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Posts posted by Stirlz

  1. Hey folks! I am starting to get into the hobby and started by just buying and painting some miniatures I like. After some research on how to best use these to actually play a game I have decided that warcry sounds like the best fit for me. But the information on how to start seems conflicted online:

    The catacombs starter box is the obvious choice but Ive read reviews that say it is overpriced for what It comes with and those arent top priority warbands for me. 

    Is it difficult to buy neccesary parts piecemeal? Is ebay the best place for this? Can one save money buying off-brand terrain or print stats cards at home, etc? Or should I just shovel out the money to get the full box to have everything work well together and whatnot?


    thanks in advance for your help!

  2. Wow, thats a really concise and helpful answer, thanks so much! 

    I already own the "Start Collecting" box for daughters of khaine and am having fun painting up some snakes. But it means that with a starter box for warcry, we would have 3 warbands, and that seems like a solid amount of variety. Warcry is kinda the direction I was already leaning, after watching a few battle reports. Although it does lack the "huge handfuls of dice" hype of standard games, which is something of a bummer

  3. wow theres so much to learn when approaching this hobby. I am first and foremost interested in painting miniatures but I definitely want to play a game with them, and the myriad variations and sub variations are overwhelming. Warcry, Path to Glory, Skirmish, Underworlds, Standard aos! some seem like they get continued support and others dont, some are competitive others are less etc.

    I want to play one of the lower-model-count, shorter-game variations because I will need to convince a friend to play with me, and it makes painting models from more than one range more financially reasonable. Is there a good breakdown somewhere of the pros and cons of these games? Is one just clearly the community favorite?
  4. Or if you dont have a favorite tutorial, I do have some specific questions:

    1. Are washes or shaders paints or these sorts of things universally used? I see them a lot in tutorials and whatnot, but the 2d painter in me is resisting the idea, and just mixing my darker and lighter tones and applying them with intention. Does this end up creating too many layers and/or do folks run into difficulties with deep crevasses and things? tldr do I have to use shader paints?

    2. underpainting? I see the "zenithal" priming method which makes a lot of sense to me and I expect that I will use that. Do you or other folks then continue painting in just black/white to establish your lights and darks on top of that but before applying color? 

    3. any tips in general? I am less concerned with efficiency, batching, and speed, and more interested in taking a long time and trying to learn to make showpiece models! I am starting with the daughters of kaine, if that inspires any specific tips!

  5. Hey tga community! You all have been really great at answering a number of my questions already! I have my first "start collecting" box (daughter of khaine) in the mail and am eager to get started painting some snake ladies!

    I am an illustrator and feel very confident in my traditional painting skills but obviously theres a lot of new stuff to learn transitioning over to painting plastic miniatures. I have been doing some research but 1. there is a LOT of content on miniature painting and it is hard to sift through whats useful and whats not.  2. a lot of the things Im seeing on youtube and whatnot are aimed at helping folks paint quickly or helping folks avoid mixing their own colors etc. Many are also hyper specific and granular, just listing the pots of citadel paints a person used to paint a certain type of sword or whatever. 

    Do yall have any particular favorite lessons, channels, videos, etc. aimed at fundamentals and best practices for learning high-end miniature painting?   obviously some of it will just be a question of trial and error, but with such expensive little models, Id like to avoid unnecessary error where possible!



    thanks in advance for your help!

  6. 2 minutes ago, ColsBols said:

    You only need the Morathi book, which I would recommend getting anyway because it is a gorgeous book and the story is excellent. All the other warscrolls are available for free on the AZYR app. 

    You need to decide tho whether you really want to do HK or DOK, because in HK you can only have one in 4 units be DOK and the rest only Dark Elves, whereas in DOK you can ally in 400pts worth of druchii.

    I didnt realize I could bring in other dark elves into a DoK army! That does seem more like the right move to me. Ill have to read up a bit more, but thanks!

  7. Hey all! I'm thinking of diving into the world of miniature war gaming, and am an artist, so I was wondering how many of my current materials will work with miniatures. I've got a really solid collection of good acryla-goache paints that I plan on using, unless there's really some reason that the citadel paints are better suited for the job?

    And then I was wondering if super sculpey or epoxies take well to these models? I suspect the heat required to bake sculpey will hurt the plastic of the base models,  but maybe not?


    Thanks in advance!

  8. Hey all! I am new to the hobby, and am thinking of creating a Har Kuron army. I have a question about the books. To get all of the rules for a Har Kuron army do I need to have 1. the cities of sigmar 2. the daughters of kaine AND 3. the broken realms morathi books? that seems absurd to buy up front. Maybe I start with a Daughters of Kaine army so that I can spend my money on some models and expand my books and range later?

  9. OK, well with all of that excellent input, I think I am going to start planning a 1k point har kuron army, and hoping that soon enough Ill be able to fold in some sweet new models when Malekith comes back!

    thanks everyone!


    and Ill just have to hope that buyers remorse doesnt kick in when I am painting my my dark elves and I dont suddenly wish they were on eels, or those amazing slaanesh long-tongue horse things

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  10. Just now, Neverchosen said:

    So this is not a helpful answer (for which I apologize), but there is still a faction that is being hinted at or in development around Malerion (Malekith in the Old World) which will likely reinvent the Dark Elves into Age of Sigmar. We have little information beyond the fact that Malerion has become God of the Realm of Shadows and looks really dope:


    Well this IS helpful even if it isn't a direct answer to what I asked! A malekith revival does sound like something worth waiting for before making any expensive decisions. I hope the army's playstyle ends up being fun!

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  11. Thanks for the input everyone! lots of helpful stuff so far! Ive also been doing some research on my own

    I have some questions re: the dark elves. I know that they are under the umbrella of cities of sigmar, and that there are variant rules for playing an all DE army that allows you to bring in daughters of kaine to some degree? The dark elf model line stradles the line of cool and all-out silly in a way that I really enjoy. But is this har kuron subfaction fun the play on the tabletop? I am concerned that they are an afterthought for people that still had their dark elf models and wont have cool rules or a distinctive playstyle. Or do yall think it would be better to stick to a faction with a dedicated battletome for my options and thematics and synergies and whatnot?


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  12. Hey all! I'm pretty into what I've seen so far about AoS and want to dip my toe into the world of wargaming. I have painted some minis in the past, and played warhammer total war,  but have never made a serious attempt to build a tabletop army and learn to play. But as its always the case with such things: need help learning about the factions

    In other games I enjoy big payoff combos, high risk/ high reward stuff.  Specialized units appeal to me more than jack-of-all-trades. some unique mechanics and shenanigans get me excited. Would prefer too early on the side of lower model counts. Tier lists don't really matter to me

    Aestheticically I'm into a lot of them at first glance: dark elves,  tzeentch, slaanesh, deepkin are all probably top tier for me, but skaven, fyreslayers and plenty of others look extremely cool.


    Any thoughts or advice?


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