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Posts posted by Dreddships

  1. Warcry is the archetype of the new KT release.

    Which sounds great - though I'm hoping we don't have another Compendium crisis and GW just keeps the old compendiums running.

    At worst, simply print the WHC rules in a book? 

    As much as I like the idea of Ghur, Beastgrave and now 3rd have covered Ghur now.

    I'm hoping we get a KT style 'realm a week' system - a nice boxset, some new models and a new campaign setting every couple of months. 

    Can use it as a chance to do what we did with the Eightpoints and flesh out some of the more 'unspoken for' realms - Shadows, Life, Metal etc. 

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  2. Confirmation on WHC of Octarius offering a 'Made to Order' if it sells out in preorder and hinting it'll be a feature in the future - hinting at the BT launch box.

    I mean, Dominion overprinted and it really screwed scalpers - lots of FB group whining about not being able to sell box halves for £90+ and rather having to 'only' have £50 for half the models in a box most of us are buying for £90 anyway.

    Glad GW is finally dealing with the massive scalper problem in the hobby.

    • Like 5
  3. In terms of the Getting Started booklet, 

    They also feature some Skaven... but weirdly the Warlock Bombardier and an 1990s Skyre Acolyte... for some reason? 

    With the rumours of Skaven being updated - as well as the BoC rumours - seems weird that these are the factions with the least representation or the very much 'weirdest' representation.

  4. Stormcast quickly became the high fantasy knights that AOS needed in the last few months.

    Between dragon riders, an angel kicking around and those chariots, SCE just quickly became one of the best armies aesthetically in the game.

    GW kicked it out the park 

    • Like 8
  5. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Hopefully Warcry makes a comeback with the other Alliances present. 

    Warcry is definitely coming back.

    I'll bet good money that - following, even by GW's statements in their financials, the massive success of Cursed City and the clear hype for Skirmish considering the new Kill Team finally having some dedicated terrain and killteams - Warcry will become a big player in it's relaunch.

    Season 1 was clearly big enough for Kill Team to get an entire rework - rules and models - that looks VERY similar. 

    I'd imagine the Shadowstalkers were initally planned as part of this Season 2 - being the only warband not mentioned in the first core book - that got early import to get out Catacombs. 

    If I'm a betting man - based around Death Korp appearing and the clear indication from GW that Kill Team will work to bring in some represenation for the 'forgotten' or 'niche' factions (Squats? Tau Auxilleries?) - I'd call that might import to Warcry.

    Kurnothi, the Cities 'factions' like the Shyish Crow Worshippers, weird Destruction monsters.

    I'm VERY excited for Warcry S2.

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  6. We know we're in Three Emperors territory at around 2100 thanks to Leon Orcslayer.

    That's 400 years prior to Franzyboi and WFB's setting.

    I wouldn't expect any of your old favourite characters popping their heads.

    Relying how much 'play' then have, we might see baby Teclis and Tyrion in ~2150 - but chances are we're at a point in WFB lore where apart from the gods being worshipped who became much more 'active' in AOS, it'll be much more 'independant' than we're expecting.

    At best, expect a lot of nods to Sigmar or Grungi


  7. 6 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

    Why are we expecting the star drake to be replaced? They aren't replacing the Cabbage with the Bird, likewise I think the two SCE dragons will exist side by side. The kit is only 4 years old.... Unless i missed some rumor 

    Less replaced - more 'updated with model that is definitely not star drake'. 

    Similar to Vindictors 'definitely not' being updated Liberators or Annihiltors 'definitely not' updated Paladins

    DW, ya Star Drake is safe

    • Like 3
  8. Just now, HollowHills said:

    I know everyone is (rightfully) hyped about the bird, but I was hoping the stormcast dragon would be more than one kit. Like a centerpiece  and some cavalry. A bit sad if it is just one hero.

    I'm assuming we've got two SC and one KRB left - between the expected Star Drake replacement and 'Dragon riders' for SC and likely the Gnashtoof calvary?

  9. Just now, KingBrodd said:

    Speaking of when do we think Warcry Season 2 will drop? Next year?

    I'd likely call maybe Q1 or Q3 '23?

    If it is next year, potentially a Christmas release?

    Relies if GW sees Warcry as getting the premium 'offseason' date or not 

  10. Don't know if anyones seen but the new Kill Team reworked datasheets look suprisingly similar to Warcry,

    Right down to inflated wounds, X/Y damage weapons, battlefield roles

    GW seems to think the Warcry ruleset is definitely worth it with this overhaul

    I do wonder though if this means the 'second edition' Warcry rules might be pushed back?

    If the rulesets have been imported - and with the way the new kits look, the elements of choice within a 'Killteam' look eerily similar to the equipment choices of Warcry warbands - then one can assume it's the same team.

    Excited to see if my suspicions are true and Killteam does get bespoke 'Killteam' boxes - because if so, I would most certainly call the Warcry 2.0 a likely future release and the 'Warband' box model quite certain to return

    • Like 2
  11. Be very surprised to see TOW and AOS cross over kits.

    The few factions that remain with Fantasy kits are the ones being set up for shakeups between Duardin Soup or Dawnbringer Crusades.

    The confirmed map means no Lizards - and I'd be surprised if they add BoC or Skaven in also. 

    Not to murder hopes here - but TOW is already fairly confirmed a different beast to Fantasy...


    • Like 1
  12. Have we decided - a week into a new edition - that AoS is dead and GW is about to get rid of all our plastic dollies for Space Marines or Stormcast yet ?

    It was almost guaranteed from the start that the WFB remnants will go away.

    It surprises me how much GW hasn't seemingly hacked out of the game by now.

    Apart from Tomb Kings, Bretonnia, High Elves and Wood Elves - we have quite a fair few just sitting around from the game-that-was.

    AoS isn't Fantasy though. It never was meant to be.

    Expecting your new girlfriend to wear your ex-wife's clothes isn't cool.

    GW isn't going to just decide 'yeah this thing we made a year ago is gone now' on a whim, especially when those things were what the designers and writers likely went 'woah imagine what we can do now?!'. 

    The early years werent great gamewise - but you can tell the love when the design team decided to use this 'new space' to make Fish Elves or Dwarves on Fire or an Ork riding a Cabbage Dragon.

    Fyreslayers have a small line - but enough effort into them that they are one of the few factions to have Endless Spells and Faction Terrain. 

    Yes - one day, likely in the next few years, your old WFB figures and their fairly 'filler' place right now will likely go unsupported, be that Freeguild or Darkling Covens with the shift for Dawnbringer Crusades or Umbraneth, or they'll be old when GW decides its time for another update, if you're a Skaven or Vampire Counts veteran. 

    GW clearly sees - on their side - the potential for AoS. 

    Just as High Elves vanished and we heard endless 'they're killing my faction!' just for the light-obsessed pompous Lumineth to appear.

    Or how Bretonnia vanished just for another faction of the heroic knightly Stormcast to appear.

    Or how Tomb Kings vanished just for the mashup of Oriental and Babylonian styled undead of the Ossiarchs appeared.

    Chorfs - most certainly - died for the AOS evolution.

    GW isn't going to start every model being a limited edition hundreds of pounds costed army that you need to buy every 2 years because the last one doesn't exist.

    If that was going to happen, it would have happened 6 years ago - when GW was presented an opportunity to say 'none of your models from the old game work now'. 

    11 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

    I am discussing the possibility that GW might release a bunch of sculpts, sell them for hundreds of dollars (they were eye-watering expensive), then squat them in a few years. To turn around and release more sculpts in the same design/lore space. Because that is what it looks like they might want to do with chorfs. And, given release cycles, it is likely they knew all along.

    It's not going to happen.

    Don't worry.

    • Like 6
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  13. 5 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    Since DKOK was a Forgeworld kit line does this mean we might see other former Forgeworld exclusives turned into plastic? I am of course talking about Chaos Dwarfs.

    Plus a lot of the now gone monsters,

    Merwyrm, Basilisk, Carmine Dragons etc. 

    Tamurkhan's horde too - Nurgle release maybe?

    Forgeworld becoming 'the specialist games' branch for Necromunda, Old World, HH?

    Might get some hint tomorrow?

  14. 19 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    I would LOVE beasts of chaos rolled into slaves to darkness. Perhaps similar to the Big Waagh! in Orruks, where the armies run seperately, but have rules for a combined force.   It just fits the great image of hordes of chaos rolling over the landscape. 

    Would fix the lack of 'wait so everyone else  can play with Beasts and Slaves except... Beasts or Slaves' 

    Also, ya know, 

    It'd be absolutely cool as ******

  15. Nurgle seems the safest bet. 1st edition battletome and all that. 

    StD being a 'close future' - with the inevitable updated multis for Warriors/Knights, probably a 'Lord Sorcerer' type to bring some heavy magic choice (hopefully in a dual 'Chaos Lord' kit) - would be my bet.

    I don't see BoC or Skaven unless it's a large release - they could both do with a fair few bits and pieces.

    FeC being the 'death' release and a larger model release in December seems to fit the '4 GA' rollout?

  16. 25 minutes ago, Raviv said:

    The story also mentions one Draconith "in the shadow" or something like that. Malerion dragons?

    Is Malerion still part dragon after the Malekith fusion with Seraphon post Apocalypse (the black dragon, not the lizards?

    If the plot twist of the dragon egg arc is Dracothion vs Malerion for who gets to adopt the dragon babies I'm in.

  17. If we wishlist Ogors, I'd love to bring back some Stonehorn Riders for BCR. As much as I love 'entire range in a SC! box', I want more chonky boys on farm animals.

    I'm wondering if the Not-Updated-Dracoths will mean a Not-Star-Drake? 

    I like the Star Drake. Tbh, one of the better centrepieces GW have made imo. It'd be weird to see how to improve on a pretty solid dragon.

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  18. I feel like Ardboyz are the issue here.

    The newer Ironjawz seem to look fairly alright near Kruleboyz, but the very squat awkwardness of the Ardboyz - being a pretty old sculpt - seems to throw it off.

    Bonesplitters and Brutes/Megabosses look alright together. Kruelboyz don't seem to throw that too much off - or won't if they're painted similarily.

    Honestly, I'm just hoping one of the new Orruk Warclans units is just an updated Ardboyz that looks much 'nicer' alongside the fairly new sculpts across the Orruk range. 

    Another note though - Kruelboyz seem to look fairly 'right' next to Ogors, in a way Bonesplitterz/Ironjawz do near Gitz.

    Destruction seems to now be 'very gritty' or 'absolutely mad' aesthetically - and also a giant centaur that could have been a perfect BoC centrepiece...

    • Like 3
  19. Reminder that 'old' marines outperformed Primaris for practically the majority of 8th...


    Tier S armies were practically 0 Primaris.

    Or Judicators, some of the first SCE models, outperforming Vanguard and Sanosact...

    New models VERY rarely mean better rules.

    GW has a fairly good track record recently of newer models having quite the opposite really?

    • Like 3
  20. Just now, Matrindur said:

    Gutrippaz will be in the starter sets and the boltboyz will probably be sold as part of the dominon sprue with the Great Gnashtoof and the Murknob, won't be cheap thought if you look at 40k

    Yeah - with what we saw with the repackaged Indomitus, if you're after those or the Yndrasta/Annilator/Bannerboy for the SCE, it's definitely a good shout to grab a copy of Dominion whilst they're super easy to find

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