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Posts posted by Acrozatarim

  1. I've been mulling over the new Destruction faction rumours since the AoS3 reveal. I think the general collated consensus of lean orcs or similar with a focus on wolf riders is probably gonna turn out to be correct, particularly with the 'new breed of evil' tag-line that'd work nicely for a people who're a bit different from existing grots and orruks. Originally, though, the image I had in mind was along the lines of the gitmob style - plains or steppes dwellers, lots of wolf cavalry, chariots, rolling battlewagons etc. The teaser's swerve towards mist, mires, and woods kinda cuts that idea off, though. The suggested terrain this new faction prefers just doesn't work well for chariots or similar.

    That doesn't mean it's not wolf-riders, though - if you wanted a form of cavalry who are fairly good at maneuvering through that sort of terrain, a giant wolf is gonna be much more suited than a horse.

    The bit that's tripping me up, really, is the almost fairytale leanings of the teaser. It suggests something very different about this new orruk faction (and I think they're more likely to slot into Orruk Warclans than Gloomspite Gitz). GW are presumably going to avoid overlap with Spiderfang or Moonclan in aesthetics and style, and the teaser really emphasizes the idea these guys are evil and sinister, not just destructive. Fimir'd feel such a good fit if it weren't for all the other evidence pointing towards lean greens.

    Oddly enough, the thought that did strike me a bit was the British - the old-style Brits, I mean, the folks resisting the Romans and the like. Delve right into the more sinister side of Celtic mythos, look at the moors and the fens of the UK. Make them the darkness between the forest trees that even a Roman Legion might fear to march into, then give them a coat of green paint and turn the malicious sadism dial right up to 11.

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  2. That was a reasonably solid preview, I think.

    • Firm confirmation that yes, it's third edition.
    • New Stormcast special character and two new units showed off, along with some of the lore justification thereof.
    • Bit of discussion about some of the thematics about the new edition.
    • Implied confirmation about some of the rumours we've heard re double turn, CPs, and battalions.
    • Teaser about an antagonist faction that really doesn't match up with any of the rumours we've heard so far.


    I'm fairly happy with that, though obviously I'd have liked to hear more about the new faction/s.

    • Like 1
  3. Final teaser for the antagonists who'll be in the starter box does imply a new faction but doesn't really suggest wolf-riding gobborcs at all. Mention of fens and mires, soldiers vanishing, and pinpricks of red in the mists around the camp.

    Honestly if it weren't for all the rumours about the gobborcs I'd be saying 'Fimir' about now.

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  4. Specifically calling out the double-turn, wanting to keep it but make it an interesting choice. If you choose to go second you get more command points. CPs also do more and in more phases.

    Matched play - calls out haves and have nots with battalions, mentioned idea of 'core battalions'.

    • Like 1
  5. 'Vindictor' Stormcast wearing a new kind of 'Thunderstrike' armour. A response to Belakor ****** with the Stormcast reforging thing. When they die, they have a stronger connection to Azyr so they explode in a blast of lightning as a bootstrap to (mostly) launch them back safely for reforging.

    So... exploding on death effects?

  6. As for Saturday being an Eisenhorn live action reveal, I'm feeling pretty doubtful. The only reason it's even being mentioned now is the eisenhornleaks twitter with the really shoddy photoshops of supposed actors and a criminally pixelated logo.

    Also, while this doesn't mean it's impossible for it to be an Eisenhorn reveal, that'd make Warhammer Fest four days of 40k to one day of AoS (2 days 40k, Black Library day only being 40k, then Saturday being 40k as well) which feels so heavily weighted as to be excessive.

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  7. Yeah, it's kinda funny really. Lots of people (myself included) will feel really disappointed come Saturday if it isn't AoS 3, buuuut with all the signs pointing so firmly at an impending third edition, we'll still get AoS 3 in the near future, and whether or not it gets previewed at Warhammer Fest won't actually affect its release date, so... it's funny how human psychology works, I guess?

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