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Posts posted by NemoVonUtopia

  1. 39 minutes ago, Charlo said:

    Has anyone ever used LoA in a Grand Alliance Chaos?

    Seems like you don't lose out on LOADS as the Allegiance abilities are nice, but could be made up for with more diverse units?

    I have not yet, but have been thinking about a generic chaos list with brayherd and LoA artillery because for some reason they cannot ally. Or adding artillery and fireglaives to pretty much anything but skaven to add some ranged capability.


  2. 5 hours ago, Mikeymajq said:

    Also I'm going to try out the Bloodforged battalion, I think it would fit really well with the Chamon theme I'm going for. Has anyone used it? What's the general opinion? 

    I use it fairly often since I really like blood warriors and wrathmongers. 

    It gives a nice defensive boost and making enemies attack themselves is great when I remember to do it. 

    It doesn't have as big of an impact as something like gore pilgrims but since I tend to use 3x10 bloodwarriors and 2x5 wrathmongers anyway I use it to add both survivability and damage.

    Also it is hilarious when your opponents last model kills itself in anger.

    • Like 1
  3. On 8/4/2018 at 9:09 PM, Calow said:

    Hey everyone,

    How do you all model the fireglaive/ironsworn unit leaders? As far as I can tell the only model that comes with a pistol is the castellan; do Forgeworld expect us to buy a command set per unit? The Blackshard Warhost only comes with one command set on the webstore and the unit kits don't seem to come with a leader/drummer/banner.


    I bought 2 blackshard warhosts so I usually run them in units of 20+ so I have command models avaliable.

    For fireglaive I've been asking my opponent if unit leaders are mandatory and not taking any command. So far everyone I have talked to agrees that unit leaders are not mandatory, but that is a small group of people.


  4. 46 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

    It’s not that I’m unaware, I just think Khorne has enough redundancy and powerful units to mitigate this somewhat. 

    For example, Inspiring Presence and/or the Exalted Deathbringer’s “use my bravery” which is 8. Then the wording on the banner indicates it would still work giving them a 9. Pretty good. Not immune good, but not 5-6 bad. 

    Also Bloodreavers are fine, but they’re also chaff. Aspiring Deathbringer adds +1 attack to all units wholly within 10”, and whilst it does take a command point, it’s still a viable alternative IMO in addition to Wrathmongers (models within 3”). 

    I just think it’s entirely possible to run them without one but it would require playing differently. I could, of course, be wholly wrong and My own experience without one may prove that to me as well. 

    That's all true, I tend to play weirdly defensive but aggressively so the times I dont bring a bloodsecrator I sometimes regret it. Personally when I dont take a bloodsecrator it's because I want to try something different instead of finding something better.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ravinsild said:

    How do I use Bloodtithe points to move him in the hero phase?

    I'm not convinced that a Khorne army cannot function without a Bloodsecrator. Tell me why and change my mind.

    One of the rewards, I think the 3 blood tithe one, let's a unit move like it was the movement phase. So you could spend that to run the bloodsecrator before planting the banner.

    I occasionally dont take a bloodsecrator but mostly when I'm taking a brass stampede. Without one you lose +1 attack which is always nice and are vulnerable to battleshock which is the big impact. They are also great with bloodreavers since they are a totem and remove a big weakness of low bravery. Not having a bloodsecrator means missing out on the main synergies for Khorne.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Hi guys,

    Was wondering how useful the Devolve spell on the shaman is proving to be for you all. Good enough for you to ally him into a different army perhaps? (As a 100 point ‘endless spell’ that can cap objectives etc. since he’d lose use of the movement buff). 


    So far I've found the realm spells to be more useful. Devolve is very situational and in the few games I've played with it, my opponent played a fast army and we were in combat the entire time.

    From using slaughterpriests I know that moving enemy units can be very useful, but I probably use it in less than half my games when I use slaughterpriests. Though since brayherds are much faster than bloodhound it's a bit less useful because if you are within 18" in the hero phase you will be able to charge reliably.

    If you want to use a shaman in a different army for devolve you may want to consider a slaughterpriest instead since they have a similar effect but can also do mortal wounds if pulling enemies is not worth it.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Charlo said:

    Watched a Bat rep last night and i'm loving how the legion plays, Fireglaives & Ironsworn were solid with the war machines and Smiths providing some nice support.

    The army however did eventually lose, it seemed like once an overwhelming number of enemies hit the line, it crumpled then couldn't really recover.

    Is this typical of the legion? What can you do to stop this? Are something like Centaurs or a hitty hero necessary to stop such a thing?

    Where was the bat rep from? 

    I have had issues with getting over whelmed but it has mainly depended on the army I'm facing and luck. My lists tend to be artillery and infantry focused so my only melee units are 2x20 ironsworn and a unit of fireborn and I depend on weakening the enemy as they approach. Best case scenario I take out the major threats and support units before they get close but that has only happened once so far. Worst case is when I rolled horribly eith my artillery and got crushed. Usually what happens is that I soften them up with the artillery, they spend a turn or two killing all my ironsworn and by the time they are done they have been shot enough that my fireglaives can survive in melee. 

    I have found death armies to be particularly annoying and difficult because they regenerate so much that if you dont roll well enough to kill a target immediately I will just heal back to full.

    If I replaced my deathshreikers and dreadquake eith magma cannons then my results would be a lot less swingy.

  8. 42 minutes ago, Reeve said:

    In that case you can also include a Packmaster for 60 points. Does about the same thing imo. 

    I did both which tended to be overkill if I rolled well.

    2 minutes ago, angrycontra said:

    I'm really sad and disappointed by this Skyre allegiance change. Why on earth would anyone want to risk taking d3 mw for 1 extra lousy damage, it's absurd. Well, I guess my Skyre will be on shelf until new battletome arrives (or better rules), not that I have any shortage of armies to play but still, what on earth were they thinking...

    I feel the same. Though I was considering moving to a general skaven list which is a much easier decision now.

  9. 1 minute ago, Lord_Skrolk said:

    IMO with this update, the best way to run a Clan Skyre army is as Grand Alliance: Chaos allegiance and bring 3 units of Clanrats to fill out the battleline

    That's what I've been thinking too. Sparks are nice for magic rolls but with no spell lores our magic is limited. I dont want to give up vigour dusted shockgauntlets but they tend to overkill things so it's probably worth losing that for more versatility. I dont think that the spark damage effect is worth the risk anymore except for the fringe case of something important being 1 damage away from dieing.

  10. 23 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    Magic is heavy this edition, I figured one to babysit the artillery on a balewind and another as just a generic wizard wherever its needed, unless those 100 points could be better spent elsewhere. So far I've found that I really need the unbind rolls.

    It's nice that we get ash storm and fireball so both will be useful even if there are no endless spells or realm spells.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Blackspine said:

    I haven't played a game yet with the Death Shriekers, but feel that they work at whittling away units, and combined with a good unit of fireglaives, can do nasty things in attrition to units, and force them to take battleshock early on.

    Ideally, soften up things that would bog down our elite Taruks/ Sharter. 

    That's what I usually do. Although my latest games have been against death armies where you pretty much have to focus on heros. My first game in 2nd edition I shot weakened a terrorgeist and killed a corpse cart and Arkhan. My opponent conceded turn 3. 

    I also had a game where my artillery couldn't hit anything and I got crushed.

  12. 8 hours ago, Black_Fortress_Immortal said:

    I agree.  Deathshriekers used to be good for wizard/priest sniping, and are now basically useless for that role.  Mortars cost too much and it's too difficult to get rerolls, and their output is not as good.  Magmas are the only way to go, imo.

    Ironsworn you don't take for being more survivable, you take them because they're much cheaper than Fireglaives, and they have a chance at doing mortal wounds just from being hit in combat.  Fireglaives no longer have a naptha bomb, are able to be tied up in melee, and can only reliably dish out damage in the shooting phase.  I'd rather lose 90pts of Ironsworn on a charge that can do damage back from being hit, rather than 100pts of Fireglaives that would do no damage back from being hit.

    I've been taking 40 of both ironsworn and fireglaives and the ironsworn usually all die but by the time the enemy has gotten past them they have been shot to bits and dont threaten my fireglaives much.

    I've had success with deathshreikers sniping heros and support units, though I usually target heros that are monsters or are isolated first.

    • Like 1
  13. 39 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    I thought the same thing, but I do enjoy the models.. However competitively, I imagine another cannon would be better. Hadn't put much thought into the iron daemon as I didn't see my artillery moving around too much anyway. Would it not be better to just have another cannon and add in a rocket launcher as well or am I overvaluing the artillery pieces?

    Are ironsworn really better than Fireglaives for holding? Outside of the rend on their hand weapons and a mortal wound to the enemy on a save, it seems like Fireglaives are just as good but with a decent shooting attack. Of course I'm probably missing something or undervaluing the MW shields.

    Deathshreikers are good but can be inconsistent. Going with only magma cannons is probably the most ideal although deathshreikers have longer range and ignore line of sight which is nice. Venomous Wargaming on YouTube has a battlereport of 2nd edition chaos dwarfs that might give you an idea on how the artillery performs. 

    Ironsworn are not more survivable than fireglaives. I ment that either would add to your model count and allow you to spread out a bit more. As much as I like ironsworn, it's probably better to use fireglaives instead because they are more versatile.

  14. 47 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    Hey everyone, been reading through as I just decided I wanted to give Azgorh a shot and came up with this list. I definitely wanted a centaur type army with some shooting but didn't want to go with Warherd so here we are:


    Shar'tor - General


    Infernal Standard Bearer

    2x Daemonsmiths


    3x3 Bull Centaur Renders

    2x10 Fireglaives

    2x3 K'Daai

    Magma Cannon

    Execution Herd


    Also considered dropping the K'Daai for another cannon+rocket launcher but being so unfamiliar with the army I am unsure of what works and what doesn't. The idea behind the K'Daai was to run up quickly and charge to harass shooting/backline. Or I could just as easily shoot them to death with more artillery which would also be good to snipe heroes with since the cannon is basically just a Warp Lightning Cannon and rockets seem good for hordes. Unsure on the Fireglaives, but I feel they could be useful for objective holding or screening the artillery+daemonsmith babysitter. 


    Thoughts before I go spending my life savings? 

    The fireborn seem redundant with all the bull centaurs but I like fireborn  and they would probably work well. 

    Some alternatives for the fireborn could be:

    -Iron daemon to give more mobility to your magma cannon and short ranged firepower.

    - More fireglaives or maybe some ironsworn gor more objective holding ability.


    Fireglaives are great. They can do a surprising amount of damage, are durable, and pretty decent in combat.

  15. 24 minutes ago, Trayanee said:

    Which endless spells have you considered for your LoA armies? I am considering using prismatic pallisade in a 3 deathshrieker list.

    I'm considering the pallisade, shackles, or maybe the lifeswarm. 

    I think the pallisade would be a good roadblock and way to protect against shooting. One thing that I am considering is if it would be worth placing close to ironsworn to limit enemy pile ins and risk the -1 hit.

    The shackles would hopefully slow down enemies so they could get shot more or allow us to get somewhere before them.

    It may take a bit to get used to using them without also hurting myself but since I've pretty much given up on the dreadquake I have points to play around with them.

  16. 1 hour ago, Steelgrin said:

    Never posted before now but thought it might be useful to throw in some learning points and discussion areas for the average Skryre Tinker-Rat :)

    First of all 2000pt list below. It is designed to be semi competitive (though there's no doubt better lists going, so feedback always welcome too):


    Skryre Batallion - 80

    General: Arch Warlock - 140

    Warlock Engineer - 100

    Warp Lightning Cannon - 180

    Warp Lightning Cannon - 180

    Arkhspark Enginecoven - 80

    Warlock Engineer - 100 (vigordust)

    2 x 5 Acolytes - 120

    Mortar - 60

    2 x 3 Stormfiends - 580 (shock gauntlets & warpfire OR grinderfist+ratlingx2)

    Gascloud Enginecoven - 80


    Packmaster - 60

    Clanrats x 20 - 120

    Clanrats x 20 - 120

    20 pts free for an endless spell (dealers choice)


    Learning Points

    A list of things which have been picked up so far with AOS 2

    - Stormfiends are still pretty damn good: the warpfire unit draws a lot of fire, but usually makes it into range to make its points back. The shock gauntlets, especially with the packmaster and vigordust, WILL delete something from the table (and generally aren't targeted nearly as much as the warpfire squad)

    - The alternative grinderfist squad is a bit hit and miss currently, but is very handy for popping up somewhere useful and blitzing something squishy in the back line.

    - In my experience the lightning cannon is underrated. Sure it isn't guaranteed, but with 3 shots per turn they are a great source of mortal wounds. not to mention surprisingly survivable if only because of perceived threats elsewhere in the army.

    - Clanrats do nothing but die in droves, and that is absolutely fine. I hope for the day when we get a numerous battleline unit that doesn't cost a mortgage to buy, but for now cheap bubblewrap and objective holders works pretty well. In fact there hasn't been a game yet where they have been dropped which i have won convincingly, but more on that later

    - Acolytes are a bit hit and miss in small numbers. At some point it may be worth considering using larger units, but in honesty they are too expensive right now and the support they can give even with just ten usually provides a return on points invested.

    - Lots of folks don't seem too enamored of the batallion, however it (along with warp lightning and warpfire) have been invaluable to me in the new 30 inch unbind range environment.


    Some specific questions it would be useful to have clarified by the community at large!

    - Without clanrats, where does our chaff come from? I have played a couple of games now in which I dropped them in favour of another stormfiend unit, and I find it very hard to screen, hold points or generally command table positioning. Has anyone found a useful way around this or are the clanrats a must?

    - Weapon Teams also seem particularly underwhelming at the moment. Now again this could just be me using them poorly, but even the ratling gun with new benefits from the allegiance ability, while good on paper, still doesn't seem to deliver. Thoughts on weapon teams and how they might be leveraged better?

    For chaff you could try out giant rats or plague monks or maybe gutter runners I dont remember how they compare cost wise. 

    For weapon teams, I have used warpfire throwers and poison wind mortars.  I have had good success with warpfire throwers behind a clanrat wall or lagging them 10 or so inches behind stormfiends so they can move up and shoot once most enemy units are locked in combat. The mortars are a bit more luck dependent, having only one attack can make it seem like they are bad individually but with several and the reroll command trait I have found that they do well although those experiences were back when they could do 12 damage.

    • Like 1
  17. 9 hours ago, Num said:

    But how do you think the atormfiends should be equipped?

    I would reccomend 2x shock gauntlets, 2x warpfire, and 2x grinderfists. Rattling cannons are good but your current list lacks melee which is why I think grinder fists to be better. 

    You are going to struggle with taking and defending objectives since other than the stomfeinds and warpseer you dont have much durability.  But you might be able to do enough damage so it won't matter.

  18. 7 hours ago, Frozenbeast said:

    To be honest with the +1 from the stone and +1 from Scion of the Dark gods it was pretty easy to summon in my opinion (you just needed a 7 which is more than 50% to cast spell that normally has a 30% chance of being cast). Thing is that it was not convinient to fall so far behind on deployed points for something that anyway had a chance to not happen. 

    I don t think this new spell will beof any utility for us as we already fly across the table and our strenght rely on number not on picking off weak units desplacing the strongest ones. Idk, Idon t see much utility to it for now. I might be wrong. 

    I think that the main benefit of the spell will be pulling units out of cover and isolating heros to surround them. Slaughterpriests have a similar ability which I has been very useful, one game I pulled a necromancer away from his screening units. Also with more aura abilities being wholly within we can possibly stop them from triggering.

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  19. 12 minutes ago, Ratzinkaiser said:

    Thank you for the advice. I'll definitely try them out a few times without the battalion to get more bodies / machines on the table and then a few times with to see what the difference is like.
    As for the palisade I'll try it out since the mortars and the spell portal decrease its negatives of blocking your own line of sight, but I'm a little against the idea of Skaven intentionally summoning bright light ;)


    You could paint the pallisade green to make it warpstone

  20. 38 minutes ago, Praecautus said:

    Fellow skull collectors, I intend not to give up on khorne in this edition. However, I am at a loss as to how to build my list for this edition.  So seeking advice on what list to build. Would rather not buy new units yet as I have enough on my plate to paint (well maybe a box, certainly no more than 2 or so...)

    I have the following


    WoK blood thirster

    Daemon prince

    Herald of khorne on foot

    10 blood letters

    Skull cannon


    Mighty lord of khorne

    Lord of khorne on juggernaut 

    3 priests

    Blood secrator

    Blood stoker

    aspiring death bringer

    2 exalted death bringers

    skull grinder 

    Valkia the bloody

    Skarr bloodwrath

    40 reavers

    20 blood warriors

    5 skull reapers

    5 wrath mongers

    2 gore chariots

    chaos warshrine

    3 khorgorath

    3 skull crushers


    Gaunt summoner

    Chaos sorceror

     5 blight kings



    Help me TGA you are my only hope!


    You could start with the gore pilgrims battalion and add the aspiring deathbringer, one of the lords of khorne, wrathmongers, additional bloodwarriors (from memory the gore pilgrims requires 2 blood ravers and 1 bloodwarrior) to have 2 units of 10 and you should have enough points to add in some of your other units 

    I also reccomend trying out some of the lesser battalions like red headman that you already have models for to add some variety.


  21. 5 hours ago, Reeve said:

    The Shyish artifacts are kinda flavorful in what they do, spam Mortal Wounds. The Wraithbow, for instance, allows you to do MW to an enemy unit within 18"

    I've always found the downside on the Vigordust Injector a bit overblown, why do you take guaranteed mortal wounds from a buff that most armies deal out for free? I'd prefer a 'roll a dice after using, on a roll of 1 you take 6 mortal wounds or something comparable. The artifacts are also just way too narrow in what they do, most of them can only (reasonably) target a single unit in the entire army. 

    I use it and a pack master on a unit of 2 shock gauntlet and one warpfire stormfeinds to get the d6 hits on a 4+. That unit while buffed up has killed at different times a lord of change, terrorgeist, 30 ghouls, and pretty much anything in combat with it. 

    Now if they ever change shockgauntlets to trigger on unmodified 6s then vigour dust probably won't be worth it and I have not considered using it on any other unit since the damage could kill weapon teams.

  22. Has anyone tried out the execution herd yet? I'm planning on trying it out with proxies next chance I have. I quite like the concept but I am doubtful on how good it is. If I compare it to my bras stampede, the execution herd is 300pts cheaper but has half as many models and less synergies. 

  23. 56 minutes ago, Reeve said:

    Do we have a summary of the changes in GBH 2018 for Skryre? Did any of the traits or artifacts change? 

    Also excited about the realm artifacts because Skryre artifacts have always been massively underwhelming for me...

    From memory the only things that changed are that warpstone sparks now add one to the damage characteristic of one models weapon and the vigour dust injector's range is now wholly within 12".  There might be some more subtle changes that I didn't notice. 

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