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Posts posted by Eternalis

  1. 26 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Any game, even Warhammer, relies heavily on at least a small core (even just one person) of people who promote the game at the local level

    I know all this, and I agree.

    Maybe I'm just biased because my country (France) has a lot of gaming associations and clubs, much more than hobby shops. You just have to find one (they are everywhere, and we have internet now, no excuses), say hello and ask what games are played.

    I managed to play games of "Infinity" everywhere in France, just by going on Discord/FB/Whatsapp and asking : I'm in this town for 7h, anyone wants to play some games?
    It's not harder than going to your Warhammer shop and ask who's playing here.

    I've yet to hear people playing "Star Wars: Legion" say : I'm afraid the game could die tomorrow.
    Yet that's a big dilema for GW players: will the other game i want to try survive the next 6 months? Maybe, maybe not. WFB died, Mordheim died, Gorka Morka died, GW games aren't immune to a collapse either.

  2. 7 hours ago, NauticalSoup said:

    You'll virtually always be able to find players and it isn't going anywhere. Even other big games like Warmachine or X-wing seem to stumble and die after only a few years.

    I keep hearing this from GW games players (and only from them), yet in my country I can go in many places and play any wargame I want to. We're not in the 90's anymore, Wargaming, TTRPG, Boardgame aren't that niche anymore.
    Heck, i can even play Mars Code Aurora in a small village of 200 people, did you even know that game? :D

    • Like 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Others are saying it might also be their watered down separate release strategy like how kits just give you simplified data sheet cards instead of full warscrolls

    Shadow & Pain box cards had the final warscroll printed on them.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    If an army is winning a lot at a pro scene then there's a good chance it will also be strong at a casual scene too; it's rare that a meta army will be too complicated to use at a casual level to good effect. Thus a nerf can work at the casual and pro scene when based off the competitive scene, which is how it currently is. 

    On the other hands an army can be an absolute casual stomper and struggle against better players/armies. If you're nerfing this noob stomping army it might become useless at higher level play, but if you try to buff it to appeal to the better players then the casuals will have even more trouble... 

    One could argue that the only people that should care about balance are the best players. Only these people will know enough about the game and the different army to really see the differences between a S faction and a A faction. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
  5. Hi,
    I'll go to a tournament in 1 month with my DoK but I coud use a hand with my list... It's a 1k tournament with no unit or warscroll taking more than 50% of your army, so no Morathi :(

    I was thinking about Gotrek + snakes (Medusa + Stalkers) but I will have a really low model count and if my snakes die, well, game over!

  6. 9 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    Because when you kill a horror it doesn’t count as slain. Therefore, you can’t continue to allocate wounds to the unit.

    The model is removed from the battlefield before the next wound or mortal wound is allocated to the unit. It is removed, then the next wound is allocated to the unit?

    the model isn't slain but... 😑
    I don't know what to think about that rule.

  7. Quote

    Q:Is it okay to use ‘proxy’ models to stand in for models that I do not have but want to use in a game? For example, using a Slaughterpriest model to represent a Bloodsecrator, or using Stormcast Eternals models painted in the colours of the Hammers of Sigmar to represent Stormcast Eternals from a different Stormhost?
    A: The use of proxy models is generally frowned upon, because doing so can confuse the other players (and sometimes even yourself ), and because it spoils the spectacle and aesthetic of the game. Because of this, you can only use proxy models if you’ve gained your opponent’s permission to do so before the game begins.

    Oh boy, we have to paint with GW official schemes now?

  8. 51 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    One interesting thing is that the way GW products sell has been very good for FLGS. 

    Hum... Here in France that's not the case AT ALL. Many LGS are struggling and are angry at GW politics.

    You don't know how many boxes you'll get to sell, they are expensive as hell (way more than some other brands), you're forced to have some boxes (you know, the boxes no one wants to buy) in your store or your contract with GW is canceled (and of course you're forced to pay for them...).
    Many french stores decided to stop doing a discount on GW products because they couldn't handle it anymore, and because of that people buy more and more on Wayland...

    Here, GW told LGS that a second run of production will be made for a release in November. LGS told their customers that because they were only able to pre-order 10 boxes for the July release, people could order a box for November if they're not in a hurry.
    The problem is : LGS didn't know they'll only get 10 boxes before they tried to pre-order them, so they had to cancel many people orders... People went mad and just ordered it on GW website.

    How is that positive for any "small" LGS? You don't know what you'll be able to sell because GW politics is all about their website and official Warhammer Stores.

    • Like 5
  9. Just now, Zappgrot said:

    and those where changed at the last moment. 

    And then who playtested these changes? :D

    I do agree though, Kragnos isn't worth 740pts...
    But then, why did GW put him at this price? I mean BR:Kragnos has been written months ago and so does the GHB 21, why don't they give him the same price? Is he worse in V3 than he was in V2?

  10. Funny stories about GW playtests : When the Drukhari Codex was released, some playtesters complained. What did they complain about? The Codex released wasn't the one they tested. In their test, some weapons were 1D6 damage (and they became 1D3+3), stats were lower , some rules were missing...
    GW made changes and that seems about right after some tests, don't you think? Well none of these playtesters gave them feedback to change these things AND no playtesters tested the changes... In the end, Drukhari were bordeline broken when they came out because no one tested their "new" book.

    Some playtesters told GW that in 40K the D6 damages wasn't fun. It was unreliable, frustrating and the players didn't like that. GW team told them that the D6 damages was there for people to use their stratagems!

    God, do they have a clue about their games?

    • Like 2
  11. As an aelf DoK player, I'm disapointed.

    I don't think I gain anything in this new edition. I don't need that much CP, I don't need new prayers (6+ ward isn't my thing :p), I don't need new artefacts or more spells, I don't care about enhancement as my witches are Battlelines...
    But I'm losing things. No more 4+ save aelves (thanks GW, all my models were with a Buckler...) as you may only have +1 in save. Which makes the new CA to gain +1 save pointless to me.
    The new coherency isn't my thing but okay.

    On the other hand, the snake part is left untouched and is even better now... Great work GW, you had to sell these snakes don't you?

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