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Posts posted by MacDuff

  1. On September 4, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Carnelian said:

    I think Rogue Trader is rocking the boat a bit! 

    I know RT rocked my mental boat just today. Some of you might know that I'm a frequent contributor to the Warhammer Quest forum (here's to you, Mr. White and Sharkbelly). It's making me sad how Shadespire, the lack of WHQ new releases, and very few easy-to-accomplish WD support cards have dampened enthusiasm for a great RPG-lite product line. But Rogue Trader's combat in confined spaces got me thinking - why can't two armies fight each other in a dungeon, if you build it right? It gives new life to WQ, let's you use your hero bands with hired support troops (ala AHQ), and offers a new play mode. I just hope the rumors of ST and SOH being permanently gone aren't true!

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  2. 8 hours ago, Hoseman said:

    Order new factions: Dark Malerion Aelfs, soon 2019. Light Aelfs (Teclis and Tyrion), maybe 2019. Some kind of robot/human/kindofskitarii army, nobody knows that, only a picture of something that looks like something.


    Could these robots be the Men of Iron that led to the Age of Strife? They were mean mothers...

  3. Both this and the removal of the boxed games from GW sites got me wondering about WQ getting a reboot. Given the rapid expansion of AOS (and other) miniature ranges, it must be tough to allocate game design resources to essentially redesign and balance every mini for an alternative game system. If I was running GW, I'd step back, redesign the core rules so all existing models could use AOS stats, tweak adversary AI into tables, and generalize the skill and treasure systems so special cards weren't involved. A reboot like this would only need a new rule book and rerelease of tiles, although a book of random overland and city encounters would seal the deal. New dungeon quests could then come out periodically (ideally with new minis who immediately could be bought separately as well, and have their free rules on the site), and we could just use existing warscrolls for both adversaries and heroes. This would also help Skirmish, WQ and AOS battles flow better into each other.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Enoby said:

    A lot of people on FB saying this rumour engine is nids, but the painting style doesn't look like nids at all - they always paint the grooves on them. Makes me think that it's a Moonclan insect.

    I'd love to see Grots on bugs! Stoned bugs!

  5. On August 10, 2018 at 1:25 AM, Oath Stoned said:

    Everything you said here is exactly what ive built my army to be. Like, exactly.

    My paint scheme is copying my Total War army, including ghosts and renown units. The ghosts are old world heroes that have awoken in shyish, they built a cogfort, and now theyre looking for valaya. 

    I really want to see that ghostly cogfort, pretty please!

  6. On July 14, 2018 at 8:46 AM, Oath Stoned said:

    The Second story gives more details. Such as the cogfort having 17 gun emplacements (cannons, organ guns, and a large center piece cannon.) Alarielle then splashes the cogfort with a wave of swamp water which is "several dozen feet high" which almost goes over the cogfort wall. So about 60-80ft tall at the cogfort' deck.

    In AOS scale, how many inches is that?

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