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Posts posted by Acrozatarim

  1. I'm actually a little intimidated by the sheer number of clanrats. I was thinking of picking up the Skaven side of the box and trying to figure out a quick painting method with Contrasts, as my usual painting style is too slooooow, but 40 well-detailed clanrats feels a little too much even for that.

    • Like 1
  2. I suspect the packmaster might actually be a new Moulder hero to replace the old master Moulder that is (I think?) leaving the old range. We know heroes are a big deal now for army creation with their retinues,  and it'd make sense to have a hero in the roster who can take rat ogers and abominations as their main unit choices. That could give us four likely heroes in the box for Skaven - clawlord, seer, engineer, and packmaster - which would match Dominion.

    • Like 1
  3. GW paid for the very expensive cgi in a fully animated video trailer marketing the new edition.

    They've been throwing articles at us for weeks online.

    They've done a big reveal on a livestream (even if they didn't show us any miniatures in it), and have more such livestreams planned.

    I'm not sure that doing a fun streamed match between two wrestlers to show off Spearhead, revealed only a few days before said stream, can be really considered their main marketing tool here.

    • Like 5
  4. 3 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Hang on.... wha....? 

    They're actual wrestlers? And they're going to be playing Warhammer? 

    I feel like I've been popping pills. 

    To be fair, actual wrestlers are allowed hobbies too :D

  5. AEW wrestlers facing each other in the ring of AoS is... I'm not sure if it's daft or brilliant. Possibly both?

    I love the look of that gryph-hound. I'm also pretty keen on what looks like, yeah, an enslaver?

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    what... Empire is that larp about then if not WHFB Empire? strange name if it isn't

    It's a lrp about a fantasy empire of several different nations that is... very different to WHFB's Empire. The player characters are the movers and shakers of the empire - the politicians, magi, priests, merchants, and elite soldiers - who vie for power, seats in government, and the opportunity to influence the empire's activities in the direction they want or for the benefit of their particular nation. Every governmental position in the Senate, Synod, etc, all the way up to the emperor/empress, is a player character position, and there's huge amounts of trade-offs, politicking, alliances etc for people seeking to grip those levers of power, a whole high-level military campaign across multiple fronts of the empire, magical audiences with weird-as-****** occult beings... ; and then there are also people who just turn up to run a tea-house, or who like to argue fantasy religion (in the empire's extremely odd but very cool religious premise), or who stage in-character plays, or other much more low-stakes stuff.

    The battles are a lot of fun too, as there's two battles an event and you're expected to turn up to take a 'monster' NPC role if you fight in the other battle as your PC, so there's hundreds upon hundreds of combatants; and I never miss the opportunity to repost this photo, of the moment the players first ran into the notorious War Rhino prop in the battlefield. A force of about 600 player characters got absolutely brutalised and took heavy casualties in this particular battle - the game's grown a lot since then, when there was probably still less than 2000 attendees, now I think reaching over 3000 players (closer to 4k I think?) at the last event.


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    • LOVE IT! 3
  7. Honestly? Good for them, nice to see some more hopefully good-quality manufacture larp kit hit the market. I've been feeling a fair few pangs of regret of late at not being able to attend Empire LRP (a very cool fest-scale larp in the UK where I played for a while, and was later on the plot team for) any more, and this isn't helping xD

    (Edit for clarity: Empire LRP isn't a WFRP larp about the Warhammer Empire or anything, it is its own entirely different thing - but it's always nice to have a wider range of kit to choose from when kitting up a character)

  8. 3 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Ah interesting didn’t know it comes with a double barrel option


    Might be a unit champion?

    We still haven't had the general command group/unit champion rules as yet, I don't think.

    • Like 1
  9. Nice remake of a classic.

    I'm also super-jazzed by the semi-return of Move-Or-Fire style rules for them, which we'll hopefully see on other similar missile units as well. Making it a carrot rather than a stick is nice, but more rules to encourage decisions around positioning vs movement is good.

    (I don't consider the Boltboyz and Fusiliers split firing profiles to be quite the same thing, because they bring some unintended weird incentives and don't feel quite 'right' in their implementation, for me)

  10. They've been shoving out multiple articles a week, alongside the model drip-feed. If the 10th ed 40k marketing roll-out is anything to judge by, the faction focus articles will likely be very thin on content. I'm not sure what else there is to push on the 'hype train' apart from the box contents reveal anyway?

    • Like 4
  11. I've rather turned off campaign rules that involve units getting layers of special abilities over time; I've come to find it all too much in terms of administrative load and book-keeping. I'd prefer PtG focus more on the wider stuff, like territory, and less on what rank and what xp and whatnot each and every unit I'm putting on the field. I want the story of the campaign, not the story of which guys got incrementally tougher.

    However, custom Anvil of Apotheosis for every battletome? Now that's some good news.

    • Confused 1
  12. Priests can try and banish manifestations, I think, plus now that endless spells have stats, Khorne can literally just facemurder them, and possibly get buffs when doing so.

    I mean, now you can actively flex on the things with your enormous, blood-oiled muscles. Sounds like a win for Khorne to me ;)

    • Like 3
  13. 2 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    What I wonder after seeing the WarCry ones - will Ogors in general become more monstrous? The classic Ogor looks like a giant powerlifter (well, a very unattractive interpretation of one) but the new ones reminded me more of something like ghouls on steroids. I‘ve got no real opinion on or preference regarding Ogors but those minis made me think that the ones closer to humans will just be part of Cities and the Mawtribes might become more „unique“ in appearance? Barbaric traits are pretty much Darkoath‘s thing now so perhaps GW wants to reinvent Ogors a bit? 🤔

    Would Ogor fans like that or not is what I‘m basically asking myself…

    Those were Gorgers; they've always looked monstrous. The new ones for Warcry were very nice models but kept pretty close to the existing Gorger aesthetic, tbh.

    • Like 3
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  14. 29 minutes ago, Sception said:

    The scenery suggestions are nice, but I'm very worried about the terrain rules.  I'd love to have some simple but intuitive rules for basic terrain like forests, walls, hills, ruins, water features, defensible buildings, letting people use their own terrain in a way that makes sense.

    But I'm worried we'll instead get a bunch of hasslesome and arbitrary rules for specific weird terrain feature models that GW sells, or pretends to sell (but is perpetually out of stock), or used to sell (but never will again), similar to the stronghold rules from the recent dawnbringers book, which in no way generalize to the sort of generic terrain that most game stores, even most warhammer stores, typically have available for players to use.

    To be fair, if what's in the article is any indication, there will be a small set of broad terrain abilities rather than specific ones for specific models.

    The terrain abilities included there are Cover (which will presumably be a bonus to save, or a penalty to attack rolls vs a unit in cover), Unstable (presumably a 'you can't have a unit sitting on top of this' rule), Obscuring (which will likely be a rule for LOS blocking or the like), and Place of Power. The latter's the only obvious place thus far for weird and specific rules to go, and I wonder if it'll be more like a simplified version of the Mystic Terrain rules/table of times latter rather than anything else.

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