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Posts posted by Dreddships

  1. 1 minute ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

    Now that we see a silhouette I don't think it's Fellwater Troggs. They are distinctly short and fat, and these silhouettes look tall with weapons and one has a shield. I don't see any fins on the silhouette either. My guess is either Fimir, Sourbreath Troggoths, or something completely new.

    Now you say it, the silhouettes do look akin to an 'updated' version of these.

    Still hoping they're runnable in Gitz. Troggherds are brilliant fun


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  2. 10 minutes ago, Harpo2 said:

    Vandus Hammerhand makes an appearance in the rumour engine article, maybe he going to in another starter set?


    Yeah, the big final 'last note' was from none other than Vandus himself.

    Doubt he'll appear, with Whitefang confirming Yndrasta is coming in Dominion, but might be an interesting 'side release' to give him an updated 'New Armour' ETB kit akin to the Dracoline Evocator and the Flying Dreadhallow Character from 2.0 whose names I cant remember rn.

  3. I think the animation teaser with the Kruel Boy might just from the trailer for AOS 3rd.

    The same teaser had a shot or two from the 40k 9th animation too, so it makes sense.

    Gonna suspect too that the Lord-Piglatinus might end up our new Leader and probably the one used in the 'Elite Edition' equivalent.

    Interesting though - if we are going for a similar system as 40k, it looks like SCE might end up with 4 Heroes inside this box. We've definitely seen 3 - the Banner Bearer, the Mage and the Animation Man - so assuming we end up with another tomorrow and then Friday having a Kruel Boyz silhouette to really hype into Saturday.

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  4. Cities of Sigmar souped a lot of factions up together and is probably one of the better books GW has produced and make a lot of the older 'obsolete' range feel new again.

    Soup isn't bad at all.

    Throw KO and Fyreslayers together, throw in a small release of 'Neo-Dispossesed' and you've got the framework of a pretty good release.

    Yes, the pointy-ears have 4 books (and cities) to your one - but this is GW and elves sell more stuff.

    WFB to AOS wise - one dwarf book to three elf books, and AOS really just looked at the DElfs, who got unsouped, and WElfs getting told to leave out the back door.

     We tried two Duardin factions - one didn't sell - I doubt GW would look at that and release a third

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  5. Dominion Size Wise

    Im expecting like

    10 Not-Liberators

    2 lots of 3 'not elite units' 

    Maybe 2-3 support heroes

    Obligtary Stormcast Lieutenant

    Obligitary Stormcast Captain

    Stormcast Not-Captain that's probably on some redesigned monster-mount.

    Like if the SCE side isn't almost a direct mirror to the Indomitus SM I'd be amazed minus a change from bikers to 'its a big boy riding a monster'.

    In fact, I'll double down that the Kruel Boyz minis wise line up pretty well with the Necrons-side.

    ~20 base troops

    ~10 hobgoblins

    3 'big thing'

    Weird support hero

    Big Squigwolf Boss

    Then obligiatory 'Its a Boss and a Big Boss we will repackage in our starter sets'

    I imagine Yndrasta and a Kruel Boys Equivalent get the Silent King treatment and come a bit later 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Thing about these rumours is that they dont seem to pair up *at all* with the Grimm's fairytale nature of their reveal. They sound quite militarily capable, not creepy bog lurker child snatcher types. 

    BUT I was at home seeing my parents for first time in over a year and going through some old minis, found my Ghazak Khan. Forgot I had even bought him. 

    Anyways, it's a sign




    Glad its not just me who wondered why GW would go for 'sneaky bog monsters stealing humans at night' to tease 'the hoborruk khanate of creepy mutants' 

    I'm guessing there is a second half of the reveal for saturday in which the red eyes jump out and kill everyone in a brutal kunnin way.

    Either way, 

    Looking forward to Saturday

    Not looking forward to convincing the missus that to let me spend money

  7. I'm genuinely confused at who at GW thought that Warhammer might be able to support an entire streaming platform when they're competiting against competitors like Amazon or Netflix or Disney

    They look alright - but I'd be very surprised if this turns out a profitable venture when most of us are already forking out for streaming services and, if we're not, 'lending' someone elses... 

  8. 1 minute ago, Jeremierty said:

    Kruel boy spotted ?? :)

    The stromcast definitely looks like part of the new wave (and he looks awesooooome ❤️ )

    Really loving the art style of this AOS animation !




    looks definitely like a 'skinny LOTR orc' 


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  9. Spicy take -

    Legion of Azgorh being canned by FW but Chaos Dwarves appearing again in lore seems like a deadset that we'll see Chaos Dwarves return in plastic, and I'll put good money they'll appear alongside the Battletome Duardin-Soup for a nice 'Dwarf v Spikey Dwarf' box.

    And if I'm a betting man, Q1/Q2 2022.

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  10. Admech Codex, Datacards and Dice have been limited to 10 per Alchemists Workshop.

    Seems GW really is getting thrown by the foreign production. 

    Hopefully the AOS releases arent too badly affected?

    Wonder if Dominion might take a hit bc of the rulebook?

  11. Nothing so far in terms of CC having copyright infringement lines up.

    The 'Mournhold Elder Scrolls' or 'Blizzard and the Imps' stuff would make sense but Bethesda have no copyright on Mournhold and the Imp is way too generic for it to be an IP issue. 

    Its also clearly none of the Death characters, which leaves out the Gorslav rumour.

    Likely, its the much less sexy issue of paper production, UK rules on tariffs and rules of origin and likely GW, understanding they want to keep the 'made in the UK stamp', deciding to can it. 

    Mixed in with covid delays and GW needing to get product out quickly to catch back up to schedule - 3.0 for example - Cursed City got a chop.

    GW, being GW, doesn't like admitting when business takes over the hobby decision, so CC gets a big 'do not speak of this' label slapped over it - but it's pretty clear that everyone at the bottom - in marketing and the community team or in retail - were left out just as much as we were.

    Executives being the rich hidden creatures they are obviously don't want their own company badmouthing them - so its not like those who do know can say anything too.

    We'll find out one day what happened and it looks like it's far less 'sexy' than an oversight with copyright or GW wanting to be a villain - likely just the people at the top making decisions that the everyman gets forced to deal with. 

    It's happened before - our entire game came from an up-top decision to overthrow WFB entirely for a financial incentive.

    TLDR : the minis will come, executives make calls for business, dont hate on the everyman, the CC fiasco will go unanswered for as long as we dont have someone 'in the know' say something in a pub or leave and admit what happened

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  12. Honestly the Squig/Bear/Wolf sounds VERY similar to the way someone would describe the new Squigs the Beast Snaggas have just had over in 40k?

    The 'LOTR'-esque rumours seem funky, especially with 'Chaos Dwarven' armour hobgobs.

    I decided to dig back into The Hobbit to find whatever Whitefang keeps shouting about - and there is three distinctly different orc/goblins on show.

    Gundabad - tall, skinny, pale, lots of armour, only really appear in Five Armies - how I'm picturing those 'Hobgobs'

    The 'Hunter' Orcs - probably closest to a mix of goblin and orc, very skinny, ride wolves, lots of pelts, not so much armour kicking around - sounds like a place for evolution to our favourite Underworlds Gobbos

    And Goblintown - very pale very mangly goblins - maybe the 'Snotling' from that Cauldron or the more goblin-esque rumours we've been hearing

    Judging by what Whitefang is saying and what we've learned here,

    It sounds like we'll have something akin to all three?

    Might be a way to make sure they are not just another GG or Warclans faction - having orcs, gobbos and something halfway inbetween - all working together. 

    Plus, with the 'yeah AoS is grimdark now', might make sense to give the two least grim factions - the big yellow boys or goblins whose pass time is magic mushrooms - a bit of a 'dark' alternative? 

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  13. In terms of the cover art, remember 40ks included Chaos, even when the box contained Necrons, and Chaos Space Marines yet to receive an update.

    Just bc Angel Waifu is slapping up some Tzeentchy Spawny goodness, doesnt mean we should be expecting Chaos

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  14. 1 minute ago, Sleboda said:

    Uh, yeah. I don't see it as a nod, but rather as a laughing smack in the face to players who, like me, have no greater love for anything in the history of Warhammer than the Tomb Kings who were gleefully obliterated by GW.

    its a nice artistic easter egg, my dude.

    i dont think they meant you any harm

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