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Everything posted by RamsesIII

  1. To be honest something about the Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof's helmet gave me Witch King of Angmar vibes (maybe a bit influenced by mischievous, leaner kruleboyz reminding me of LOTR orcs), so someone similar with a wyvern mount somewhat reminiscent of a fellbeast would be a perfect fit for me.
  2. oh my God, I didn't even see the ungors on its head... that's at least twice as ridiculous (scale-wise) as I thought. Yeah, it definitely needs an update.
  3. Honestly I feel like bestigors need an update more than gors do. The latter felt mostly good to assemble for me, they have plenty of options and allow for pretty different poses, meanwhile bestigors are almost all posed in a very similar way with little chance to change their stance or play around with their limbs' positioning, and even then I still found myself having to plan the assembly carefully to avoid leaving gaps in their shoulders. Could also be that I just like the unarmored look better (not that I believe bestigors shouldn't have theirs) but some of their armour bits feels a bit uninspired too, lots of unremarkable chainmail sections in my opinion. I wouldn't be too bothered if they weren't updated though, I feel like there's some things that should come first. I gotta say though, the dragon ogor shaggoth is one that really stands out to me as something in need of an update, I keep forgetting that it's actually quite a bit smaller than the ghorgon and cygor in the tabletop when I feel like in the lore it shouldn't be that way(?) could be wrong though. The sculpt itself is actually pretty nice but unfortunately it's only available in resin.
  4. I hope they lower the rate of new armies and focus more on updating existing ones. "Remakes" like what Soulblight Gravelords was to Legions of Nagash (regardless of it not keeping everything from that army) or what Dawnbringer Crusades could be to Cities of Sigmar are fine, but we've already got such a wide variety of armies and so many of them have lots of old models or don't have a single playable named character (aside from Underworlds and stuff like that), I'd be excited for Chaos Dwarfs and I'm sure plenty of people want Malerion's shadow aelves but I'm hoping their release doesn't come before a good, sizable bunch of new things for the armies that need it the most right now.
  5. Sure, but to be fair: it's still two deities trapped inside a great mountain, one of the two mountains being called "beastgrave" and the other being released in the realm of Ghur AKA of beasts letting out a pretty beastly fellow. It's a puzzling coincidence to say the least.
  6. I mean, one of them not destroying the setting completely is a pretty big difference I don't see listed here. That and not being a re-do of the prior big campaign because the playerbase's choice didn't meet GW's expectations...
  7. Orcs were already born from fungus in WHFB if I remember correctly, though I'm not sure since what edition that has been true. Also- might just be me making a mistake here, but while they do use 'k's for many words the word "orc" was written normally in Fantasy as opposed to how it is in 40k. Then again, considering the word "orruks" I don't know if AOS might have retroactively changed that, I don't recall if the original word is used at all in the battletomes.
  8. I agree, I think GG has thrived in its separation from orcs. OW on the other hand I think has suffered from it, because they've taken orruks in a pretty linear, kinda monotone path (bigger, armored orruks led by bigger-er, armored-er orruks with a few saving graces in other flavours like the weirdnob shaman and the maw-krusha) while disposing of a good portion of the old orc models and concepts without revisiting those, savage orruks staying helps but they need updating and aren't super varied themselves. I do see that OW has its own appeal though, and while I would be happy with them getting some new greenskin variants reminiscent of the old orcs or hobgoblins I do also feel like it completely changes the philosophy behind the army. I'm expecting the new greenskins (assuming that's what we're getting) to be their own army, and I could see them having some Cities of Sigmar-esque options to draw from other armies. I'm happy with either scenario though. I just wonder if adding them to OW would dilute what makes it... OW. Granted, bonesplitterz are already kind of their own separate style inside of the same army, so maybe it becoming a Waaagh!-representative army wouldn't be such a huge change in direction. I dunno.
  9. To be honest it's always been weird to me that grots and troggoths are unrelated species (that are commonly found working together), don't tell me some of the heads of the rockgut troggoths don't look like they belong to oversized snotlings or gnoblars. I don't remember if there's an actual lore explanation for it, though the dankhold troggoth and Underworlds' Mollog both having that fungal theme might have something to do with it? so yeah, a new greenskin breed that looks like half grots half troggoths sounds pretty good to me, especially if their keep some of the aesthetic of that effigy on Kragnos' base. Add some Oldhammer orc (or even recent WHFB orc, I miss those kits) aesthetic and I'm sold.
  10. To be fair, considering how Idoneth Deepkin and Ossiarch Bonereapers have been described in the past "Bretonnian Stormcast" could have definitely referred to these leaner, more traditional-paladin-style armours, even if it wouldn't be a very good description. But yes we'll have to wait and see because we've got some very odd conflicting possibilities (like sun-worshipping grots being a decently likely option that could work well with the teaser banner but on the other hand also contrasting a lot with the swamp location and aesthetic).
  11. Additionally, just the mere fact that Destruction is on the rise is reason enough for anyone to say "this is their time/X fans will be happy. I'd take these things with a grain of salt for sure.
  12. Doubt it's Fimir, they're not really "a new breed of evil" and while there were some lone eyes there were also quite a few that seemed to come in pairs. The leaner stormcast kinda fit the description we were given (not really "Bretonnian" per se but definitely a bit closer to more traditional knights) so I'm expecting the new greenskins.
  13. ..."A new breed of evil" eh? Red eyes... Skaven came to mind first, but greenskins certainly have those too, and we sure have been hearing about a new breed of the latter!
  14. You know what? I wanted normal humans but I kinda like these more form-fitting stormcast! Hope they get a good amount of uncovered heads, if I end up getting these I might change the usual face-helmets for more traditional knight stuff. If these are part of the starter set I'll have to wait and see what the rest of the Order side looks like, but so far so good. Here's hoping Destruction delivers!
  15. Stormfiends, verminlords and Thanquol missing (+Skreech Verminking)... I'm afraid one last Skaven lord pack in Game 3 is extremely likely.
  16. To be fair, Broken Realms started with Morathi reaching godhood. Not to mention that, while she's definitely gone through some lows (especially near the beginning of Age of Sigmar) she's always actually been a pretty big player, and debatably a bigger player than Malekith (not so much in power but in her influence to the world) in the world that was by virtue of her manipulation and ancient age.
  17. I'd argue that fyreslayers would need a turn in their aesthetic and premise to survive as their own army (nothing as extreme as combining two completely separate armies though). The slayer theme isn't bad, but I'd argue they're hurt a bit by the lack of variety in designs and colours.
  18. They haven't had new releases in the entirety of AOS (that I can remember right now) aside from marked gors that are already parts of other far more supported armies, they have no playable named characters and their impact in the big events of the lore is non-existent. I don't think the issue is them being chaos-aligned.
  19. Not to talk about this all the time, but I just don't see the benefit of making BoC Destruction beyond "I want this army to be something else". Is it freedom? BoC are the only chaos army with complete agency over their actions, they do whatever they want so long as it suits their principles. They're not the slaves of the chaos gods. Is it content/relevance? That can be done without the change to Destruction. Playing more with the primal beast theme? That can also be done without Destruction. BoC cause destruction because of their inherent and religious hatred for civilization, for order, for non-chaos. None of the Destruction armies have this reason for destroying, theirs is generally a matter of convenience, survival, fun or proving they are the strongest. BoC do these things, yes, but that hatred for civilization has always been their main priority and motivation. You take away chaos, you take away their entire lore, fully rework their culture, ignore their philosophy, undo their premise, everything but the aesthetic (and not all of it is saved). I'm cool with some beastmen becoming part of Destruction, maybe even developing into their own army, but taking BoC out of chaos? Just make a new army, feral kurnothi, whatever species, Kragnos comes from, something different, whatever. Don't take away the army with the spot that no other chaos army can fill.
  20. One thing I do miss from WHFB is starter boxes from all editions not featuring the same faction on one side over and over. I'm cool with SCE getting more stuff. There's other armies that need it way, way more but they can get some stuff here and there no problem. Every starter box featuring SCE? Please no. I get the value of a consistent beginner-friendly "semi-protagonist" army, but me and a lot of people (can't say exactly how many) would rather not automatically feel disinterest towards one half of all starter sets. It certainly doesn't help convince all the misinformed players who believe SCE are as pushed as they were at the start of 1st edition to try out the game. Featuring Stormcast as the face of the franchise almost everywhere seems counterproductive in that regard (and I can't wait for the AOS videogames to catch up with the faction diversity we currently have).
  21. BoC worship chaos itself... I don't think that makes them less chaos-aligned than the servants of the gods. They are, debatably, the most chaos-aligned faction by virtue of not just following the personal whims of a chaos god.
  22. To be honest while I wish BoC would get something part of me is a bit glad Kragnos wasn't it, his face reveal made me think he might be a beastman but his overall aesthetic just doesn't quite match what we already have. And wouldn't have liked BoC going to Destruction. Here's hoping they get something other than repurposed marked gors though. They were a missed opportunity in WHFB, and AOS has the chance to remedy that.
  23. I agree with others that Soulblight Gravelords aren't in a position that's comparable to the one Lumineth Realm Lords were in. We've actually got a fairly big amount of new models (I think the issue might be that their reveal has been too spread out?) and they have a solid foundation of existing ones.
  24. We saw this one already in a preview, plus you can see it in the lower corner of the big image they've got for the army.
  25. From that new trailer, it sounds less like Kragnos' people died/were driven away and more like they just lost their way and became docile/not strong enough, could be wrong.
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