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Posts posted by Acrozatarim

  1. Surprised in a good way by these! Didn't expect a skirmish hunter unit but it does make a lot of sense, and I really like the mix of hunting weapons they've got - axes, polearms, crossbows, throwing axes. 

    Plus, of course, even more wonderful base gremlins.

    • Like 1
  2. That is one different-looking ogor. It looks much more like the really old style of WHFB ogre, from back before the Ogre Kingdoms, albeit without quite such exaggerated proportions like a massive head.

    There's a lot of detail on the wood as well and I wonder whether the carvings and grain are all modelled on or if they're painted at all.

    • Like 4
  3. 14 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    The hugest of congrats to you mate!! This a massive achievement and you should be proud of yourself!!

    Thank you, that's incredibly kind of you to say! I am feeling a bit proud, but it's just a small start, albeit hopefully one of many to come :)

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Wait do you mean debut as in your first book going in or debut as in you wrote it?

    Either way excited for this! That’s the best thing about Kruleboyz is having greenskins that can actually outsmart you on multiple fronts instead of just getting lucky throwing muscle at a wall.

    It's my first short story for Black Library, but it's not the first short story I'd ever written before :)

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  5. 21 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    I wish the summaries were posted before the story itself launched :( does anyone know if the subscription discount remains after they're all released?

    According to the subscription bundle page, it's available until the 24th of April, which I presume means it also keeps the discount til then as well!

    Speaking of which, the next short is out - Past Returns! Sounds like it could be an interesting one, focusing on the effort to launch a crusade in the first place.

    Black Library - Past Returns (eShort)

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  6. I don't know if they'll announce it on the website, but it looks like the first of the Dawnbringer eshort stories is up:

    Black Library - The Road To Helsmarch (eShort)

    It's not mine, so no idea what it's like, but I can't very well push my own work without giving my fellow authors a bit of a bump as well - that'd just be impolite! :)

    According to the eshort subscription page, mine'll be the last in the series, releasing on Saturday:

    Black Library - Dawnbringers 2023 eShort Subscription

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