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Posts posted by Feii

  1. 14 hours ago, Sception said:

    Ushoran's madness should make him inherently unreliable.  I'd like for him to be the leader of both nagashi and anti-nagashi ghouls, depending on what side of the bed he's waking up on today.

    On his most lucid days he'd know both he and nagash were monsters, but be unable to resist Nagash's control.  On a more deluded day, he'd be the champion of freedom leading his people against the tyranny of a dark and cruel nagash, his madness breaking the bonds of nagash's control and allowing him to strike back against his master.  but on his most deluded days he'd swing right back around as the willing and devoted paladin of a bright and benevolent nagash - not actually under nagash's control but 110% loyal regardless.

    But that's just how I'd characterize him.

    All I can think is Ushoran dropping oversized anvils on Nagash with loony tunes music in the background...

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  2. Man, what they did with Nagash is a blunder. They had to kill him off by the power of friendship in the realm of Hysh just to be able to move the story of undeath characters foward. The moment Nagash is back everything is back to status quo.

    Would not be surprised if Ushoran managed to escape because of that too.  

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    The new Blacktalons video has a piece of art I haven't seen before - Krondys fighting Kragnos


    Can anyone place where this is from?

    If it hasn't been used before... is Kragnos supposed to show up in Dawnbringers campaign soon?

    I was looking for the art but the only new thing I found is this chad drawing.


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  4. 2 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    😲 You mean a new expensive model coming out may have overly powerful abilities and is undercosted!!!??

    🤔 Hmmm. This may help sales. Someone should contact Geedubs and let them know as obviously that's not what was intended. 

    I don't think GW does that so frequently. 

    Whole* second wave Slaanesh release was super weak. Kragnos was Failnos until he got erratad. 

    Idk honestly, I prefer stronger new models than unplayable mess because the bean counters at GW will see lower sales for an army and don't equate it with bad rules. 

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  5. 33 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Good: Duardin soup is dead

    Bad: They are reusing cover art for books

    Worst: DOK get another battletome without more models, and Morathi will probably still be carrying the entire faction




    Best: Maybe they will remove teleporting double tap snakes

    Morathi pushes them into an S tier but even if you couldnt play with her the DoK book is far above Slaanesh/Bonesplittaz tier. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    No, we don't have any rumour from a respectable source that say something about Malerion release. If you can find one rumour that say something about Malerion and it doesn't have fake content like the Beast of Chaos big release in November, the Ossiarch's archers in January or something like that we can start talking about Malerion's rumours.

    Respectable rumour source sounds like an oxymoron.


    what does it mean, peer reviewed rumour authors? Touch the grass.



  7. 5 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    There were never any Malerion rumours, just lots of wishlisting. 

    That is kinda dishonest. multiple leaks said Malerion in Q3 2022 or moved to Q1 2023. Furthermore he was in Broken realm story arc twice I think. One time with Morathi and the other one when he was hiring Skaven assassins. 

    also the newest underworlds setting is in Ulgu and there is rumored KT for Malerion Aelves. 

    simply wrong.

  8. On 1/9/2022 at 11:49 PM, yukishiro1 said:

    The mass dragon list is a problem that people don't seem to really quite understand until they actually face them. Comments like "they don't actually hit all that hard," "they're weak to mortals" etc are a prime example of this - yes, that's true on paper...until you have 9-10 of them hitting you T1 and then grinding you down because you literally can't move any of your army because they're all either engaged or moveblocked by the huge dragon footprint. There are a lot of lists - even otherwise competitive lists - that dragon spam will just beat no matter what with absolutely no chance for the opponent to do anything, and that's a big problem for the game. They are a prime example of a broken warscroll - they just have so much powerful junk crammed onto their scroll that they are always going to be auto-takes or never-takes from a balance point of view, depending on their pointing.

    And the particular way they are broken makes spamming them more valuable than not spamming them, which is the exact opposite of what's good for game health. They are the ultimate skew list and unless you have one of the small handful of lists that specializes in doing masses of non-spell-based mortal wounds, you have basically lost the matchup before it even starts. It's a recipe for NPE and bad feelings. 

    Building a warscroll that can cross the entire board and charge in a turn, that has mortal wound shooting output, that has 3+ saves, is a monster, has decent combat output, can spread out to have ridiculous board coverage, and has a spell shrug...it was just a terrible idea. 

    To be clear, it's not an unbeatable list. But it's a list where your ability to beat it is basically dependent on you having copious amounts of a very specific set of tools, and that's a disaster for the game. Auto-wins and auto-losses are terrible for creating a good competitive game. 


    The thing is outside pure dragon list they are not that great. 

    the whole SCE battletome will age extremely badly. Literally a coinflip battletome reliant on double turns and insane damage output that shouldnt be in the game. (Corgi dragons, raptors, meteor hammes)


    I almost want to say that stormdrakes should have been handled differently. Cap them per army but then give us a battalion to play a pure dragon army etc.

  9. 7 minutes ago, pnkdth said:


    Agreed. Good design consider the whole ecosystem, not just the rules contained within. Takes two to tango in this hobby and if one part is miserable it stops being a game and starts becoming a chore. In this regard, I think game balance trumps lore-representation every time. Mostly cause the lore often exaggerate the deeds done by X faction and power levels go up and down depending on perspective. In other words, a happy medium should be the desired outcome.


    General point about warscrolls, I do not think a large number of them means a good battletome. The question I think it has to answer, "does this book contain enough units with specific roles to achieve its overall design and themes?" By design, I mean everything from allegiance abilities, sub-factions, spell lores, relics and by themes I'm referring to lore-representation and aesthetics. This means as relatively thin of units battletome can be really good in terms of design.

    For example, I'd argue FEC is a fantastic tome. It is showing its age but each unit has a clear place and no matter the court you choose it allows you to capitalise on a certain aspect of the army. FS is a similar example but an example of where the book is too thin. Which could easily change by simply buffing the Magmadroth + having the new hero add additional synergy to vulkite berzerkers (assuming it does). It would still be quite thin but immediately three of their warscrolls would become much more interesting + each of the heroes can add even more distinct roles to each choice.

    More is not always more but just more of the same with a slight difference (which also what leads to bloat and having units which are just there and forgotten).


    Big problem how some designers are writing tomes right now. (The sin writer whatever that means)


    too many “bends” when it comes to design principles for unilateral benefit of the active player. 

    I like the kruleboyz poison mechanic but after the talisman nerfs you still can build a competitive army with just one backbone which mean Big Yellers boltboyz…

  10. 55 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    If it’s for the Shadow Aelves warband then it could be that the warband is made up of both ‘Malerion Aelves’ and ‘DoK Aelves’, preparing us for the introduction of Malerion and his court as part of the DoK book (Orruk Warclans-style) when they eventually drop his new range (essentially a Kruleboyz-style expansion) in 2023?

    No way Malerion and another aelv faction wont get a standalone book. They just print too much money. 

  11. 18 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Reminder that this thread has had another prophet who was right about ogor pirate maneaters, and they claimed the next UW starter would include Malerion aelves.

    Could this mean the whipped aelf is...M...M...



    I wanna see Malerion and his elves this year so much but wouldn’t the next starter set mean something like Dominion? They haven’t had a starter vs set outside edition change since Kharadron/Tzeentch times. 

    or do you/the leaker mean the duel box style release? 

  12. Just now, Charleston said:

    First of all: I love the irony behind the fact that all thoose close ups feature layer lines from 3D printers which has a certain irony~


    Friendship with Warclans ended! 40k Chaos Knights are now best budds with weird Vulture birbs!Unbenannt.PNG.cb79eda89812b56b9d3f2ff6555fb7f3.PNG

    Iron warriors and Kruleboyz would be best friends though. 


    “How many civilians can we put in our trap before they stop screaming?”

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