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Posts posted by Perturbato

  1. 9 hours ago, Greasygeek said:

    On the hero wishlist topic I just hope for a mix of heroes that would normally work together. Ever since the original WHQ I always found it weird that a Witchhunter would team up with Chaos Warrior. 
    Or a Stormcast  a Skaven and a Khorne Deathbringer as in newer versions.

    I get that GW aim to include all factions It just killed some of the narrative for me.

    The only way it was possible was in the Silver Tower but the roleplay behind this is reliable : each adventurer has a purpose to be in the Silver Tower (wanted or unwanted) and they play alongside only to stay alive .. and when it is possible they play against each other ^^

    In Shadow over Hammerhal it wasn't possible if you want to roleplay because you were starting in the city as members of the order and going against chaos ^^.

    To understand better the roleplay behind Silver Tower the book/novella about it is really well written .. talking about the rivalry between the stormcast and a darkoat chieftain, a fyreslayer who stayed too long in the silver tower, a mistweaver trying to stay elusive and an skaven assassin trying to kill them ^^

    • Like 2
  2. In silvertower too you had mini games, and even if it was a cooperative game there were rivalry between the members, providing roleplay for inter faction playing.

    You could choose to use a member as a sacrifice, drink that potion or not. 

    One easy way to counter insanly strong character was to increase the HP of the bestiary.

  3. Page 116 – Idolators Battle Traits, Panoply of Ruin, rules Change to: ‘Idolators Cultists units have the Battleline battlefield role. If you upgrade a Chaos Chariots or Gorebeasts Chariots unit to be an Idolator Lord, all Idolators Cultists units you include in your army gain the Mark of Chaos keyword that was picked for that Idolator Lord. In addition, when you make a charge roll for an Idolators Cultists unit, change the lowest dice to a 6. If the roll is a double, change one of the dice to a 6.’

    Page 116 – Idolators Battle Traits, Idolator Lords, rules Change the second sentence to: ‘If you do so, that unit gains the Idolator Lord, Eye of the Gods, Hero and Priest keywords, is an Exalted Charioteer (even though the unit has only 1 model), and you must give it one of the following Mark of Chaos keywords when you select it to be part of your army: Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Undivided.’


    that's what we ask. BUT no artifact ?

  4. What's funny to me is that it looks like vermintide, you have corners of the city to investigate and maybe a hub to drink beer !


    What is really of my concern : will it be only order restrictive like Shadow Over Hammerhall or will it be lore friendly to welcome chaos worshipper or agent of destruction like the nicely written "Labyrint of the lost" from Silver Tower.


    And as i have both silver tower and Shadow Over Hammerhal i really hope all the old heroes are playable in this set and maybe the exotic enemies will be the nighthaunt or other from dead allegiance. But if i was GamesWorkshop and i wanted to make money i would make oop content useless in order to make people buy the new stuff ! In that case maybe it will be possible to adapt the rules ofr Cursed cities to Silver tower.


  5. Or i'll take 2 x 5 Chaos Warriors, switch the chariot for Knights and take the Wrath-Axe instead.

    I just fear the 40 blob of marauders is hard to use and makes for an abvious hammer to target for the enemy but i take notes and i will try it

    Chaos lord on Karka

    Chaos lord


    Slaughter priest


    40 x Marauders

    5 x Chaos Knights

    5 x Chaos Knights

    5 Chaos Warriors

    5 Chaos Warriors


    Chaos Warshrine

    Chaos Warshrine


    Bloodmarked Warband battalion

    Hexgorger Skull and Wrath Axe


  6. Well they will get some artefacts one day i hope. It looks like a giant unintended miss. 


    I made a nurgle idolator list with only 3 drops using the plaguetouched battalion. Nurgle blessings looks rad !


    Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (230) - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

    Idolator Lord on Gorebeast Chariot (150) - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle - Prayer: Blessings of Nurgle

    Chaos Lord (110) - Reaperblade & Daemonbound Steel - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110) - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle - Spell: Whispers of Chaos



    15 x Chaos Warriors (270) - Hand Weapon & Shield

    20 x Chaos Marauders (160) - Axes & Shield

    5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Ensorcelled Weapons

    3 x Varanguard (280)



    Chaos Warshrine (170)

    Chaos Warshrine (170)



    Plaguetouched Warband (180)


    - The idolator blessing used by my idolator lord  : Blessing of Nurlge : At the start of your hero phase, you can say that this model will chant this prayer. If you do so, pick 1 friendly NURGLE IDOLATORS unit wholly within 12" of this model and make a prayer roll by rolling a dice. On a 1-2, the prayer is not answered. On a 3+, you can re-roll wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by that unit until your next hero phase.- 

    The blessings of the warshrine themselves + protection of the dark god : Favour of Nurgle: You can re-roll wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by that unit until your next hero phase. In addition, if that unit has the Nurgle keyword, add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target that unit until your next hero phase.

    - The mark of chaos nurgle aura (i still didn't found how i really works) .. 

    - the battalion (one sorcerer and one unit won't be part of it) Plaguetouched Warband (1 Mortal STD Nurgle HERO, 7 Mortal STD Nurgle units). ======> Unmodified wound rolls of 6 on attacks targeting units from this battalion result in the attacker taking 1 mortal wound. Also, in your hero phase, pick an enemy target within 1" of any unit in the battalion. On a 3+, that enemy unit takes D3 mortal wounds.

    - The sorcerer being very usefull and can try to land a few spells


    ==> looks like a well defensive army with the high mobility of STD cavalry. It just needs artefacts !

  7. 5 flesh hounds(with luck they can charge and they have to reroll charge ability !) or 20 bloodletters to cap objectives in the end. If your bloodsecrator is still alive, the 20 bloodletters will be a force the enemy can't ignore.



    I made a list in order to use most of my STD units and reduce the drop number to 3



    Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (230) - General - Command Trait: Hew the Foe - Artefact: Thronebreaker's Torc

    Chaos Lord (110) - Reaperblade & Daemonbound Steel

    Bloodsecrator (120) 4" 3+ 5 9 - Artefact: The Brazen Rune

    Slaughterpriest (100) 6" 5+ 6 8 - Blood Blessing: Brazen Fury



    15 x Chaos Warriors (270) 5" 4+ 2 6 - Hand Weapon & Shield

    20 x Chaos Marauders (160) 6" 6+ 1 5 - Axes & Shields

    20 x Chaos Marauders (160) 6" 6+ 1 5 - Axes & Shields

    5 x Chaos Knights (160) 10" 4+ 3 7 - Cursed Lance

    1 x Chaos Chariots (120) 8" 4+ 7 6 - Greatblades



    Chaos Warshrine (170) 8"* 4+ 12 7 - Blood Blessing: Blood Sacrifice

    Chaos Warshrine (170) 8"* 4+ 12 7 - Blood Blessing: Resanguination


    BATTALIONS Bloodmarked Warband (180)



    I hesitate to switch the slaughterpriest for the bloodstocker and take a gorebeast instead of regular chariot



  8. On 1/18/2021 at 5:24 PM, Salyx said:

    About the number of Skullreapers per unit, you will find different approaches. Units of ten are a real threat to anything on the  board. However, the enemy knows that as well and will focus them as much as he can. If you split them up into units of five, you have the advantage of more Blood Tithe and one extra Mutation attack. On top of that, only 5 Skullreapers can die at once, no matter how much damage is inflicted. Nevertheless, 5 Skullreapers quickly lose offensive power when some of them die and 5 or less Skullreapers are not that dangerous anymore. Perhaps you should just play a mix or use both variations. 

    I find the unit of ten hard to manage because they have 40mm base and some time there is a waste of them because i can't pile-in enough. And unit of 5 grants more blood tithe !

    • Thanks 1
  9. Hi i searched on several topics, found some relative subjects but due to my bad english maybe i'm not really sure of the answer.

    "Daemonforged weapons" for skullreapers and "decapitated blow" for bloodletters both tooltip is "mortal wound in addition of normal damage" on a natural 6 for hit. 

    So if i draw a natural 6 for a hit attack there is three scénari :

    - i successful wound and the target fail the savebso i score the damage + 1 mortal wound


    - i successful wound but the target saved the attack and i score only 1 mortal wound but no damage


    - i fail the wound Roll and the target get inflicted the mortal wound

    If the target has a feel no pain toward mortal wound he roll the fnp for every wounds (damage not saved + mortal wounds inflicted).


    Is any of the above IS wrong ?

  10. Hi i searched on several topics, found some relative subjects but due to my bad english maybe i'm not really sure of the answer.


    Maybe i should post it in thé rule section but it IS related to khorne units for my interest.

    "Daemonforged weapons" for skullreapers and "decapitated blow" for bloodletters both tooltip is "mortal wound in addition of normal damage" on a natural 6 for hit. 

    So if i draw a natural 6 for a hit attack there is three scénari :

    - i successful wound and the target fail the save and i score the damage + 1 mortal wound


    - i successful wound but the target saved the attack and i score only 1 mortal wound but non damage


    - i fail the wound Roll and thé target get inflicted the mortal wound

    If the target has a feel no pain toward mortal wound he roll the fnp for every wounds (damage not saved + mortal wounds inflicted).


    Is any of the above IS wrong ?




  11. Hi all, my question is about the Idolators.


    In Warscroll Builder we can choose the Idolator on Chaos chariot or the Idolator on Gorebeast charriot for a leader/hero.

    The only way to have this type of unit is under eh Slave to Darkness Allegiance i suppose, there is no real warscroll about an idolator, we know that it is a single chariot working as a Exalted charioter, gains the keywork Idolator Lord, Héros and Priest. We must give him a chaos mark, so here it is Khorne.

    He know a few blessings (for khone it's reroll hit for a unit WW 12' until next hero phase).

    I'm no expert but i like to imagine a 120 points priest with decent mobility and nice combats skills and 7wounds (8wounds for 150). No dispell tought.

    No bloodboil either but nice reroll hit buff.


    My question is : is it allowed in a khorne army ? As an ally or directly ? Would it be the same cost and would he be allowed to launc judgement and have blessings in addition to its warscroll ?

    I'm probably wasting my time here as i fear that the required allegiance to slave to darkness is what's blocking here and we have no direct warscroll for this unit.

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