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Posts posted by valenswift

  1. 26 minutes ago, michu said:

    Sorry, that having different opinion and using actual arguments is defending GW to you.

    It did come across as a little defensive but if it was simply because you are looking forward to the GHB then that’s cool you’re going to get something out of it. Personally, I’m going to give it a miss this year. 

  2. 1 hour ago, michu said:

    1. GW has recently started to publish WD rules in their annual update books like Chapter Approved, KT Annual. It's for people that don't buy WD but still want to use it. 

    2. Yes, team rules were in the core book. But those are updated rules. In old rules you didnt't have coalition matrix. And there are new battleplans. And maybe more. We stiil don't know everything. There is also "create your own hero warscroll" section and new army and terrain generator.

    3. By that logic everything can be house ruled - the point of GHB  is to provide inspiration and a basic structure for your game. And some people prefer to have official rules.

    That's the point of Matched Play section.  It's not for reinventing the wheel but for slight updates. Changing terrain rules, new Command Abilities, rebalancing the battleplans (And there are two that were  not in last GHB).

    Quite the opposite. It's finally free of them.

    Sorry I promise I won’t have an opinion or say anything against GW again 🤣🤣🤣

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  3. 9 hours ago, Kasper said:

    Just curious, but what did you expect out of the GHB? To me it is just point updates, updated alligiance abilities (think they all got a battletome now), new/changed battleplans and a bunch of fluffy stuff I will never play around with. Im super happy that they are updating the realm rules, might actually use them now. 

    To be honest it’s exactly what I expected. I’ve always felt that they’d run out of new ideas for the General’s Handbook and this year they finally have. Can the points value booklet be bought separately?

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  4. 10 minutes ago, michu said:

    And I'm the opposite. It's the Matched Play section that I have almost no interest with. And TBH I don't know what you were expecting. GHB is for every style of play but with each release I see that Matched Play players would like for GW to cater only to them. Just because you don't use some content, doesn't mean no one does.

    Im not a tournament player and my group play a mix of open, narrative and matches play. But the flying battles has been done before including a new mini game in White Dwarf recently and the narrative play section is for team battles. This has also been touched upon before and can easily be house ruled. Then the rest of the book from page 68-129 is all matched play with a lot of that rehashing battle plans and tournament packs from last year. When they started the General’s Handbook and said it would be released annually I did wonder how long they would be able to keep up with new content, for me this is the year they ran out. 

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  5. 12 minutes ago, Thaliontil said:

    An alternative (and optimistic) point of view: they have previewed everything revealed at LVO and most of the things from the first online preview. With, theoretically, 4 weeks to go before the preorder of 9th edition, there should be a slot for Pariah (next PA book) and then what is left from the previews: Lumineth, Blood Bowl and Scions of the Flame. My bet is on next week.

    This would make sense as it would coincide with the delayed release of White Dwarf which as we already know is at the end of June and full of Lumineth content. 

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  6. 17 minutes ago, woolf said:

    perhaps the intention of GW is to make the armies small to encourage buying of multiple armies? 

    That can't be true. I started collecting again in 2016 and I've only got  Stormcast, Idoneth, Sylvaneth, Kharadron, Daughters of Khaine, Cities of Sigmar, AdMech armies (not to mention a realm of battle game board, lots of terrain Warcry and warbands, BlitzBowl and teams, Underworlds and warbands and Kill Team)


    • Haha 3
  7. 52 minutes ago, Kirjava13 said:

    Hey, don't get me wrong, I've taken girls into Warhammer shops on (almost) first dates after they've asked about my hobby! Tip: shoot for artistic ladies and they'll be much more likely not to give you an odd look and back away slowly 😅

    Hahaha you're much braver than me. I sold off a massive collection of Greenskins and Lizardmen after my divorce in fear I'd never meet anyone again if they saw my collection (Don't worry Warhammer was only one factor of the relationship breaking down 😉). Luckily i then met someone who is as big a geek as me who actively encourages me (to justify her own Lego habit). 

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Kirjava13 said:

    This is the biggest deal to me. Coming at a time when record numbers of people are out of work, and against a backdrop of historic profits, the optics are extremely bad. Perhaps it makes economic sense: maybe it's inflation, maybe this was planned to cancel out a certain expected loss of revenue from X, Y or Z, I don't know. But millions of people suddenly have a LOT less money to spend, and "little plastic soldiers I paint and play dice games with" are going to be first on a lot of chopping blocks, doubly so if they know cost €10 more than before. I can only speak personally, but even though I've been making more money than previously, I've really cut back my purchases this year and limited it  to Long Boi the Big Cat. Partly this is because there's just nothing new I want, partly it's because increasingly I struggle to justify dropping half a hundred on a box of dudes and some paint. We'll see.

    To be fair these record profits have been rising over the last couple of years  and would be more to do with record numbers of people getting in to the hobby rather than the people who already played buying and paying more. When I started playing (mid 80's) I wouldn't have dared tell anyone outside of my friends who played about the hobby for fear of physical and painful reprisals. When I started again as an adult I would have a been a little embarrassed if any of my work colleague's knew I played with and painted little plastic figures. But now in 2020 I'm embarrassed for anyone who isn't enjoying Warhammer, D&D or board games in some way or other (although I would not beat them up for it 😉)

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  9. If you enjoy it what does it matter, all hobbies cost money. My wife has a serious Lego addiction and she spends every spare penny she has on it but our kids never go without so who cares? it makes her happy. Is our hobby more expensive than others? it can be but I have a few friends who have season tickets for their football team and travel all over Europe to support them. I've followed football for almost 40 years and barely spent a penny on it (I've been to less than 20 live matches) and the thought of spending thousands on travel and hotels, on top of the tickets just seems ludicrous to me. But that is their hobby so to them it's reasonable, the cost doesn't even factor. I have another friend who has literally spent thousands of pounds in the last couple of years on a mobile game, yes really. He doesn't regret a thing!! My mum's hobby is bingo, goodness knows how much she has spent on that over the years.

     I've been collecting and playing GW games off and on since the mid 80's and correct me if I'm wrong but has there ever been a time when this hobby as been anything other than expensive? 🤣😆


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  10. I bought the Anvilguard start collecting box because I really wanted the Kharibdyss for my Living City but after painting it up (posted pictures last month’s contract) I didn’t feel it fit in. So I’ve instead allied it to my Idoneth Army, unfortunately I’m out of water effect so the bases aren’t finished but you get the idea 





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  11. 1 hour ago, RedMax said:

    Nice. I guess you should try to smooth a litle grass transition on the table, but definitively looks great!

    I especially love how temple sit perfectly well in the midle of the hill.

    Now, due to you I 'm now considering buying the enduring stormvault for my table too!

    Yeah the ‘bumpy’ grass is due to me buying some cheap s*** flock from eBay and because of lockdown sort of had to work with what I had. I’ve managed to since get some more and started to apply patches of the better stuff to smooth it out. Luckily the bumps do pull off and leave it smoother underneath, it’s just going to be long process removing them all :D

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