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Posts posted by Acrozatarim

  1. Yeah, I'd expect:

     - The two monsters teased in the WarCom article.

     - A special character.

     - Gnashtooth cavalry unit.

     - Another hero. Maybe a hobgob, maybe another Murknob.

    Then there's one more slot that I desperately hope will be another orruk unit, whether foot or a second cav unit, to bulk out the options for listbuilding.

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  2. Correct, so if you go first in a round and you have a general, you get 1 CP to start with, 1 immediately in your Hero phase for having a general, and 1 in your opponent's Hero phase if your general is still alive, giving you a minimum of 3 before any artefacts, traits, or Heroic Leadership actions.

    • Thanks 1
  3. *stands back up a moment after sitting down*

    And then, and then, the miscast itself is utterly boring! Here, have some damage and end of spellcasting. Nothing particularly unpredictable and interesting. No expression of how magic works in the setting. Nothing that makes miscasting fundamentally shift the on-board situation in a way you couldn't have predicted. It's fast, sure, but that's all.

    I'd welcome fun, interesting miscast rules that gave spellcasting an extra level of tactical decision-making and risk-taking, and that had a meaningful impact on how the game plays. This sure as hell isn't it.

    Sorry, I'm just really cheesed off at how bad the design function is of the new miscast rule. I work in tabletop game design and this is just, ******, just such a cross between missed opportunity and uninteresting implementation, it makes me irrationally frustrated with such a minor element of the game.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, Ogregut said:

    Tzeentch is one of the few armies where you can avoid miscasts.

    Reallt want to get that spell off - use destiny dice. 

    Not to mention the army has quite a few reroll casting dice mechanics. 


    But none of that changes at all due to miscasts. You don't use destiny dice to cast because miscasts exist, you do it because you definitely need that spell to happen right now. You don't reroll casting dice because you rolled a double 1 - you'd be rerolling it anyway because it's a failed cast in the first place.

    There's no additional level of decision making or tactics added by miscasts, and that's for the army with perhaps the most rules for interacting with spellcasting, let alone everyone else.

  5. Tzeentch seems to have gotten weaker.

    • Changehost gone, which somewhat undercuts the main tournament lists I've seen.
    • No more stacking buffs and debuffs means flamers are weaker on shooting, the army can't achieve what it used to be able to wrt penalties to hit vs its daemons, and there's some minor stuff like the Fatemaster's and Gaunt-on-Disc's armour save getting very mildly worse in melee.
    • Miscasting is a minor debuff on the widespread spellcasting in the army, albeit one I don't see actually affecting decisions in play at all (not like you can do much about it!).
    • Current RAW for enhancements indicates that some of the better unique characters like Blue Scribes and Kairos don't get their usual spell from the Tzeentch lore, although it's not a massive problem for either of them, I guess, given their ability to get spells from other casters on the field.
    • Depending on what exactly 'maximum' means when referring to unit size, it's possible that the wording re adding models to a unit in the side note by 25.3 means that Horrors have taken a *very* big nerf, albeit at least that makes running Horrors a bit lighter on the wallet.

    The mortal side of Tzeentch hasn't really suffered (yet, without knowing points costs at this time), I don't think, but then it wasn't exactly the side of the army that was setting competitive lists alight.

  6. Oh, and, while I'm being annoyed: they say "Beware of miscasts!"

    But you can't beware of miscasts. There's nothing you can do to avoid miscasts apart from... not cast spells. On all those characters whose cost is predicated on the idea that they will, in fact, be casting spells.

    It's just a random smack to the chops that occasionally crops up and you just have to suck it down and carry on. There's no new layer of strategy or tactics to it.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  7. As a Tzeentch player, can't say I'm sad to see the back of Changehost. Hopefully Tzeentch'll get a revamp this edition to have more viable types of army than just pink horror tarpit and flamer shooting.

    It also does annoy me a bit whenever they say things like 'ooh Tzeentch spellcasting is so unrivalled', when what they mean is 'you've got a lot of things that can cast spells, but most of them aren't actually very good at it, especially if you were foolish enough to prefer the mortal side of the army' :P

    • Thanks 2
  8. Aaaand there it is, the 'second player removes an objective on turn 3' rule that the AoS List Lab chap mentioned in his earlier videos. So I guess he must have gotten access to a leak of the GHB as well as the core (or maybe he just saw the GHB as it apparently now has the core rules in there?).

  9. So, the AoS List Lab chap's claims were largely accurate, but, there's one thing he mentioned that notably hasn't been said as being in the core in these latest leaks.

    He said something along the lines of the player going second on turn 3 being able to remove an objective from the battlefield, or something along those lines.

    I wonder if that's coming in the GHB, and if so, if it's coming with other measures to balance against key double-turns in matched play?

  10. The return of miscasting rules feels like one of the stranger bits of the new edition to me. Technically it's a nerf to spellcasting, but it's sufficiently rare to roll double 1 that it's not something you can meaningfully take into account with your choices in either listbuilding or playing during the actual battle.

  11. I think that it's going to take a while of people actually playing with the new rules for a lot of the ramifications of the changes to clearly show themselves. We've already had people leaping to assumptions that are incorrect, the GHB points adjustments are likely to change things further, and there are so many adjustments across the board to various moving parts that even very canny players are unlikely to grok all the new interactions straight off.

    Also, they're designing these new rules with the game they want in mind, not the meta that currently exists as of the end of 2nd ed.

    • Like 3
  12. Ok, so we now have three versions of this rule floating around:

    • Finish dropping first, go first.
    • Finish dropping first, choose who goes first.
    • Finish dropping first, win ties on initial priority roll.

    Surely someone can get the clarification on which it is? :D

    I'd *prefer* it was the last one - gives one-drops a reason to exist, but just gives an edge rather than an assured and significant advantage.

  13. Just now, C0deb1ue said:

    Definitely waiting for more allegiance abilities as the base stats/warscrolls and points are pretty underwhelming for Kruleboyz


    Since everyone seems to be getting a points cost increase, I'm not yet too concerned about the Kruleboy points costs.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I hope they do an article going into enhancements soon, so we can nail down exactly what we're dealing with there. The Slaves to Darkness article mentioned access for priests to additional prayers like Heal, Curse, and Guidance - but what else? Artefacts? Mount trait equivalents? Other, entirely new things?

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