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Posts posted by valenswift

  1. Played my first game of Meeting Engagement last night and we decided to use the first battleplan.


    My IDK list was

    Spearhead - Tidecaster Naquas Barionic, Mistress of Shoals, 10 Reavers, Quicksilver Swords

    Main body - Soulrender, Lotann, 10 Thralls, 3 Ishlaen Guard

    Rearguard - 10 Thralls, 3 Morsarr Guard


    I was playing against Khorne. My idea for the spearhead was have the tidecaster and reavers rush the objective and use some ranged attacks to score points in the first battle round. I didn't manage to get my endless spell off but the reavers took out one bloodletter with shooting and their 8" movement meant they scored me the maximum 5 points in battle round 1 (who would have thought reaver would ever be useful :P)

    Going second again in battle round 2 I countered his charge with his bloodletters, who took out half the reavers, by retreating with them and flanking either side with eels and thralls. This again won me the objective and wound points making it 10-0

    Strangely high tide was the best round for Khorne as he let me go first so he could use the quicksilver swords and it meant a lot of my units were out of position for charges. Khorne managed to get 5 points here as he rushed the middle and took out my first eels whilst his Daemonic Prince general survived by 1 wound.

    Khorne went first in the final battle round and although he got all the charges as well as summoning 5 bloodletters and 5 hounds thanks to blood tithe and Karanak, he hadn't accounted for the Morsarr spears special ability and I took out his general before anyone attacked in the combat phase. Unbelievably the Morsarr rolled 3 twice to fail a charge in my turn which would have undoubtedly resulted in me taking the objective but ultimately it didn't matter as I got 23 wounds to his 21 and the final score was 12-8 on VP.

    I really like the way meeting engagements play, there is a lot of strategy to deciding your 3 contingents but also I feel the lists can be very thematic, helping tell the story of the battle. When composing my list I could just imagine the Tidecaster and Reavers storming onto the battlefield loosing arrows and Eldritch energies, with the Akhelian nobles coming in the rearguard after the minions had taken the brunt of the Chaos Daemons.

    After seeing no AoS or 40k being played as tournaments at Warhammerfest I'm sure this will definitely become the tournament standard their next year. With only 4 rounds and the way it scores, it feels like a cross between AoS and Shadespire and for me this is a fantastic way to play. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, tripchimeras said:

    I'm sure your friend is playing in good faith as well, and just wanted to use cool models, but the competitiveness of your lists are not even close unfortunately.  FEC is a rough matchup for Deepkin to begin with, but on top of that he is playing a list that sits much closer to the FEC power builds then your list is close to the deepkin power builds, so a fairly bad matchup is made much worse by the list construction gap.  You would need him to make some mistakes and for everything to go right for you to have a shot in this game.  I know its narrative play so list construction tips are probably not what you are looking for, but you may want to harden your list a bit if terrorgheist ghoul kings lists are what your opponents are bringing.

    As for what you can do, like others have said you gotta focus in and isolate his heroes as early as possible.  If you are interested in hardening up the list specifically with the idea of hanging with the FEC list a little longer I would say first off you are never going to make it to high tide as things stand to use the king combo, so I would run the mage as your general and split up the thralls into 20/10 to stay legal with fliptide at minimum against him if you want to use same models, king can still aid in killing the heroes, and honestly the 20/10 split is going to likely help you in objective game.  If you have the models I'd then either flip the ishlaen for morrsarr for a small change to be a little better against your friend, or keep the ishlaen and flip the king for morrsarr and if you need extra points to do so get rid of the shark as well to make the room.  If you really want to give him a run I would remove the king, the shark and the ishlaen for 2 units of 6 morrsarr, flip the tides with the mage, and try to time the charge so the morrsarr both hit the gheist on turn 2, good chance you kill it.  If you manage to do that with most of your army intact you will likely win.  You still have the turtle then to keep the army semi fluffy :).

    Edit: the problem with just playing keep away till turn 3 for the comboing, is 1. that is easier said then done 2. that whole time he is going to be summoning, widening the gap in army strength, and if he has some skill likely dominating board control as you flee and depending on scenario taking hefty objective leads that are going to be extremely difficult for you to come back from if you have to spend turn 3 trying to finally start whittling his army down.  On top of that the king combo is really best with morrsarr, the ishlaen will benefit from it much less, and while its great with the thralls they are the unit least likely to successfully play keep away till turn 3.

    Thank you more great advice, I'm certainly going to try a more competitive list next time

  3. 7 hours ago, Aelven supremacy said:

    Given you play narrative battles I am going to assume you don’t want tips on army builds but more on in game tactics. Against FEC you need to take out their heroes but their heroes are strong.  In your build you don’t have the soulscryer/ Morrsarr speed so are less able to reach his army on your own terms.  However FEC are also fast so can hit you quick too.   Your Ishlaen can tank, so maybe try to hold the royal terrorgheist there so you can bring in your Thralls to finish it.  Send your turtle, shark and king into his other heroes.  In this match up you won’t make it to turn 3 so you need to go hard from the start.   Hope this helps a bit!

    Thanks it does help and yes this is exactly what i'm looking for. I do have a Scryer and Morsarr so I'm thinking i should deepstrike the heroes and take out as many as I can. I'll couple that with hopefully some massive points hikes for his units come July  🤣

  4. I played my first game against my friends new FEC army last night and got destroyed, so was hoping for some pointers.

    We don't play tournament lists as our group prefers a to use a range of models and often play narrative battles.

    Last night was the Guardian Spirits battleplan from Forbidden Power with 1.5k armies

    My List was:

    Akhelian King


    6 Ishlean eels


    30 thralls


    He had:

    Royal Terror Gheist

    Varghulf Courtier

    Flayer Hero



    6 flayers

    6 horrors

    He was able to summon another 3 flayers for free as well as use the 3 heroes to roll 18 dice with returning models on a 5+. My eels took out the Horrors to 1 wound and then his turn he brought back 5 models restoring the unit to full strength so i had to fight them again. Add to this a spamming of feeding frenzy and even in high tide I was left with just the tidecaster on the table. I was a bit unlucky with the horrors so things could have gone differently and next time I'd stay away till high tide but still FEC seem awfully powerful. I really could do with any tips to beat them.

  5. 7 hours ago, Barkanaut said:

    Yes everyone loves my painting and its probably equal to or slightly better than the box art painting or so I've been told. I'm a bit of a slow painter though but I don't think that slow lol. 

    You are better than the 'Eavy Metal team? I would love to see some of your work

    • Haha 8
  6. 32 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

    Is this thread 100% purely for only lists and tactics and stuff? 

    Of all the armies in Age of Sigmar and 40k this one inspires me and motivates me the most. It gets my imagination going. 

    Can we talk about basing and color scheme and general army aesthetic and theme or is that only allowed in the painting and modeling section? 

    Does everyone use the default heads? Has anyone tried using Wyches from Dark Eldar 40k to give some people some hair so they don’t all look like clones? 

    It's IDK discussion so talk about what you like. In fact in that vein here's a pic of my Eidolon I just finished yesterday, I now have about 2400 points fully painted.


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  7. 2 minutes ago, Emmetation said:

    Sorry, not this week (or last week!). We're deep in preparations for Warhammer Fest so it has somewhat curtailed our news sharing. But if you make it to WH Fest come say hi!

    I will be at Warhammerfest, what will you be showing there? and is there any chance of me finally getting my hands on a WFRP 4th starter set??

  8. I play casually in a group of 5 so generally go 'rule of kool' over competitiveness.  IDK are one of my 3 armies and I do love to start new projects,  I already have the following:

    Akhelian King





    30 Thralls

    6 Eels

    10 Reavers




    With that in mind what do you think i should get for Christmas? An Eidelon OR the Daughters of Khaine battleforce box (as very cool looking allies)??

  9. I recently fought a 1800 point battle (Firestorm campaign) against BCR. He had to Stonehorn and 3x4 Mournfang.

    I had:




    30 Thralls

    6 Morsarr

    10 Reavers




    I decided to stay out of his way as much as possible for the first two battle rounds and then smashed him in the third. Unfortunately as I'd held back he'd already secured enough VP from objectives that I couldn't catch up.

    I'm looking for some strategy advice in this situation where the battleplan allows a lot of VP early on. We play casually so I don't really want to be told to get more eels.


  10. 10 hours ago, Double Misfire said:


    If you're looking to get really inappropriate, ask a Swede if the fancy playing though Bögenhafen with you ;) 


    I played this back when it was first released and didn't think much of it.....but shouldn't we see the back of a demon as the reflection in the mirror?

    • Like 1
  11. Had my second battle using IDK as part of a Firestorm campaign and I've managed to win again :)

    I had 1100 points to my Ironjawz opponents 1200 so I think i did pretty well, we played the Total Commitment battleplan.

    I got lucky in that one of his objectives was in a goomtide shipwreck so he refused to take it in fear of taking mortals on his Brutes. I set up with King and 6 eels on one objective to the left and 30 Thralls with a s Soulrender to the right. My Tidecaster sat in the other part of the shipwreck. As my opponent isn't very aux fait with the IDK rules I was hoping he'd forgot about the tide of death battle trait (he had), especially high tide. So I sat back on the left flank so he couldn't get his pigs in for a charge, whilst on the right i tried to use the aelven speed to outmaneuver the orruks and sneak up on the unguarded objective. Unfortunately for me he rolled rampaging destroyers and managed to charge a unit of Brutes into the Thralls. I was impressed with how they held up, especially with the fact that their extra attack/damage ability doesn't work on Brutes. It also helped that I was running Morphann enclave rules and brought back 6 of them in my battleshock phase.

    Then it was time for battle round 3 and I won initiative. I then charged my king and eels into the pigs and informed my opposing general of the high tide rule, it did not go down well. The Morsarr went first and my King easily finished them off (6 pigs) before the shield eels needed to attack. In his turn he was horrified that I would get to attack first again and his was nearly the end of the game for my opponent, instead he decided to move on to the objective and avoid combat.

    Although he did manage a to take out the Thralls with a Megaboss and Brutes, he had completely lost the left flank. On top of that my Soulrender made a tactical retreat to the other objective so I racked up the VP leaving him no chance of recovery.

    As a side note magic was a bit poor throughout except for the casting of the ravening jaws which rampaged through both armies at some point.


    42 minutes ago, silentdeathz said:

    Oh dear. Now the melee special rule makes sense. Every time they wound it in melee they might gaze upon its majestic face and risk letting their guard down in a fit of laughter. 

    Here's hoping for another head on the sprue, tends to be the case with the bigger monsters.

  13. 13 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    I'd say you can safely wait for a new starter box then :)  The past couple of years they've also done large start collecting style boxes at Christmas time (around £100) so it's possible there might be one you like the look of!

    I really hope this is the case and I really hope there's a KO one :D

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