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Posts posted by Feii

  1. 8 hours ago, Nos said:

    Another thing, although this is a broader GW trend not just limited to AOS

    It would be easier to sell something like these sets to beginners if it was made apparent what it was you were getting beyond a massive lump of models. 

    The picture on the back of the current box (recieved mine today) it's just like a pattern of models, all sparsely set out. Not set our how the game plays or anything, just a load of individual models put down on a flat space. It communicates nothing besides "quantity".

    The difference between the sense of what components you were getting to play with on the back of the 6th edition box, below, and the current AOS set, is night and day.

    One looks like a boxed game, and the other more like a starter entry point into a complex concept or system. Weirdly, Dominion, which is far greater value for money, looks simultaneously more formidable while also being a bit empty and in a vacuum.

    And Dominion is actually the first GW boxed set to have two 1000+ plus armies, but again, that's not made clear, it's just an island of minis. 




    But if you buy 2 boxes you do not have  2 decent 2000k armies because yndrasta limits you in one box and 40 hobgrots and the second big boy is meh.


    furthermore the points in the box are already outdated and their bettletomes will have new points. Stupid.


    meanwhile buying 2 indomitus boxes felt good.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    To be fair, the Death sub-forum was at the bottom for a long time until Ossiarchs, then Sons of Behemat led to an overtake, then Soulblight knocked it back into third place. It seems the numbers fluctuate depending on whoever is getting a new army. Considering Death received a considerable amount of attention during 2.0 I don't think Destruction are in an especially terrible place in terms of numbers.

    So Chaos vs Order is just the way to go when you want to make a successful tabletop game? Hmmmmm. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, the Fel-hand said:

    I really think Dominion has two drawbacks.

    1) the new Stormcast aren't really that exciting. Yndrasta and the bodyguard unit are cool, but as a casual AoS player I have no need for more Stormcast battle line, and have support characters for days. I really think this spot should have been used for a different Order army. I can't emphasize this point enough fireslayers, sylvaneth, IDK, or KO all would have been better choices because they have limited ranges. 

    2) The Kruleboyz are a pretty basic fraction at the moment. They need to show something that makes fraction feel unique. They have a distinctive LotR look, which appeals to people but you need some substance with that style.

    They have to do something with SCE battleline units. It really feels like people which have the og liberators want to use them. I want to use my sequitors and other battleline is not doing it for me. If it goes this way I dont understand what will another battleline SCE unit offer to us in some years time. 

    not to mention we are getting another shooty boys. 

    krule boyz bot having their battletome feels like a huge mistake. I was hoping for a standalone faction that can ally in orruks or so and is centered around Kragnos. Second fiddle crackheads is not exactly the best advertising motto. 

  4. 10 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The (experimental) rules for King Dain and Thorin III spoilt that King Brand and Bard II are coming, as well as the released Easterling Dragon Acolyte models - Easterlings being the primary invading force during the Battle of Dale.  

    GW re-releasing some Dol Guldur/Mirkwood models in the future also points to some focus on that part of the northern front with the article stating new stuff for the system would be coming in the future.

    Most likely it's going to mean:

    • Legendary Legions for bringing Iron Hills/Garrison of Dale/Mirkwood into the War of the Ring, rather than being 'historical' Hobbit forces. 
    • A Dol Guldur force might also use the non-Hero parts of Azog's Legion.
    • New Easterling models, LL that includes Easterlings/Khand/Mordor?
    • Possibly something for Lothlorien.


    so this is what my friends who don't play warhammer hear when I start talking about it. huh. 

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  5. So about the June WD and Grungni's discussion with Sigmar.



    Did that discussion and Grungni not being opposed to Sigmar saving the Fyreslayer hold means that Sigmar has a full Fyreslayer karak of fyreslayer souls he might reshape one day into Duardin SCE? 


  6. 20 minutes ago, Draznak said:

    I have a personal source that I trust, but chapter Valrak, well-known 40k youtuber, also spoke about this not long ago. And a reliable French YouTuber. So I can safely say that Black Templars will be arriving later this year (think autumn). And from what I've been told, it will be glorious for them.

    Another example : recent rumor engine skeleton ? Grimaldus's retinue too.


    Something tells me that you will be happy in a few months ;) 

    a personal question of mine but do you know/jave any information if the GK box is only a new Crowe and nothing else for the GK side? 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Draznak said:



    It could have matched but it is the leg of a cenobite from the Black Templars chaplain Grimaldus's retinue.

    source? I just don;t see why would they be releasing grimaldus atm space marines have had their releases  and other rumour engines point towards eldar/GSC/Orks/TSons

  8. 58 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    He is clearly making Duardin battlemechs infused with spirits of legendary heroes, now with laser beards. It will be a game of knights vs gundams, absolute mechastuntie mayhem.

    Could also be fun if it turned out to go wrong and all the duardin ancestor ghosts joined the nighthaunt as little potbelly bedsheets

    2021-06-01.jpg 👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️

    • Like 3
  9. 5 minutes ago, Dreddships said:

    Fauxhammer just posted the last contents of the MR magazine.

    Issue 79/80 has the sprues for the Celestant Prime. It isn't with the base (that's in an issue with a Mortis Engine base in 78)

    For those who are in the UK, the issues will set ya back ~£16, so if you're after a cheap centrepiece at more than half the price, grab it whilst its hot

    you don't have the base as the correct round shape but you still get the swirly things right? 

  10. 1 minute ago, Ogregut said:

    It's from White Dwarf. The past 6 issues have each had an excellent short story in, each relating to a diffrent aspect of the duardin race. 

    The last one was Grungi travelling across the mortal realms watching his children and talking to other gods (Sigmar, Tyrion, Nagash) before unveiling what he's been doing all these years. 

    I hope they do more things like this, it's been the first thing I've turned to in every issue. 

    I have read some of them, the last one was with gotrek clearing some tombs with the WD. 

  11. 8 hours ago, Doko said:

    Again sorry for not use spoiler window but i found some bits of the whitedwarf 

    Spoilers ahead of last white dwarf






    A few select paragraphs...

    " The substance he hammered against his anvil was formless and ephemeral, and yet was harder in its own way than sigmarite or celestite. It was the Legend of the White-Bearded Ancestor, the accumulated stories and lore of all the duardin peoples. It resisted shaping, but he was Grungni the Maker. He could work any material, if given enough centuries to work at it in peace. "

    " ‘The duardin have become strong through their trials. As I had always trusted that they would. But they have also become divided. It’s time for them to feel my hand again, to remake that which was once whole. But we duardin aren’t so quick to forgive a wrong done to us, and the wrong I did to them was great indeed. The centuries that have passed since the Age of Myth have been too long and bloody for them to follow me again, and Grimnir is not yet ready to return. There’s only one thing they all share in common, one duardin who can unite them all.’ "

    Wait where is this from?  Is he reshaping the white dwarf??

  12. 1 hour ago, Gailon said:

    No, but it's also not personal. It's not new, it's not a slight, it's not an attack, it's not a bomb. It's a thing that happens in games like this and it sucks and is a bummer. I guess just react like it's a bummer and with criticism, not like someone dropped a hydrogen bomb on you. The game is still playable, the game will be FAQ'd, the meta will change. Doesn't mean you can't be bummed. I mean, we aren't even being bummed about the rules, just pure relative power level, for a version none of us have played. 

    But others are right, this isn't really the place for the discussion, sorry to egg it on. 

    wait. I can understand if something becomes unplayable or rotates out but nerfing slaanesh that has an absolutely terrible new battletome, Slaangors and other  new warscrolls are just terrible, their point costs are equally bad is nothing like that. I don't remember any gaming company that would just double down and straight out ****** on their product in such a way. This is either huge incompetence or somebody hates slaanesh or both. (given a lot of those weird dominion prerelease copies targets, giving GHB to random niche UK based channels it just smells of nepotism)

    For people who play 40k it would be as if GW took Tau/GSC in their latest recent point updates and increased their points 20% across the roster. (having that said at least GSC and Tau are getting their codex within some months - rumour engines - but there is no light at the end for Hedonites) 

    As a customer I am looking forward to my 40k  codex and box that is coming for Grey Knights. As an AoS  player I'm afraid who will write SCE/Krule Boyz rules. That's not ok. (also is it just me or anybody else finds kinda unprofessional that they are selling the dominion boxset with Krule Boyz but we have absolutely no idea whether they will get a new book or what will be their introduction into the Orruks like etc.? + their rules and points so far look rather weak)  

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, whispersofblood said:

    lol look bro/sis if you want to mourn that's fine but don't pretend like you are acting rationally and debating or discussing. If you are just emoting online, perhaps flag your posts. Or do what I learned to do on Facebook, type it all out and don't hit post.

    IF you want to play AoS3 then join the discussion, if you just want to moan about the misfortune of being a HoS player(A faction I myself play; I own 2 plastic KoS and 2 Soulfeasters.) then perhaps there are better ways to do that, which don't expose you to normal, and rational criticism to a hyperbolic position. Like just sit it out a minute and think about something else for a bit, I'm certain you will be happier afterwards.

    I've been through Three edition changes in WHFB, five in 40k before finally giving up, and now 3 in AoS. Let me tell you for those of us who have been around you aren't saying anything someone didn't say going from 6th to 7th edition, to 8th edition, to AoS2. Every edition certain types of armies are invalidated, for instance my Chaos Army with 3 core(batteline) units of knights going from 7th to 8th were no longer core, and the required points for core went from units to % of the army. A massive invalidating change, but I wanted to play the game and I got on with it. If we are being cool, it (being able to use another factions batteline) was an interesting historical and practical aspect that let the god armies fill their batteline with generic Chaos units, but these factions all have their own versions of those units and probably should be relying on them going forward. It is unfortunate that your specific army got lost in the shuffle a bit, but have you considered playing S2D Slaanesh followers? That is one of the natural advantages to playing a Chaos Faction the core faction is always somewhat available.

    I don't understand how can you be missing the point so much and be so egoistical about it. 

    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 1
  14. 14 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    This is very interesting. Courtesy of the BoC WhatsApp group via twitter.20210618_223856.jpg.3f896150103105fcfa12f6940df0edf6.jpg

    Sons of Behemat definitely seem to be the big winners. Most of the top armies got hit pretty hard. KO escaped but the triumphs change is a pretty big nerf for them. Alongside Slaanesh, Khorne, Sylvaneth and  Beasts of Chaos stand out as getting bigger increases than they needed. 












    Imagine raising post of Hedonites as much as DoK, Disciples, Seraphon. Must have missed the memo about them being a top tier army. 

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Scurvydog said:

    Someone seriously sat down and decided that Sentinels should only be +10 pts, while Saurus warriors should be +15 pts and Dragon Ogors should be +20 pts, I don't even know how we can measure anything else based on this information as coming from a reasonable place.

    Either those FAQs will contain a LOT of information, or this is all completely bonkers land. Looking at the 40k FAQs and our latest FAQs I think holding out hope that these release day FAQs will be anything but a bare minimum, is just a setup for disappointment.

    Saurus aren't bad. Every Seraphon subfaction is good when you compare it to other things. Idk buffed up saurus warriors with heal/returning models etc. could be really good in AoS 3.0 

  16. 9 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    But you can. Nothing is stopping you playing older editions of the game. I still have the odd game of 8th Ed fanstay and me and a mate are planning some 4th Ed warhammer. 

    Eh even if you decided to replay the second ed of AoS you wouldn't be sure whether to play with realm artifacts or not in some years time.

  17. 2 hours ago, Gemzo said:

    Not everything's useable forever (that would eventually sink the game) but it's understandable that people want to know what's happening with their armies.  Battalions that allowed cross-army collections are a good example.

    Don't know if I fully like the sentiment. I think the main and entry level format (matched play from the latest edition in the case of AoS) should be a rotating rule set - like it is. But I kinda wish there was some kind of thought how to play and combine certain features. Would it be a "broken" casual format? Yes. Would it be fun in 10 years time to have some rules for my future boomer self to play with combination of books and  rules from several editions and from books I bought? Also yes. Combining warscroll battalions and their effects with some future game systems (such as the new realm oriented battalions) and with realm artifacts or anvil of apotheosis could be a very fun mode for some part of the playerbase imo. 

    In MTG there is a way for me to be nostalgic and play different formats and decades old cards - and I will admit it is easier for MTG to work in that way - but why is it ok for people to just buy rule sets/content that will be completely invalidated in just some years. Hundreds of dollars. All those freight ship emissions and physical books being hauled across half of the planert to be useless in a blink of an eye. 

    With tabletop gaming and nerdy stuff becoming more and more mainstream/popular maybe there should be a consideration for nostalgia/longevity of rule sets? 

    • Like 3
  18. 19 minutes ago, KibaWildFang said:

    Oh wow. While I hesitate to think its Ushoran (the scale is too small imo), I think it may be a new footslogging AGK model, since the one on the rock doesn’t really feel as awe-inspiring as the same model on a gheist or dragon. To be fair, its about time. Though, I don’t see us using footslogging kings when we can take Archregents or mounted Kings. Though I am hopeful this means we will get our tome sooner rather than later.

    Also Ushoran fully returning would make his motives towards Nagash clear, and its left ambiguous so courts can choose to follow Nagash or abhor him, haha..

    My votes are towards a new AGK model, a single model elite unit (since other armies have them... maybe a Sweetbread Princeling, or some Royal Guard for an Archregent?) or maybe even our own Priest model.

    I dont think it is Ushoran and agree with the scale argument. MAybe it is a throne on some kind of crazy monster though? We don;t know. 

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