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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Yeah i dont get why. Bonesplitterz are easy to paint, look great on posters and are most of the time already called boyz in 40k anyway, small transition to posterboyz. Everyone knows what an orruk is. Bonesplitterz for posterboyz!
  2. Ok without jokes. I think all Stormcast designs types have their own thing i like about them. First i have to that i absolutely hate the term fatcast. I do like the bulky designs i just would have liked them non helmeted. The thunderstrike design looks more like a marriage between a gladiator and a super hero suit, dont really like the helmets here too. I do like hooded or normal stormcast heads. I do like the helmets of these new designs so far, but it might just be a paint scheme thing. Cant wait to see more of the heroes.
  3. Yeah maybe balance wasnt the right word for what i am trying to say. Its more about numbers representung what a model/army/game is supposed reflect? Sorry my english is lacking at the moment. Edit: still dont know what other word to use XD
  4. I think the gameflow of AoS is somewhat unintuitive from time to time. Things like the double turn, removing models from the back of a unit, battleshock, mortal wounds, making weird coherentie chains etc dont help. I dont think AoS is not a bad game, but to me it feels like things dont behave as i expect them to.
  5. Getting a combined Bonesplitterz and Spiderfang tome would be the dream #nevergonnahappen.
  6. Why we talking duardin soup again? Did i miss something?
  7. I actually think AI could be perfect for balancing statlines. Playtesting has a centain skill from the player involved that AI doesnt need. It think its hard for AI to create immersion though.
  8. Beasts vs Spiderfang Kharadron Overlords vs Grotbag Skaven vs Gitz Ill take any of these
  9. Hi all i want to talk about something thats been bothering me for a while. With every edition since i started playing GW games, rules have been getting easier, streamlined, watered down or balanced whatever u want to call it. Has it actually been good for the gameplay in the end? Im starting to have my doubts. I used to like my bonesplitterz better when i had more thematic artifacts/spells and dump them all on a random hero i liked, it wasnt the best, but it was flavourfull. In 40k i loved the different armour values on tanks. It was really fun when u shoot a tank from the front or rear. I miss pie plates and flamers. I miss shooting bouncy canonballs though ranks of skeletons that in turn get ressed with by a bunch of necromancers. Yes it was a balance nightmare but my immersion in the game was at its best with those kind of rules. I do like what endless spells tried to do, it added a nice element to the table. Do we think 4th edition is bringing this back or keep watering down? What u all think about the state of AoS at the moment? Do u prefer balance or gameplay? (Sorry my english is really bad today) Edit: also want to add that i prefer more extreme statlines to represent models better. Give those chaos warriors a bunch of armour, thats what they look like. And bring back some kind of speed stat, bring back things like fear and frenzy. I hated stupidity with a passion but it i am still talking about those moments.
  10. I have never played Mordheim, but it sounds like a game that a few people loved very much and havent really found a replacement for. I loved whfb 8th edition and 40k 8th edition. Seems like i have to stick around for AoS 8th edition.
  11. Looking at this model very different now XD. Duardin babysitter?
  12. Cause someone asked. (Dont see the point, cause its already happening XD)
  13. Double turn poll. Like? Yes, no?
  14. My problem with the design of smaller games lies with the scaling of the battleplans etc. Most of them dont downscale very well. Objectives are very close to eachother and it just feels a bit off to the point where i just make up my own stuff now. I would prefer a well designed smaller game experience though 750/1000 points. Mainly due to tablesize limitations.
  15. To be honest, i couldnt care less about the double turn. I dont do tournament play and i just play without the double turn. Less feel bad moments, more fun imho. Dont have time for mechanics that need to be build around, casual play for me it is. Just my opinion. Hope they fix smaller points games though. Thats the thing im waiting for the most. Edit: Also would like it if they give a heads up if they plan to remove any models/subfactions in the long run like they did with CoS.
  16. Orruks should have at lesst got a foot of gork template again like we used to, its basicly the first endless spell XD.
  17. Does this bit about modular core rules mean they are stepping away from open/matched/narrative play modes? Seems like Spearhead and modular rules make up the core of 4th. "The modular nature of the new ruleset is something we’ll explain more about in due course, but essentially the core rules are supported by a series of more advanced plug-and-play additions. It’s perfectly possible – and quite satisfying – to play without Magic, for instance, while at higher levels, new Battlepacks and General’s Handbooks can slot in in the same way."
  18. Btw it seems like 4th is going to be a completely different game, but i like what i am seeing so far. Ill try keep an open mind about all of this.
  19. Am i the only one that likes delfs in CoS? Give me more shadowblades and scourge privateers please!
  20. This. Or Brutes. I think they would get a different warscroll for each option?
  21. Random thought because of laughing whitefang. What if Chorfs are the "Dawnbringers" army like CoS and Malerion is going to be the one to stop them. Edit: ofc we know Sigmar and Nagash cant stop the Skaven and the Greenskinz will be here to save the day. Not because they want to save everyone, but because 1 rat pissed of Skragrott.
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