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Posts posted by Feii

  1. 26 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Yeah, while Hedonites are not the weakest army, they are the army I've seen the most complaints and disappointment about. So many people saying "would have played this army, the models are beautiful but the rules just suck". 

    While I don't necessarily agree the rules are that bad, I do understand people's complaints and I can imagine it would have cost a considerable number of sales.

    The thing is Slaanesh is already an unpopular army. Is it true that Skaven or Gitz might have a worse winrate but they have so much bigger general appeal and players who just love them/buy them no matter what. 

    Writing bad and impotent rules doesn't help anybody. It doesn't help new player acquisition and model sales. They will be just forgotten.

    Also the hedonites battletome and warscrolls are probably the worst/weakest book they have written in modern GW times. 

    And yes I am biased and I am very happy for the battlebox but at the same time it feels they really didn't sell good. 

    image.png.6cf13540bec4842196486fc4abc24bd6.png  (my lgs shop regarding the new battleforce box)

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Doko said:

    Only saying as spanish,this happened in a spanish tournament but it is something supported only for the tournament organizers and that dude team,every spanish people is against this and is the reason that many players refused to play against this dude.

    Many of us gave our opinion against this in their social media but these organizers are a little special(i dont call them the word that start with r and end with d). Per example in this tournament they had rules against piracy.......and they didnt let players use these copys(some players played with 500\1000 less points in their army). This is fine and are rules that people must follow,but the problem was that many other players could play with his pirate minis because they were bougth to a store that was a supporter of the tournament,so many players with pirated minis couldnt played but if you had pirated minis bougth in the "gante" store that was a support of the tournament then even if the rules says that you cant use pirated minis in the tournament you could do with zero problems.

    So these organizers were the fault and it isnt a "spanish" tournament,is fault of the people of "invasion talavera" and "cobrador del wagg" who were the organizers of this disaster of tournament.

    Ohh btw this same tournament where people paid 60€ to play had some tables without tapet and only playing in a table in the bar with almost no ligth where many old peoples coulnt play because they cant see,but these organizers wanted be the proud(as they have been stating in every social media) organizers of the biggest warhammer tournament even if people paid to play in tables with no ligth and with (im not joking) painttables or even foodcans!!! As scenary and withput even a tapet

    You don't need to make it about spanish people, pretty sure you can find people like that in most european nations. 

    What bothers me more is certain spanish companies trying to teach me how to paint the gas chambers and 20 different dunkelgelb paintpots. 

    • Like 3
  3. 15 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

    I think this is in part because of the kind of in universe way they tell their stories but generally I agree with you.

    40k seems to be waaaaay worse for this but Ive seen plenty use the 'satire' of warhammer as a retroactive justification rather than a specific intent, if that makes sense. GW could probably afford to be a bit more explicit some times.

    I like playing as the badies. (without needing to relate directly to anything IRL as a regime or a historical period etc.) There is not a lot of gaming stuff about being the baddie and trying to win. 

     I just ignore the hero marketing nowadays but if they continue to pump out these kind of marketing they will have to address it with anti-fascist posts from time to time. which is exhausting. 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Not a rumour, but as this is the closest thing to a 'general' thread we have this is probably best posted here. I'll defend the choice to post this as I argue that official statements from GW affects all of us regardless which toy line we like and most importantly this particular statement affirms the official line of TGA (and hopefully ensures this hobby stays open, diverse and without hate)


    This is a great statement. One of the best company statements I have seen. Props to them.

    But I gotta meme a little bit. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 9
  5. 19 hours ago, Beliman said:

    So, after looking again the whole trailer, the demons are using their AoS/40k designs instead of the old ones (appart from N'krai):

    GUO has a "generic head" and the one with the long tongue. it seems that he can carry the Big 


    The Fiends are exactly the same:



    what about their.... belly? 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Get Nagash and a Wight King and baby you got a stew tournament list going. Boring from a hobby/casual perspective, though.

    to be fair I personally love blood knights they are my favourite units from fantasy vampire roster. kinda shame they didn't get a proper abhorrash mini. (or something like a blood knight champion on a blood dragon but with an interesting backstory not just "I really like Nagaash that;'s why I am in charge)

  7. 2 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I’m pretty exited for the review of the battlfroces, that should be announced today.

    Should I be lucky, I might be able to get a good deal out of the gravelords, in any other cases, I’ll just stick with the two start collections that have a good value for the vampires as well

    20 blood knights - if you like the aesthetic - is probably one of the most efficient ways how to sstart SBG army.

  8. 3 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    +++ Mod Hat On +++

    Ive issued a temporary point because this ignored my nudge to get back into topic of rumours and is talking about piracy which is against the rules. 



    Sorry for being off topic. My mistake. Thank You for moderating this place. 

    I hope the supply chain problems will force GW to do some online codices/battletomes. Does anybody think we might get some news this week about upcoming products during the US open (not tennis lol) and the armies on parade ceremony?

    • Like 2
  9. 17 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    n°1 source of "piracy": the entire battletomes were shown on camera, at a perfectly readable angle by those to whom GW sends books for free. Through this medium and a bunch of screenshots I (and everyone who wanted to) had access to all the rules two weeks before I could get my hands on the physical battletome (I buy in a different language than the country I live in, so I need to wait longer). I'd argue that the piracy argument is not convincing.

    As for the argument "amazon/apple/other platforms" were taking a cut: what this boils down to is that my experience as a customer had to be downgraded in order to increase the (already large) profit margins. So, it's a convincing argument, but it's also a good reason to be dissatisfied and complain at every occasion I am reminded of this step backwards :D

    Piracy is such a moot point. Piracy destroying your favourite thing/hobby/brand is a public myth perpetrated by the brands trying to make you immoral and compliant. (Yes I am feeling edgy today I am sorry)  

    • Like 13
    • Thanks 2
  10. 31 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    Even if they they went fully digital, which I hope they never do, it wouldn't speed up the release schedule. 

    Releases would still be staggered and would be awaiting everything else that goes along side a battletome release (models, dice, warscrolls and so on). 

    It's not even that they could let us prepurchase the physical copy and give us the online pdf of the rules then some months later you would get a physical book in a gw store. Hell go even further and say you can pickup a physical copy if you want with this one use code at any GW store in the future. some people would just buy the digital copy and forget about the code or give it to their friend. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Sigmarusvult said:

    GW shares price is at the same level at it was a year ago. These battleforces better be good 😅


    Good and deserved. This is what you get for completely paywalling your advertisement videos and destroying your online presence with your streaming service. 

    Miss it so much to see animations going viral and seeing it in other circles and online creators with 50+k viewers watching them. 

    • Like 5
    • Confused 3
  12. 4 hours ago, Higolx said:

    Not quite yet Id say. Sure, thats a lot of warscrolls dont get me wrong, but we havent reached the levels of marines where we have had 5 extra space marine books that are chapter specific just this edition, not even counting all the other ones on the last edition. Until we start seeing Battletome: Hallowed Knights and such I still say we have yet to reach marines levels of favoritism.

    Are SCE AoS' poster army? Yes, no doubt. At least GW thinks so. Are they marines (getting chapter specific books before armies get update, their own tab on the GW store as if they were their own Grand Alliance)? No. Not yet at least. Maybe in the future, who knows? But not now.

    Also no new stormcasts for 3 years since 2018 till this year. (one Gardus well)  

  13. 2 hours ago, Scurvydog said:


    I will say for the new book I hope there is a less of a divide between demons and mortals, I think that has been an issue for all the chaos god books, as the tomes should rather unify them under the banner of their god, instead of splitting limited model ranges into even more limited sub factions.

    Perhaps some Nurgle players even fear they will end up worse after the book and got no cool new units to look forward to either. 

    I mean if Slaaneesh got such a huge split and absolutely nothing for Syl'eske (which should be the subfaction that merges together demons and mortal) then I guess you have to hope they have fired the guy responsible for that before he managed to write any other battletome. 

    Your comment made me really salty again about Hedonites and even afters months I fully believe the guy who came up with that piece of ****** should lose his job IF he was given more than 1 week to make it. 

    • Like 1
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  14. 19 hours ago, The Red King said:

    Sometimes I legitimately wonder if GW has seen the 3rd party xenos releases and decided it's not worth trying to catch up so please just play space marines.


    I hope the rumored eldar range refresh hits early next year and makes this comment age like milk.

    most likely Tau codex then CSM before that big eldar update in april-may-june

  15. 34 minutes ago, Horizons said:

    If the new Nurgle Battlebox is a sign of how new starter sets are made I'm pretty glad. Limiting the amount of heroes means we can get more value from buying multiple boxes.

    Why I liked the BR boxes so much. Got two Dragons and managed to buy more cheap troops second hand.

    Hints of Ulgu and mount traits for my Dark Elves?! Pretty excited.


    is it out yet where can we see it?

  16. 2 hours ago, Higolx said:

    New info about CoS tome celestial:

    Expect Mount Traits for your Griffons and Black Dragons, a Grand Strategy, new Battle Tactics, plus a whole mini-campaign set in the hostile and mist-ridden environment of Ulgu.


    everything happening in Ulgu hmmmmmmmmmmm  when will be the WD out? 

  17. 16 hours ago, yukishiro1 said:

    I'm sympathetic to no new units for Nurgle, it's a complete faction right now honestly and it's hard to think of what they need. I guess you could give them some 1W mortal infantry, but then the question becomes what role they could play that plaguebearers or the various STD options don't. 

    More broadly, I think it's fine if new battletomes don't necessarily come with new models. Especially if that gets them out faster after an edition change. I'll repeat my broken record about how they really just need to admit it's 2021 and move to a digital rules distribution system that isn't tied to releasing a physical book every 3-4 years, but if they're truly committed to this antiquated method of delivering rules, they need to be prioritizing updating the rules on an edition shift, not holding back books in order to pair them with miniature releases. 

    probably just plastic nurgle toads. 

    also I agree with the second point. paper only books are pain. GW is just greedy and clueless carried by the best sculpts and lore in the "game"

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