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Posts posted by Bicko

  1. 7 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    The decision to show a dead chaos warrior on the base of Belakor is quite interesting. You would have thought he naturally ties into the slaves to darkness range, but maybe this is suggesting something else?

    Perhaps it's a case of sub-fractions within SoD. He always hated Archeon for taking what he saw as rightfully his. So maybe we'll see opposing side for the army. A bit like the was Nagash and Settra where in the same book but where clearly opposed.

  2. Hi everyone.m newly returning to the hobby after a long absence from AoS back in the Realmwars day.

    My how the game has moved on! Elves on flying sharks, dwarf airships and those new spectral undead!

    I'm stunned to what I've returned to and can't wait to get stuck back in.

    And all thanks to a glimpse of the two model preview of cursed city that randomly appeared on a social media feed for some unknown reason. All I know is I'm right back where I left off but from a place of wonder and fascination.

    I can't wait to getting going (again). Just need to pick an army now, I'm spoilt for choice

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  3. As someone re-entering the hobby after a long absence (I last played when the Realmwar books where being released) I'm in the fourtunate position of everything is shiny and new to me again and the game has moved so far forward from what I remember. Not quite the awe and wonder of the first time you walk into a store and see the display armies, but getting there. I'm genuinely feeling spoilt for choice in regards to where to start with what to collect, and what to read to catch up with the background.

    All in all I'm not jaded, have no expectations and everything is happy and positive. Also as strange as it may seem given the current climate I'm also really looking forward to getting into the community.

    ...Oh and Cursed City. It looks like it's going to be glorious. I randomly saw the two model preview, I have no idea why I even saw them now, but imidiately decided to jump headfirst back into the hobby.


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