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Posts posted by Acrozatarim

  1. 4 minutes ago, C0deb1ue said:

    Does the allegiance ability apply to them?

    IIRC the allegiance ability specified Kruleboy Orruks, and the hobgrotz are have the Kruelboy keyword but not the Orruk one.

    Which is presumably why they have the 2 hits rather than 1 on a 6 to hit ability, as a kinda replacement for that.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    And that's a good example of why what we have seen so far raises some concerns: if don't have access to mighty destroyers or 6" pile in (all the armies I play don't) the last remaining option in your list is: don't use melee

    I feel that's something of an overreaction to the new command abilities, especially given their limitations.

    We managed alright in WHFB when every enemy unit could pull off charge reactions for free; we'll do fine in AoS3 where it's much more restricted and costs a valuable resource.

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  3. Arcane Bolt adds a bit of an edge for spellcasters who want to get in close; hide behind LOS-blocking terrain to get up within charge range, cast the spell, move in and fire it off at point blank for the extra mortals. Bit harder for long-range casters to get the most out of it - it relies on enemies closing to short range for you to fire it off, which is a bit of a failure state anyway if you don't want enemies that close in the first place.

    I kinda wish mortal wounds weren't the stand-by effect for magic attacks (and weird SFX attacks in general, to be honest), but this seems a reasonable twist on the old Arcane Bolt formula.

  4. The faction preview articles are all gonna be meh because they're not going to say much of anything about potential faction changes for battletomes that are months if not years out. They're each going to call out some warscrolls and tell us that unit will be great in the new edition due to one or more of, to quote someone from another forum:

    • It's a monster and monsters will be better
    • It's a hero and heroes will be better
    • It is slow or has short range, and will be better able to get within range on the smaller board
    • It is fast or has high range and will be able to reach almost anywhere on the smaller board
    • It has a small footprint, and thus will be easier to maneuver on the smaller board
    • It has a large footprint, and thus will control a greater percentage of the smaller board

    With the occasional tidbit of actual new rules like Arcane Bolt thrown in for those of us who're already AoS players.

    It's what they did for 40k 9e with the faction articles. You are not going to get any major rules changes for the individual factions previewed in these articles, so don't expect them. The bespoke rules improvements/changes/reviews will come later with the battletomes themselves.

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  5. Seeing other photos popping up elsewhere for battleplans - so battleplans are still a thing as they were before.

    Battlepacks are presumably the 'here's the set of standard matched play rules' or 'here's the tournament rules' packages of info.

  6. 4 minutes ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

    Oh no it's Warcry all over again with symbols. I hope that is just for the starter set and the real core rule book uses more generic looking symbols.

    Could it have killed them to do something generic and readable? Crown is commander, fist is sub commander, shield is battleline, vague animal skull is monster, etc.. 4 varieties of little men isn't good for glance value.

    Also I feel like it may be limiting since not every army has access to 10+ wound heroes to fill this detachment system. Like could Bonesplitterz even use those bigger detachments?

    As far as I can tell, you don't need 10+ wound characters to fill the Commander slot - any leader can fill that slot. It's just that characters with 10 or more wounds can't fill the Sub-commander slot.

    • Like 1
  7. Where are these photos coming from?

    Looking at those, if there isn't a points cost attached, that's an interesting trade-off - you can trivially pack your army into a one-drop for many lists, but if you take the other options you can rack up a lot more free CPs or equivalents thereof.

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, mojojojo101 said:

    Has anyone been able to decipher what the point in 'understrength' units might be?


    At a guess, either to skip round model number-based limitations (like the 6+ coherency rules), and for players who just don't have enough miniatures to fill out a unit's normal numbers but want to use their minis anyway.

  9. 1 hour ago, SunStorm said:

    So new day, any guess on what the monster we'll see today that they teased?

    "Join us tomorrow as we take a look at one of the huge beasts that might be lurking out there in the wilds"

    Given the ruddy great chimera on the cover of the new corebook, I'm kinda assuming it'll be that.

    • Like 1
  10. Assume anything that comes solely from 4chan is wrong; it's where the 'Fellwater Morruks' rumour came from, after all.


    As for the reinforcement points rumours from that whatsapp group, it's worth noting that this tallies with something the AoS List Labs chap said at the end of one of his later videos - he mentioned there would be limitations on unit sizes etc that would make it harder to have multiple maxed out unit sizes, and while he didn't give the specifics, this tracks pretty solidly onto how we're hearing reinforcement points will work.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    I really hope they flesh out the Kruleboyz a lot more and also give them their own Battletome. I'd like to be able to field them without the other Warclans and ideally without Hobgrotz. 

    I'm not sure if I'm in the minority here, and I guess this might net me some confused emojis, but I think they are quite ugly and remind me of racist stereotypes (yellowish skin, slanted eyes).

    I had the same reaction to the hobgrotz, although I think they may be salvageable with a different paintjob and maybe clipping the lone spikes off the top of their heads. I still can't get over how absurdly short their legs are compared to their bodies, but at least with a more firmly green (or outright weirder hue like orange) skin they'll appear less like they've staggered off some old Yellow Peril style poster.

    • Like 3
  12. Oh, and this does open the door for allegiance-specific monster and hero actions.


    Just four monster actions to choose from might sound limiting for a Sons of Behemat army, for example, but the next version of SoB could come with unique new monster actions of their own to expand the list.

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