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Posts posted by NemoVonUtopia

  1. 1 hour ago, That Guy said:

    So for bloodreavers i decided to definitely go with meatripper axes, i’m convinced they are better. I still hesitate for my blood warriors. 1 person said going with the goreaxes means taking the most out of your warriors, because you’ll be using the re-rolling 1’s when you attack and when you die. Yet i see a lot of people go for the gorefists. Would like to hear some more voices on which of the wargear options is overall the better choice for blood warriors.

    I chose gorefists mostly for aesthetics and because since they do mortal wounds I figure they will result in more consistent damage if I have to make a similar amount of armour saves. 

    I think which is best depends on what you are facing and I dont think there is a clear winner. Since each bloodwarrior could attack 4-10 times depending on buffs and if they attack first and then die, rerolling ones will always be useful but you have to go through the normal attack sequence to cause more damage. Gorefists depend on how many attacks are coming in so their usefulness depends on what is attacking them which is less controllable.

    So just based off my opinions and experience I dont think there is a clear best choice overall. Idk what statistics says about it.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, kahadin said:

    So I asked on reddit: If a blood warrior is wounded 100 times do you make 100 saves or roll saves individually until he is dead. It looks like you roll 100 saves.

    Page 7 of the rule pdf states that you allocate damage after all the units attacks are resolved. This may be news to no one, but it seems to make a good case for msu gorefists. 

    Is there something I'm missing or a rule I got wrong? Seems like we could run some blood warriors into a death star and deal a good amount of ortal wounds back if this is right.

    You are correct that we dont have to stop rolling armor saves once enough damage goes through to kill the unit.

    I have experience with ironsworn that have the same rule and while nice I dont think that msu warriors would reliably do much since it would be harder to a lot of attacks on them and I dont think the damage would be reliably good. For example, 6 flesh eater courts flayers buffed with 3 extra attacks each (42 attacks total) killed my ironsworn unit but took around 4 mortal wounds in return which was nice but 6 flayers would probably have difficulty all getting in range of just 5 bloodwarriors.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Warbossironteef said:

    As somone with a small collection who is looking to expand, do you think Blood Warriors are better with this rulebook? I didn't see many people taking them before and I believe their points are the same. They seem pretty tough to remove from the board, but damn are they expensive.  The Gorefist is the clear option right?

    20 of them buffed up a little seem very hard to move off of objectives, but that's 400 points... Yikes.

    I have always used blood warriors and they have gotten better since the gore fists are more likely to trigger now. The only downsides is that the champion cannot take the goreglaive and they will have to deal with battleshock more. I usually run them in 10s. The few times I have taken them larger than 10 they have been very unwieldy and haven't gotten many more attacks in than a 10 man unit. 


  4. I just noticed that the bloodwarrior unit leader get an extra attack for its goreaxe(s). I guess that means there is no reason to give them the bloodglaive anymore, kinda disappointing since that was an easy way of showing the champion. 

    • Sad 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, ChaosUndivided said:

    So if i have say 3 Blood Tithe and need command points i can only buy 1 with my BT then the rest goes to waste?

    Also when can i make this choice? Only durring hero phase?

    Yes to both unless the new book changes that which I hope so since I waste a lot of bloodtithe points that way.

    With the changes to wrathmongers, are they any good mortal answers to high damage monsters? Previous I relied on wrathmongers to suicide themselves so the big targets kill themselves. Now it seems like I will be stuck with trying to drown them in no rend one damage attacks and slaughterpriests. 

  6. I deal with frustration by not expecting to win and also to think about my wider experience. Lately I've been playing lists that I know are not very competitive but are thematic and fun. I took a troggoth list to a tournament and I lost every game mostly due to objective and low model count. 

    My first game against Daughters of Khaine was very frustrating because a giant blob of witch elves charged and killed close to half of my army in one turn. I was powerless to stop it, I tried to position myself to mitigate the damage bit they are so fast it didnt matter. But when I got to go, I ahnilalated the witch elves and ended up almost tabling them. 

    I take comfort in knowing that frustration is usually temporary and that I have had many more positive moments and comebacks than frustrating moments.

    It also helps that I have too many different armies so when I get frustrated with my Beasts of Chaos I'll switch armies for a bit.


  7. 24 minutes ago, Noit said:

    I feel that pure Skryre lists have no chance at competitive level,is it the same for you too guys?

    Based off of past experience I only started doing well with skryre once I allied in a unit of clanrats. I will try out various pure skryre lists as I paint up more clanrats and stormvermin but I expect to struggle with battleplans with several objectives.

    That being said it doesnt bother me much, I'm not much of a competitive player and I expect a decent amount of my army to blow itself up.

  8. 11 hours ago, Nevar said:

    So to be sure...

    When I am rolling the power for a War Lightning Cannon, I want to roll 1 for the power right?  Because then it is 2+ for mortal wounds?

    Its actually 1+ for mortal wounds so 6 or 12 mortal wounds. Ones only fail for hits, wounds, and saves. If you are overcharging you will still have to roll to see how many ones there are but they will still do mortal wounds.

  9. Any thoughts on if a minimum sized claw horde is worth it? I'm planning on having 2x40 clanrats and 40 stormvermin with a claw lord to be the core of my army. It seems like a lot of points for the benefit of maybe saving a command point in the combat phase because I doubt I will consistently keep all 3 units within 13" of the clawlord and I'm heavily considering a warpseer so I should have a decent number of command points to use the clawlord's ability multiple times anyway.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Nevar said:

    I am looking to make a 'gunline' Skaven army, what do people this is better, the Plague Claw or Warplighting cannons?  A mix of both?

    Likewise, stormfiends can be built all pew pew, but what are people's experience with globe launchers?  Ratling guns and warpfire projectors are awesome, but globe launchers seem odd to me.

    I think that the choice of plague claw and warp lightning depends on what you need from them. Plague claws are longer range and dont need line of sight so you will be able to fire sooner and more consistently but it is more dependent on luck because there is more rolling. Since warp lightning doesnt need to roll to hit and does mortal wounds it's great for sniping heros that get within range.

    For stormfeinds, I choose windlaunchers over warpfire for a ranged unit because I dont want them to take damage in combat even though the third model will useless at range.

  11. 1 minute ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Thanks for the response, maybe my question wasn’t clear, I now have 2 units that include a Grinderfist and I was wondering whether to build a Ratling Cannon instead on the 3rd unit. 

    I would think that it depends on how much melee you need. I have 2 units with grinder fists and warpfire that get close and one unit with rattling and windlauncher that hangs back and can protect objectives or my back line while still contributing. If you take the warpfire thrower instead of the windlauncher on the 3rd unit I would build another grinderfist for the extra wound and better melee. 


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  12. 47 minutes ago, Zinnar said:

    The more I'm thinking about it, the more I'm coming around to the idea of "Mixed Skryre". I just don't like having to buy and paint more filler units.

    I'm really interested in Stormvermin, but I don't want to take a huge block of them, and am not sure whether a unit of 10 Stormvermin is better filler than a unit of 10 Acolytes (which I already have).

    The Stormvermin are obviously more survivable, but a unit of 10 will only get the bonus for a short time. Still, they are 5+ and not 6+. Moreover 10 Stormvermin (I think?) put out more wounds than a unit of Acolytes before you consider buffs for either units.

    I guess my real questions are here:

    How do we feel (like I asked earlier) about minimum size units of Clanrats and Stormvermin, and how do we feel about those in comparison to Acolytes for a list that is heavily Clan Skryre?

    What I'm wondering is something like...

    2x20 or 3x20 Clanrats as battleline instead of some combination of Stormfiends and Acolytes

    Or something like, 40 Clanrats, 2x10 Stormvermin instead of Stormfiends and Acolytes

    Basically, if I'm taking small units primarily to screen Cannons, Stormfiends, and Weapons Teams, and don't want to drop 40-strong blobs of clanrats, how do we rate 20 Clanrats vs 10 Stormvermin vs 10 Acolytes?

    For screens I think 20 clanrats are the clear winner, they cover more area, have more wounds, and are not that different from 10 stormvermin.

    My initial impressions is that stormvermin will be best in large groups to take advantage of 2" range and the buffs.

    Since the saves depend on unit size will we have to roll each save separately for a 10 man unit of stormvermin until one is failed?

  13. 5 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    What's about the canon?


    - good

    - OP

    1 or 2 or 3?  I like the mini, and there there are so few canons in AoS, I can't imagine not taking at least one. Your thoughts?

    I think it's quite good. It's fairly reliable since it auto hits and does mortal wounds though it is reliant on rolling good on the power roll. It's good for killing or keeping small support heros away. 

    I think the new rules make it even better at taking out heros. Also since poison wind mortars are gone i think they are the second longest ranged unit after jezzails.

  14. My main annoyance with the new stormfiends is that I will have 3 different weapons to roll for if I want to have a melee focused units. 

    I wish they only limited the amount of warpfire throwers and rattling guns in the unit since it seems like they seem like the most abusable.

  15. I bought Mollog to use in Age of Sigmar games and am wondering if it is possible to make a possible deck with only the cards that come with him. I am not looking compete in tournaments or anything just want to try out Shadespire whithout buying all the other sets or if I would be better off giving the neutral cards to someone who actually plays.

  16. 28 minutes ago, Clanan said:

    I'm doing something similar with the Trollbloods Mountain King for a Troggoth Hag. I might stick a shaman on his shoulder, an idea mentioned a few pages back. I dislike the FW model and love the Mountain King, who is on a 120mm base whereas hers is 120x92mm so close enough.

    Speaking of, what are people's thoughts/experiences with the Hag? I question whether she's worth the points vs. ~6 rockguts + 1 shaman for 400. I do love big models though. Below is a compilation of her full HP profile & degraded profile vs. 6 rockguts (because I like them more than fellwaters). All against save of 4 rerolling 1s:

    Happy hag:


    Sad hag:


    Two units of 3 Rockguts:


    Their profile includes the boulder throw (2x 50% chance for d3). Seems like their lack of degradation plus higher damage, along with a shaman for magic, might make it an even trade.

    My personal experience with the hag is that she does a lot of damage with her vomit but not much in melee, I tend to be unlucky with hitting and my opponent makes most saves against her. She is very survivable, one game she dueled a frost lord on stone horn most of the game and hasn't died very often. Her spell is amazing but the rockguts are probably better damage wise and better for objectives.

  17. 3 hours ago, miguel_fernan said:

    I`ve just finishing building my troggherd, sadly wasnt able to prime it yet, but... Is it just me or the Rockgut trogoths box is really great? All the options are amazing, the details are incredible and ive built 6 different ones that all look amazing. After a somewhat disapointment with the Dankhold the rockguts were an amazing surprise.

    Edit: the only thing now is what to do with all the bits lol

    I'm considering using the extra torsos and heads to make more rockguts coming out of rocks or the ground they can manipulate stone like water.  I dont know how to achieve that yet though.

    Any ideas on how to base a troggoth army? My first thought is to try swampy bases for the hag and fellwater and rocky for the rockguts and dankholds but I dont know if having two different base designs would look good in one army.

  18. I just played in a small local tournament using Skalok (the new forge world dragon) and I am very pleased how it went even though I didn't win a single game which I expected since i figured i couldn't play to objectives very well. My list idea was to buff and support Skalok while having an independent battle line so my list was:


    2 slaughterpriests with killing frenzy and resangunation 


    5 Wrathmongers 

    3x5 Blood warriors.

    Game 1 was battle of the pass vs Daughters of Khaine. The first few turns we approached each other cautiously to but the Daughter's superior mobility ment that they got the middle objectives first and got the first charges. My blood warriors all died but they protected Skalok and the wrathmongers who were able to decimate the enemy's army in later turns. Skalock only took 2 wounds because she killed any unit she attacked. 

    Game 2 vs ironjaws went the same way, a turn 1 charge killed all of my screening blood warriors but I then tabled my opponent with Skalok killing a mega war boss on mawcrusha and one on foot, 5 brutes, and around 30 'ard boys. But due to low model count my opponent won off points.

    Game 3 vs Nurgle I decided to be stupid and charge Skalok into my opponent's army first instead of fighting behind blood warriors and wrathmongers. Needless to say, she died in 3 combat rounds to 10 blightkings in a plague cist and 10 chaos warriors supported by a harbinger of decay. 

    I learned that Skalok didnt need much buffing support and I really needed more bodies. Next time I'll try a bloodsecrator and as many bloodreavers as possible. 


  19. On 10/27/2018 at 6:14 AM, TeddyMadeMeDoIt said:

    I notice not many run the Dreadquake mortar. 

    As a collector it is an amazing mini I would love to have in the army but does it do that badly in games? I feel it may just be that the magma cannon is so much more effective in comparison with points and damage output etc

    I'd like to ask why people don't run it? Is it bad all together or just bad in comparison? Or is it bad at all?

    I think it's just bad in comparison. It been adequate in the games I have used it in but it is inconsistent. The good is that it can pretty much shoot at anything you want and can do a lot of damage, but I have also had quite a few times when it did nothing. Since I dont play competitively I like bringing it anyway and it is a fun model, I dont regret getting one.

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  20. On 10/26/2018 at 5:48 PM, Lior'Lec said:

         Has anyone picked up one of these models yet or seen it in person? I’m building a drying box for my models and want to know how large I’ll need it to accommodate a model this extreme (because it IS on my list of things to buy, but a pretty long way down the list).

    I have not fully assembled it yet but it 2x3ft seems like it would be enough.

  21. I just preordered it since I've been waiting years for it to come out. It probably for the best that it isn't super points efficient or unkillable. I hate it when I bring any unit and all my opponent does is complain how overpowered it is. 

    I wonder what base size would be best since it doesn't say that it comes with one. It seems like it will need an Archaon sized one, but maybe the large ovals would work.

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