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Posts posted by Thanos-se

  1. One question pls. Vanguard Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows add 3 to the attack characteristics if they did not move at the end of the movement phase. It does not say "or set-up". Does that mean that if I use the command ability of Aquilor or the Scions of the storm in which it does not say " this is considered as your move in the movement phase" I can add the 3 attacks???

  2. 2 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Too many Dracolines. Even if you somehow get them all in melee (huge bases, no room for 15 in combat) there's no way you will keep them all in range of the Lord-Arcanum for his buff effects. Your opponent will just put cheap disposable screens at the front, absorb your charge, and then counterattack to kill your expensive fragile thundercats. Many armies can fight first and kill you before you have a chance to attack.

    Stormcast need a mix of range and shooting. If you have shooting units you can kill those cheap screens before charging in with the cats.

    Drop 9 of the Dracolines to add some shooting (Judicators, Ballista, Longstrikes) and consider support heroes like the Azyros and Heraldor.

     I agree with that, I had just a though. Regarding the shooting from my experience, the ballistas are better for more cheap units but VR longstrikes better for snipping. I will come in more details. Ballistas vs ardboys, vulkite bersekers nad ironjawz pigs came out badass, they cleared the units (with the rapid fire only NOT single shot) in 2 turns. Ballistas vs hearthguard bersekers were a total lost. So I though it may be better to get the Longstrikes. Around turn 3 the heroes were away from 3" of Look out sir but still far awar for the rapid fire so I think the Longstrikew would be better (I will try it in next game).  

    Also in previous posts I supported a lot the sequitors in big blocks like 15 or 20. Now I am sure it is better. The 7 or 9 greatmaces have a high output damage. You need the shields to take out the slain models from the enemy attack or just for more bodies and rerolls at the save. I played against fyreslayers and the opponent had 2*20 HG bersekers. With castellant and the prayer the opponent had to reroll his 6s (MW) and I saved a lot of attacks.

  3. Actually I was looking a battle report of Ironjawz and he played the same numbers of pigs. So I thought "hey we have the cats".  I played 6 cats the other day and I lost a charge of 6 twice in a row, I rolled 5 (for God's sake). I had left heraldor out of the list in the last minute so I said never again. Also I would like your opinion on something else. I buffed the cats with castellant for the plus one save but I think it is better to buff something with reroll like sequitors. I was engaged in combat with sequitors and cats but the sequitors brought more saves due to the reroll than the cats even if they had the +1 to save.

  4. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals


    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (210)

    Knight-Incantor (120)

    Lord-Relictor (100)


    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (260)

    6 x Evocators on Dracolines (520)

    6 x Evocators on Dracolines (520)

    5 x Liberators (90) - Warhammer & Shield

    5 x Liberators (90) - Warhammer & Shield

    5 x Liberators (90) - Warhammer & Shield

    TOTAL: 2000/2000 WOUNDS: 122

    What do you think? Can this be a viable list???

  5. I would ignore totally the mages in Lumineth. I play arcanum and incantor to dispell the buffs of mortal wounds in archers. With Skyborne I think any unit of Lumineth will fall down. They have one wound per model. I cut a unit of spearmen with a 5 man liberator unit. So ignoring heroes is what I do in these battles, idk if it is right or wrong.

    • Confused 1
  6. I haven't tested the cleansing phalanx but a large unit of sequitors buffed with their save and rerollin everything are powerful. I would play the battalion with one max unit of sequitors and 6* dracolines and the minimum of the rest of the units. Buffing the sequitors with the 5man unit evos and the dracolines empower on themselves. You have two units with damage output. Heraldor definitely for the cats and LAoCD for pride leader and command ability. 

    Also I would drop the templar and keep relictor for the prayer which the enemy have to reroll 6s and the healing ability.

  7. Yesterday I played a casual 2K pts vs Ironjawz. I' ve played 6*Kittycats which I dropped them in 2nd round but I think they better start the game cause in case of failing the charge their output damage is lower. I tried a 20 sequitors team for which I had doubts but they locked the Megaboss and 3 warchanters still staying for 3 rounds. Instead of VR with Longstrikes I put the Ballistas which were more usefull for cleaning the ardboys and the pigs (in 18"). The other battlelines were 2*5 Libs from which I sacrificed the one to protect Balllistas (the pigs killed the 5 libs, I consider this as a win).  Concluding kittycats with Heraldor and castellant to buffed up in Hero Phase and charge in 2 turn. 4*5 Sequitors can't pile in all of them but they can stay in battle longer. They were a drop in 3rd round. I don't know how it would be against a list with magic. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    Trying to understand something RE Stormkeep and the Shield of Civilisation ability.

    If I go first and use translocation to set up my liberators 9" from the enemy, I understand they dont get the +1 to hit and save buff as they were set up in my turn.

    However once its my opponent's turn, are the liberators now buffed because they didnt move that turn? OR can they only get that buff once they havnt moved/been set up in my turn? As in, I would have to wait until my next turn and not move them in order to get the buffs?

    Also, it appears if they dont move in my turn the buff activates, and will stay up even if I make a charge later in the same turn. Is that correct?

    I have the same question. In the first turn if you opponent goes first are the liberators taking the buff? I didn't have a movement phase so I didn't need to move my Libs. To my knowledge the Libs don'ht have +1 to save & hit. It is similar to the ability of vanguard when you play the Anvils stormhost which has been errata-ed. The vanguard are not supposed to be taken as they didn't move in the Hero Phase since that phase did not appear and you didn't have the ability to move them.

  9. I will try your list today with 2*10 Libs due to lack of models. Also I want to put an Incantor inside since I am gonna play against Lumineth. I will put also a unit of Juudicators. How the list does work exactly? It is an aggressive list or you put the units to capture the objectives and you use the gryph-hounds for screens? 

  10. If you don't charge how you work the list. If you move towards opponent he ll slaughter you anyway in his/her turn. At least at first turn he doesn't have his buffs.  Charge maybe to a hero or a key unit. Not engage your whole army into combat. In 1k lists one or two leaders less would be beneficial for us. Otherwise if you can capture an objective in the enemy territory and get  more points it is an option too. Even then you shouldn't be wiped so you can preserve your early earned points.





  11. Are you sure about this? It gives you an opporunity to charge at 3" in 1st round. Also what weapons do you use at Libs. Playing the Astral Templars and setting - up 3" away I would also played as many Libs as I could on contrary to what I have mentioned above. Maybe I would use also the paired warhammers.

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