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Posts posted by MacDuff

  1. I have been a GW fan for decades, and started 40K with the original Space Orks and first plastic Space Marines. During that time I created my initial fantasy armies from Ral Partha and Grenadier minis and wrote my own rule sets. I picked up occasional fantasy units in plastic - many for conversion to 40k - but the massed troop blocks stopped me from building legit armies, and it got crazy about the period when End Times dropped.

    Then AOS appeared out of the rubble and I dug my odd assortments of fantasy figures out of storage, and learned to my delight that they were playable with free rules. Over the last few years I’ve rebased them, filled their ranks out, and made proper AOS armies. The fact that I could play small games meant I started out with several armies, and as the narrative emerged I got into other new ones.

    I earlier spoke with the GW creative team when I designed the LOTR games for EA, and complimented Andy and others on how they maintained creative continuity on the Warhammer universe over the decades. Now I see that happening again with AOS, so I’m fascinated to go along on their creative journey.

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  2. 8 hours ago, CJPT said:

    Elixia shows up in the early Realmgate Wars novels, I believe, and there's a silver banshee who aids the Stormcast. I think the important part is 'breathtaking and lifelike silver statuary' which is (a) new and (b) fits with rumours of a construct-based new Death faction.

    The next big thing is clearly coming from Chamon, one way or another. Everything revolved around Shyish in the long run-up to AoS 2.0, and something similar has been happening with the Realm of Metal all year - Carrion Empire and Looncurse are both set there, and it's constantly coming up in White Dwarf.

    Happy I've spent a year and a half building a 6'x4' Chamon board!

    This Chamon board is just a rumor. I want to see pictures.

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  3. Has anybody thought about how to convert this fungus gang to WQ in AOS?  I'd like to add this band in SOH as a wandering monster band. In fact, are there any thoughts on rules for all the Nightvault bands? They're great models and crying out for community or WD rules to tide us over until they redesign WQ along Blackstone Fortress lines.

  4. They had me at "beast riders", but the way out might be to emphasize Guilds. These define armor and arms (and traits) thay define their force structure (foot soldier, knight, militia, city guard), but have several races modeled in those styles, sometimes with unique mounts or weapons, but perhaps with an emphasis on ranged attacks. This would let units of Aelves and Humans, etc. fight side-by-side with a visual continuity while each being a bit unique. That implies a lot of kits, though...

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  5. I hate having tokens clutter up the board. I use skull beads for wounds and flip tokens over (some cardboard, some plastic), and glue some sand and small  bushes on to make tokens look like terrain. Sure, I have to flip them over to read them, but they stay with a unit as a reminder.

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