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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. I really liked the broken realms boxes. They should do more of those instead of sc boxes imo.
  2. If that would be the case i would like a troggoth wizard XD.
  3. I dont think gitz need more heroes, maybe an updated model for the finecast one. They could use a new spiderfang unit or 2 though, maybe a multikit that can be build 2 ways and they need some better rules.
  4. Do we think destruction will get a new army at the end of this era of the beast or an updated army like gravelords? Im hoping for new ogors or spiderfang. I will keep on dreaming about new gitmob grots/snotlings for now.
  5. I want to paint up 10 squig hoppers this month. Maybe build a dankhold troggboss afterward.
  6. Finished up all the bases this month on my nighthaunt. Decided to paint up a loonboss on giant squig after. I wanted to paint something different. Im happy with how it all turned out.
  7. Its strange to me that gw doesnt sell it in their own stores. Also havent seen it in any local stores.
  8. What happened with bladeborn? Did i miss the release or was it a cursed city gone in a day thing? Havent seen it anywhere tbh.
  9. This looks like something fun. How many points would this be?
  10. Im glad that the warcry box doesnt bring a new core book and that it does leave enough design space imo for more spiderfang in the future. I dont think ill be getting the box though. The terrain is a bit much chaos themed for my taste as i dont own anything chaos. The pirate looks awesome but i was hoping for a second ogor and not a reskin imo of the last one they made but i think ill still buy this one. It looks fun to play with. Was hoping for a surprise reveal this time but most things i guess were already known in some way shape or form. This reveal wasnt for me i guess but im glad for others that are hyped :).
  11. Isnt that kind of what chaos is in a way and what they did to the old world? I was more thinking about forces of nature that dont care for anything and are just pure destruction. Like hurricanes or earthquakes.
  12. If our seer is confirming a Maneater pirate....
  13. Maybe its 1 Varanguard on foot + adds. Would make sense imo.
  14. Hi all. I'm not that deep into AoS lore but i have a question about elementals/ titans. Do they exist in AoS and if they do do they have a purpose or allegiance? I would like if they have an army of elementals/titans joining destruction. I think it would be a great fit. But maybe most elements are claimed by other armies like Sylvaneth, Fyreslayers or Deepkin. do you think there is space for an army like this?
  15. I cant help but feel like The Old World will be epic scale or something similar. It just seems too good to be true. I want a Kislev army for AoS so bad but dont want to get my hopes up.
  16. This is how this edition works so i want to stick to that. I dont want to rewrite all the rules. Just the way that they are executed. I know about one page rules. Its a whole different thing imo.
  17. I dont want to finish my sixpack first turn though .
  18. I agree with this. I also dont like being forced to build all options for msu. It made sense in whfb with horde units and siege style gameplay but i think it should have stayed there. A 5 model unit with full command just looks weird to me.
  19. Almost no downtime for both players can also be a good thing. I think it can result in a more dynamic and interactive experience.
  20. I started thinking about this while reading the double turn discussion. Would it be so bad if we ditch the IGOYOUGO thing and do alternate activations like in Warcry. I actually cant come up with a reason why it would be so bad. Alpha strike wont ever be a thing anymore. Gunlines would be less effective because of buffs/debuffs. I actually want to try this and see how it plays out. But i want to brainstorm how it would be implemented best. I want the books to be fully compatable with this. Things that roughly stay the same: Army/list building - I dont see a reason why this would have to change. Command points/abilities - I think there is no reason here to change to the dice system of Warcry. Starting player - Just do a roll off, it wont matter much anymore. Resolve abilities/ attacks like they would in AoS Battleplan/ setting up table/ scoring/ win condition Things that will have to change: Every unit gets 2 activation points. The warcry tokens are perfect for keeping track of things. Turn sequence 1. Start of battle round -Both players receive command points 2. Hero phase - Alternate activations between players - Doesnt use an activation point 3. Activation phase - Alternate activations between players - Use command abilities only on your own activation turn unless its a command ability that can only be played as a reaction like all-out defence. 4. Battleshock phase -Stays the same 5. End of round - Both players are out of activations - Both players agree on passing the next turn Things u can do using an activation point: -Move -Run -Pass -Use a spell (opponent can try to dispell like normal) -Charge, Pile in and Attack -Attack like normal (opponent can attack back for free) -Attack when in combat or do a shooting attack -Free Monster Rampage after a succesfull charge with a Monster -Interact with objectives/terrain/garrisons -Retreat (-use artifact? not sure if it should be free) Would u play this? Did i forget something mayor? Please comment i want to know if this could be something. Thanks!
  21. My unpopular thing of the day. Bring back the wood elves. I think their playstyle of hit and run tactics will do better in the aos gameplay. Want Eagles. Want Wardancers warcry box.
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