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Posts posted by Acrozatarim

  1. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I'll pick up the collection for that reason alone. Gotta support TGA members.

    Thank you, that's very kind! I haven't been super active on TGA for the last year due to moving overseas (and hence losing my usual AoS opponents) - and due to writing for Black Library! I hope to do my part to fill out the setting :)

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  2. On 3/21/2023 at 9:16 AM, Baron Klatz said:


    Edit:(oh spoiler but I should probably mention the last expansion has the heroes reviving a certain death god that Nagash ate back in Malign Portents. So that was a nice rescue to a friendly deity)


    I probably won't have a chance to play the expansions - would you mind telling which god it was?

  3. They're just as 'historically accurate' as old Empire models were, inasmuch as the phrase is worth anything; they're drawing more heavily from the 14th-15th Century Burgundians, by the appearance of things, with bits and pieces influenced by other regions and centuries. Only their shield designs really throw things off.

    • Like 3
  4. 27 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    No idea what to do now with my phoenix temple army. Finish painting it, and play it religiously until it gets binned in autumn.

    Or just sell it now while it's still worth something.

    [And no, I don't want to play them in old world. If I buy into old world, it's because I want to play with cool new models, not because I want to turn back the clock and play WHFB]


    I strongly suspect the next Lumineth update will add phoenixes and related troops as part of Tyrion's lot, yeah.

  5. 3 minutes ago, papary said:

    Sorry I feel proper thick asking, how on earth does the beast skewer work? 
    Say I’ve hit,wounded, a model with 16 wounds, I roll 16 dice, how do I then work out the damage? 

    So, count how many of those 16 dice rolled a 5+, then add 2 to that number - so let's say 6 of your dice came up a 5 or 6, that'd be 6 + 2 for a total of 8 damage. If that damage total would be over 12 (because you rolled really well) then you reduce it down to 12.

    If you rolled a 6 to hit on the attack roll, that damage all becomes Mortal Wounds instead. So in this case, you'd have hit for 8 MWs.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

    One thing I hadn't considered before now... maybe the combining of FS and KO will be related to the release of Chorfs? Like the orderly stunties have to set aside their differences and band together against the Hash-up-to-no-goods?

    Having a big dwarf throw-down would be pretty great.

    • Like 2
  7. Speaking of mount traits, while Fast 'Un seems so strong in general, my opinion of Mean 'Un went up a lot after my last battle. Consistently slamming in a larger number of mortal wounds before the enemy actually get to fight really helps even out poor dice rolls overall, and if you're rolling well, it turns the Sludgeraker into a bit of a bulldozer.

    • Like 1
  8. The section in the Warclans book about Mount Traits specifically says you only get to pick one hero to have one of the traits. I'm pretty sure the core then classifies them as an enhancement, ie you can get extras via the usual ways of adding enhancements through the relevant battalions.

    • Like 1
  9. Started a 1000pt Path to Glory campaign today, and got in our first battle; rolled up the Breakthrough battleplan. Noisy Racket definitely helped take the bite out of the enemy's first turn, and the 10-man Gutrippaz did some serious work while keeping within 12" of the Sludgeraker, mowing through a 20-man Mortek Guard unit and its attendant Mortisan.

    The poor Sludgeraker just couldn't catch a break though. Never rolled so many 1s on attack rolls, and didn't roll a single 6 on his attacks all game :D

    • Haha 2
  10. 8 minutes ago, Krule Tyrant said:

    Basically its a list that tries to make the 3 big monsters as tough as possible, all 3 of them have at least some kinda ward save. I use the Gutrippaz to hold the line while trolls punch through to give me an opening.  then using the fastun trait and the monster move spell I can fly to gang up on one side of the map for a sweet waaagh. also having the sludgeraker near the birds makes them ridiculous when you start rolling 6's. I figure while our monsters are nice they cant stay in prolonged conflicts so they have to chill back picking on targets of opportunity until they can gang up on the big threats. 

    Murknob and Marshcrawla are there to make sure spells dont tear up the big guys and to make sure all the monsters are operating as efficient as possible. 

    How has Gobsprakk performed for you? Has he been worth it compared to another, cheaper Killaboss on Vulcha with more melee killing power?

  11. 19 minutes ago, Krule Tyrant said:

    So everyone has been talking about the ranged output of the kruelboyz but I have played three games now with melee only kruelboyz and I have had great success with this list. So far I have won against a knight of the empty throne list and a dominion stormcast list and I only lost against a tzeentch list due to messing up my battle tactics.


    Can you explain a bit about how this army list works in practice and what its strengths/weaknesses are? I'm struggling slightly to envisage what the overall strategy is, particularly wrt to the big birds.

    • Like 1
  12. 16 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    I mean, ignoring the mortals (yes I know) hobgrot grenades are better point for point than gutripper weapons. 20 gutripperz is 6 boltboyz and 10 hobgrotz. I think calling hobgrotz just "screens" is underselling them quite a bit, they are a 19" threat range 10 attacks 4+/3+/-1/1. Not least having so many means you can layer your screens all of which can shoot without getting into combat.

    You can't really ignore the mortals, though; they're absolutely crucial to Boltboyz and Gutrippaz both. Ignore them, and you might as well replace your Boltboyz with Hobgrots as well, because if it were all 'just' regular wounds the Hobgrots do more damage there too!

    But the mortal wounds are there and they're absolutely critical to the way the army functions, and to the synergies with the Sludgeraker and shaman. The Sludgeraker aura alone causes Gutrippa damage to absolutely take off, even in just a 10-man unit, and Gutrippaz get more out of the aura than even Boltboyz do.

    I agree that Hobgrots are decent - hence why I referred to them as skirmishers as well rather than just chaff/screens - but they aren't going to do the job of Gutrippaz, and I think relying on Hobgrots alone to hold back the enemy army while your Boltboyz shoot is probably not going to work out all that well in play.

    I would always want some Hobgrots in my army, so I'm really not trying to rubbish them.

    Edit: Ironically enough, I was mostly preparing myself to be defending Hobgrots in this thread rather than be talking them down at all :P

  13. I mean, you take Gutrippaz with Big Yellers because for their points they're more resilient and more killy in melee, hilariously more so when in 12" of a Sludgeraker.

    Hobgrotz are great as screens/skirmishers and bodies on objectives, don't get me wrong, but I'd be really worried with an army that's nothing but missile troops and screens that there's so little to counterpunch with - especially if the enemy have missile troops of their own and can just shoot your Boltboyz.

  14. While Gutrippaz are probably a bit overcosted, I think generally people are underestimating them as well. They're genuinely pretty solid - just fiddlier to use than the simplicity of the Boltboyz. But I suspect really shooting-heavy Kruleboyz armies are going to struggle.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Kasper said:

    Yep! I think everyone are being greedy thinking "omg 12 damage vs Mega gargants, so good!" but forgetting they can easily snipe smaller heroes. Honestly they seem bonkers and super undercosted for what they can do. They remind me a lot about Mortek Crawlers except they dont really do well against big sized units. 

    Honestly, assuming a 4+ armour save, unless the smaller hero has a good number of Wounds - like, 10 or more - Killbows are worse at small hero sniping than Boltboyz. 9 Wounds or less, which is where most smaller heroes lie, the Boltboyz are going to do more damage on average, and have a higher potential spike damage for that kind of target.

    However, the Killbow can do it by pointing and clicking from within 24" (or, let's face it, 27") range, whereas the Boltboyz need to close to their shorter range band to get that sort of killing power.

    Edit: Got the calcs for Wounds when shooting a target with LOS wrong!

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