

    I've been assembling and painting my SBGL since November or so, but I've recently had my first games via TTS. The first one was decent (it was Beastmen, not the scariest proposition) but yesterday I was absolutely ruined by a very nasty Seraphon list. I've also included my list, which I now cannot change because we're apparently doing some kind of tourney. Any advice on handling a list like this? image.png.70040301e9eb36deeae182de83dbc3d6.png


  16. Interesting take. I knew about the ruling as I use it all the time to stack Warp Lightning Storm on the same enemy model, but I hadn't considered Dreaded Death Frenzy working in that way. It's definitely something I can see them getting rid of once our new book rolls around, however. 

  17. 17 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Yes, and since dreaded deathfrenzy can be cast d3 times on the same unit, would also mean that in the best of times you could get 2 units with double death frenzy ready.

    I was even thinking of taking 2 clalwords.

    1 with the brutal fury and the other with the devious adversary trait.

    getting an extra attack for each lost wound in addition to the extra attacks they gain from either all hit rolls of 1 the opponent rolled or the extra 3 attacks, makes those heroes incredible killers, although you would have to sacrifice them😂

    I don't think Dreaded Death Frenzy would stack on a single unit like that. Its wording is "whenever a model from any of those units is slain, before it is removed from play it can make a pile-in move and attack with all of the melee weapons it is armed with." Death Frenzy and Dreaded Death Frenzy stack because they're different spells, but I don't think multiple instances of Dreaded Death Frenzy would. It would be quite frankly broken if a single Stormvermin model got to make 12 attacks before it was removed [3 Dreaded DF + DF + Skavenbrew]. 

  18. 7 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Yea, I’m not sure, yet why gw even bothered changing the rule for the battlshock soaven speical rule.

    yet still, a increase in size for at least stormvermins and plague monks, could be a bit help, especially for mono clan pestilence army, that are currently basically unplayable 

    I don't have any Plague Monks painted up yet (Pestilens is my least favourite clan) so I can't comment on their unit size, but I agree 100% that Stormvermin should go to 20/40/60 (or 15/30/45 at least). The fact that Stormvermin (and I assume Plague Monks?) lose the +1 to wound with just one casualty is pretty weird. It's also weird that they fixed the giant rat oversight in the summer FAQ, but not this. 

  19. Clanrats and Stormvermin both need their saves characteristic to be modified by their shields/numbers, rather than "add 1 to save rolls..." 

    Also they need to fix the bravery buff from "strength in numbers" so that units have their bravery buffed for every 10 models, rather than simply reducing battleshock losses by 1 for every 10. I fought FEC the other night and the number of Clanrats I lost to Crypt Flayer death shrieks was insane. 

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