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Posts posted by Dreddships

  1. 6 hours ago, Orchid89 said:

    Start Collecting! Malignants No Longer Available online in US but only Temporarily out of stock Online in UK.
    I wonder if it means anything.

    Imagine it'll get squatted for a SC! Nighthaunt repackage from Soul Wars?

    • Like 1
  2. Was in my local Warhammer store today and the manager hit me with the hard truths.

    Cursed City is sold out entirely across the north of the UK in GW stores. 

    It was, from what he gathered, issues with tariffs and the Suez Canal.

    However, he'd heard to tell customers not to worry because 'the minis will be avaliable soon' - so expect the minis at least to become avaliable. Had no idea when though.

    Similar thing to others in the thread though - with 'big' AOS releases coming so 'not to feel too down'. 

    AoS 3.0 seems to be coming v soon then lads.

    Love the idea of a 'Grom the Paunch' character though.

    I wonder if this 'hobgoblin' faction might be the spiritual successor to the old Greenskins faction that got squatted?

    Wolf riders/chariots etc. Maybe even the return of Snotlings?

    Imo a more 'grim' Stormcast vs a more traditional greenskins would do wonders. Might even appease the old guard and the ones who've come from TWW?

    • LOVE IT! 3
  3. The Stormcast 'no more reforging' seems to give some explanation to the 'Bretonnian SCE' a bit more sense.

    Seems a nice lore sense for why we would need questing knights if they're tasked with protecting areas where reforging isn't possible.

    Plus if we are seeing stormhosts being destroyed, having a band of SCE with banners of 'their old hosts' etc. to give us that Bretonnia homage? 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  4. 1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:


    Interesting new (?) depiction of the Mortal Realms ! 

    The eight Realmspheres, the Allpoints at the center (first colonized by the Seraphon / the Old Ones ??) with the Aetheric Void around, I guess the many lights between the Realms are Reamlgates routes, and finally the Realm of Chaos trying to devour those poor eight pocket of reality (you can see shadows of the four Chaos gods, interestingly Nurgle is over Ghyran, Khorne over Aqshy, Slaanesh over Ulgu and Tzeentch over Chamon). 



    Hot take -

    Belakor isnt after destroying the Anvil of Apotheosis or ****** over Archie.

    It's Kroak he needed that poison for. 

    Man wants to kill the toad to try and make himself the main character after Archie stole the spotlight in the last apocalypse.

    Judging entirely from every call I've made so far though, ugh, this is 99% guaranteed to be the opposite of what is going on.

    I also have no idea where Olynder or the KO suddenly appear in any of this?

    • Haha 2
  5. Just now, Joseph Mackay said:

    What is it with everyone wanting to ‘kill off’ new models? First it was everyone complaining Teclis and/or Eltharion didn’t die in Broken Realms Teclis and now people are going to complain that Lord Kroak doesn’t die in Broken Realms Balakor?

    Mb, meant as in Morathi hoping lol.

  6. 1 hour ago, Nagash42 said:

    I'm guessing morathi is  going to ****** over sigmar again with this redirection. 

    Id imagine Kroak susses Morathi, who directs him to Belakor, because the toad could split ulgu in half by batting his eyelid and I guess it's all but confirmed that it was Belakor who freed the SCE from Har Kuron.

    Two birds - one stone

    Imagine Morathi hopes Belakor and Kroak both kill eachother off - though I imagine its quite hard for the unkillable ultra daemon prince or the zombie space frog die.

  7. I wonder if the Order of Azyr might be our 'new' box faction for 3.0?

    If it is vs Orruks, it seems unlikely they'll suddenly break up Warclans after putting them together rather than make a new 'order' faction separate from CoS with the Order of Azyr - rolling in the Cursed City humans, our new Take Your Daughter To Work day Hunters and expanding further with 3.0?

    I mean, after all, the bottom seems to imply something significant to the plot will be the reason why they're running around with the BR teaser?

    • Like 1
  8. That new piece of MR fiction has me thinking.

    It's clearly a metaphor for the Ossiarch's plan in Teclis, but the ending seems to imply something else.

    The 'nobody can win if the other faction remains' is a reference to the Carrion Empire White Dwarf stuff, which ends with the FEC not being entirely wiped out.

    The Liege Kavalos stands in for the Lumineth, whose tactics break threw ol' Vokky's plan, but it ends on a draw - despite what seems to be a clear victory.

    Is there a hint at here that, though with everything that happened, Hysh and Teclis isn't quite as secure as we're led to believe? 

    Because if so, and it turns out all along the Ossiarch's planned for Teclis' 'victory', and knew that a stalemate could occur by simply leaving the 'strongest' of the ghouls behind to cause enough issues in Hysh?

    I wonder if this is where we'll have our Nagash rebirth - the Necroquake is closed and the Nadir is thereby implied to be weakened, but are the Ossiarchs planning to instead use corrupting Hysh to break the seals in place? 

    And rather than scatter themselves on two fronts - between the Eightpoints and Hysh - use a neutral faction to pull a victory later?

    Please GW - just make the Ghouls and Beastmen have a major plotline before the world ends that isn't just 'they kinda exist'

    • Like 5
  9. The books alone,  even if we say they're £10 each - so 3 of those means we're clocking in £90 for the 50 models inside Cursed City without including the game pieces - or just shy of £1.80 a model, and considering we know GW would be more than happy to sell the twelve character models alone for £20 a piece, I'd say that's a bargain.

    The £120/£125 price, imo, is definitely worth it with Cursed City like it was with Indomitus.

    Alchemist Workshop seemed to confirm we're looking at 30 initially to independent retailers, so it might sell out on pre-order quickly if anyone wants it immediately.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Matt Effect said:

    Slightly worried you can only buy 1. I hope there wont be limited boxes available. I can see myself next Saturday glued to GW website waiting for them to go on pre order. 



    I imagine it's purely to stop scalping on a box that's massively anticipated.

    We'll find out later in the week if we're getting yet another 20 a retailer issue and if we're ending up in another 'piety and pain' scenario where we sell out everywhere immediately. 

    I'm hoping someone at GW realised the hype surrounding this and ramped up production - but luckily enough, we don't need to worry about FOMO for a product that will be reprinted for a good while

    • Thanks 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Svalack said:

    Uncontrollable life makes me think of rampant trees / spirits not elves and centaurs though, and i dont see see either of them buddying up with orks. I do remember reading that the savage half of orion was imprisoned by her near greywater fastness i believe? Maybe that could be a thing.

    Kragnos being 'Orion' has been thrown around quite a bit too to give us Kurnothi who are distinct from Sylvaneth.  

    I still reckon Kurnothi will be an order-aligned faction, but the same way IDK and DoK are.

    9 minutes ago, Sorrow said:

    Not a Death player, but this is just ridiculous, Nagash always loses.  In WHFB and AOS, always.

    Nagash has become a Saturday morning cartoon villain whose existence is purely to give the good guys something to beat up again in the same edition where he became a genuine threat. 

    Everchosen and Soul Wars gave Nagash an actual level of threat just for it to be written off immediately.

    It's clear it's to set up the SBGL power struggle, but we know from the same book that Neffy and Manny are still trying to get rid of eachother regardless.

    I hope GW redeems themselves - because rn, the Lumineth rule and lore wise feel like such a favourite child it's uncompelling.

  12. Honestly DEEPLY disappointed this is the way they went. GW knows how to write a narrative that isn't 'the bad guys fail at everything everytime'.  

    Like not a single success. Not a single battle won. Nothing.

    And that ending? 

    Nah. Not for me. 

    It feels like Death, after finally getting something worthwhile narratively, got shafted so hard to show 'big hat Aelf strong' to the extent that literally everything that could go right for them just goes right for the sake of 'theyre GW's favourites now'

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  13. 8 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:



    If there are only 4 books, I think we can say that it is impossible that all the factions would be involved in Broken Realms...

    13 factions left if we count factions that are narrative without rules.

    Keeping the rule of 5 factions w rules and 1 faction mentioned and then awarded a battletome afterwards,

    That would give us 12.

    Given that i imagine the 13th faction will be the focus 'opponent' in 3.0 - likely Orruks,

    It's definitely possible to get though those left in 2 books.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    What do people make of the lack of any Warcry previews lately? Surely all the symbols we saw on the Catacombs map represent new warbands on the way no?

    I imagine it'll be post Beastgrave that Warcry gets a focus back. 

    That Skaven symbol gives me hope that we'll end up with plastic Eshin through Warcry, at the very least.


    • Like 1
  15. I like the Nurgle box if not for the fact it's more plaguebearers. Throw in a SC! Daemons of Nurgle box and you're pretty much set outside the GUO?

    The FEC one coupled with a SC! set makes a fairly solid 1k point list I guess? 

    Those two feel a wee bit weak but no complaints.

    OBR is pretty good, no complaints.

    CoS seems a wee bit alright for a cheap hurricanum but can't see much use of it outside of that.

    I'll pick up the Nurgle box bc Chaos and might grab up an OBR one if it doesn't sell out instantly but overall they're pretty fair

  16. 20 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Your Ur-Wyrm theory is awesome and fits my earlier question of this figure being something akin to a God-Beast.

    As for new Battalion Boxes it will be interesting to see what they do with OBR and LRL as they do not have start collecting sets. 🤔

    The ballsy move is release the SC boxes and the Battalion Boxes.

    Could always just repackage up the LRL launch set and the OBR from Feast of Bones for a SC set

    • Thanks 1
  17. I took a lore deep dive to find something about what Kragnos could possibly be and found this 

    'The Ur-Wyrm War was a conflict that saw Sigmar and Gorkamorka join forces to slay flocks of the mountain-sized, draconic creatures known as the Ur-Wyrms. This war lasted for decades and when it finally came to an end, Gorkamorka turned on his ally and gave him a mighty headbutt. In response Sigmar smashes his hammer, Ghal Maraz, into the greenskin deity's jaw' 

    What if Kragnos is the last of the Ur-Wyrms? 

    Would give us an excuse for 'Shaggoth' that's more akin to Total War Kholek in the form of Kragnos. 

    Gives us a reason behind the whole 'my kind are gone' line too from the trailer? 

    Also sets us up to give Destruction a sideplot before invading Azyr as they're attempting to avenge ol' Gorkamorka and possibly another motivation for Gordrak to want to fight Sigmar ala. 'I krumped ya for krumping me da'

    Obviously this entire thing is from a random footnote essentially from the Orruk Warclans battletome but hey, it's the closest thing I've found so far.

    Would give us a BoC plot as they try and find themselves a 'god' who isn't exactly chaos-aligned too - so would make them a wee bit more interesting.

    Would give us an excuse for the Kurnothi turning up - what's a better hunt than a monster it took gods to try and put down

    Honestly I'm just trying to buy time to wait for the inevitable Teclis BR book tomorrow with the new battalion boxes

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  18. 8 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    Moving aside for one moment.

    When lockdown ends the gw stores will operating on a different model moving forward even after all restrictions and social distancing regulation is lifted.

    moving forward the stores will still do intro games and intro painting, but you can forget about using your local store for a game or to sit there doing hobby for an afternoon.


    the whole move is to maximise the retail rather than community side, which currently they (gw) would prefer you to do at away from stores.

    there isn’t a timeframe for this- essentially how long is a piece of string.


    I was talking to a gw store manager today who is also a good friend and so this was from the horses mouth.

    He was keen to emphasise that this strategy is all about ensuring the retail spaces are as profitable as possible in order to recruit new blood into the hobby and increase profile post pandemic.

    anyway... back to blood suckers and centauroids looking at a sleeping mountain..

    Honestly I feel like this is a bad move for GW.

    Alot of us purchase from 3rd party for that juicy 15-25% off.

    If they focused the stores on that 'community' aspect, I imagine they'd get a lot more people casually buying up stock whilst they're there.

    I remember being a youngling and using my wee pocket money to buy up a fair few hobby tools and paints when sitting and hobbying in GW but now I barely go into one unless it's to pick up the occasional White Dwarf?

    The only games I would pick up would be at my local GW too unless it was on my kitchen table with me brothers too and I learnt half I knew about painting from advice from some of the vets kicking around.

    Hell, the busiest that place ever was looking back was on the 'beginner mornings' on a Saturday when a bunch of the young 'uns were kicking about playing together and I saw a meself fair amount of mams and das spending cash on new stuff bc little Timmy wanted some terminators for 'next week'

    I guess we'll see if it pays off but idk, seems like a mad blow to try and get kids in but not offer them a place to hobby and game together.

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