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Posts posted by Dreddships

  1. With OBR the 'redux' Tomb Kings,

    If the Gitmob is the spiritual 'redux' Oldhammer Orcs,

    And the 'Stormcast Knights' is the spiritual 'redux' of Bretonnia,

    Have we almost finished the arc of 'what happened to the squatted factions?' 

  2. I imagine we're going to be the happy ones on Saturday.

    Given that it's 3 years (and a week) since 2nd's reveal too, it lines up pretty solid too.

    The Ghal Maraz coin, the new Stormcast symbol on the banner, the 'Summer of Sigmar' etc. 

    I wonder though just how much AOS has grown in the last few years. 40k seems to have drifted off a bit where as everywhere I see AOS is booming and taking on new hobbyists. 

    Going to be interesting to see how fast the 'Indomitus AOS' box sells out.

    We got a record of ~4 minutes to beat lads.

    • Like 3
  3. 38 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I know right!? All of April I looked forward to Mondays and it seems to continue into May!!

    Also this model is already looking ****** incredible. I love love love that each new Faction is getting centrepiece models. 

    The mind boggles to see what could be for Warclans, Mawtribes and Gloomspite for 3.0.

    Gloomspite - Hopefully a named Troggoth. Make it Mancrusher sized. 

    Warclans - Ironjawz have the Dragon Cabbage, Bonesplitterz deserve some big beasties... A Giant Squig perhaps? A 'Squiggoth' if you will...

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  4. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:



    May White Dwarf


    I think her name is Lauka Val, Mother of Nightmares

    Looks like the Abyssal Terror hidden behind those things in the front?

    Looks like Vampire Knights on foot and some kind of 'feral' vampires in front of Lauka Val.

    Also holy mother of god they really made that Resident Evil Villain as a centrepiece

    • Haha 1
  5. The Ghal Maraz coin and Grave Guard seems a definite that Saturday is the big '3.0' announcement with SBGL coming May right?

    Guess we ain't getting a fifth BR book if they're aiming for 3.0 to launch in June and beginning the 'big hype' in May? 

    Wonder if the Ghal Maraz might be a mad-lad move for GW to give us a Sigmar miniature? 

    I mean, we have Nagash, Morathi and Teclis? Why not have He-Man himself?

    The only other idea would be 'suprise TOW is coming in a month', which seems very unlikely all things considered. 

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  6. My only thoughts rn are, if RDP are going to get errat'd for the new CP abilities and the 'double turn CP nerf' happens, OBR are going to be absolute monsters.

    Honestly though, alot of rumours, such as objectives becoming '40k style', feels like complicating AOS and making it '40k but fantasy'. 

    AOS thrives on simplicity and that it's new player friendly - don't see a positive to complicating it.

    If I was to name one thing I'd enjoy, it'd be the 'Crusade-esque' system and an implementation of 'Power Levels'.

    I'm a simple guy. I like 1 digit addition. Adding 165 and 240 and 85 gets too hard for my art degree brain. Let me just add 4, 5 and 2 up instead.


    Hot take though - it wouldn't surprise me if AOS 3.0 launches and a focus is on overhauling the SC! boxes with 500 point 'Combat Patrols' with the first boxes on Lumineth + OBR alongside SCE Chambers not in the Starter Set.


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  7. Just now, Dreddships said:


    Warcom uploaded a graphic to twitter with the wrong month - dated for 3rd to 8th of April.

    Judging purely from doing commission artwork before, these graphics will all be made a while ago.

    Looks like we're about a month off schedule still.  

    Looks like it's been redacted now.

    Screenshot for proof.


    • Like 1
  8. So 

    Warcom uploaded a graphic to twitter with the wrong month - dated for 3rd to 8th of April.

    Judging purely from doing commission artwork before, these graphics will all be made a while ago.

    Looks like we're about a month off schedule still.  

    • Like 1
  9. Putting bets now -

    Kragnos reveal, some SBGL rules and the final/5th BR book on Monday for the kick off

    Sisters and Orruk reveal on the Tuesday

    Wednesday for books

    Thursday for Warcry Season 2 reveal, the new Delaque 'special units' for Necromunda and the IDK warband for Underworlds

    If TOW is getting a model reveal, it'll be here.

    Don't see them hyping TOW if 3.0 is due in a few months

    Friday for Eldar maybe? The next codex roadmap for 40k? If I'm a wild man, potentially some model reveals for a new Fallen faction with the latest WD index to hold over until a proper release.

    Saturday for the big 3.0 reveal with the tease for the 'indomitus' box and the new Stormcast with a tease for the new Destruction faction.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    They are just setting up the narrative for 3rd ed-look at it this way -this could continue for the whole of next edition... I fully expect Alarielle's forces to rise, Kurnoth to return and Grungni to make his presence felt [and thats just the stuff I mad keen on- I also expect a few pleasant surprises]. But I don't expect any of these things before 3rd ed, perhaps not even for a while after the launch. But 3rd ed looks fantastic from the perspective of narrative.

    Continuing from last post -

    Avengers Fan Service Moment in which Sigmar, Grungi, Allarielle and Teclis get a 'high five go team' moment as they face down Gordrakk + Kragnos book 5 lets go. 

    Skeletor and Morathi turn up, beat back the Waagh! but oh no, final moments as Gordrakk decides to mad-lad, goes full GorkaSaiyan and crashes through the Gates of Excelsis.

    3.0 begins. 

    Thank you I'm taking this to Disney to get a lucrative film deal.

    • Like 4
  11. Belakor feels like a dramatic middle in the story.

    The Good Guys are defeated - the Bad Guys have a new superweapon and there is the threat still from Act 1 (Newborn, Kragnos Foreshadowing) yet to happen - but hope isn't lost because of Not-Grombindal even though we know it's Gordrakk who is the major threat.

    Kragnos feels like it will deal with those two 'side-villains' using our 'side-heroes' - Kroak + Allarielle

    But Gordrakk finally paying off - the conclusion to the Nagash/Neferata/Mannfred plot - the conclusion of the 'Anti Stormcast Cloud' -

    That feels like a final chapter.

    Calling Nagash or Neffy turning up to help Sigmar fight off 'the major threat' right now to fully conclude the Soul Wars/Rivalry arc.

    Broken Realms : End Game inc.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    these "battalions" might simply be a way to build your list and just provide the "new command points" (sort of like you build your list in 40k)

    I guess thats a way to fix the 'OBR conundrum' - how do you add Command Points to an army that doesnt use them.

    I'm disappointed if it does just end up as 40k detachments of 'take 1 x, y and z' but I imagine thats easier to balance around than 'ugh take a leader and a battleline tax and have fun with the rest'

  13. The battalion changes seem pretty funky.

    The 'no stacking buffs/one buff at a time' seems like it'll cripple combos though?

    It might make more of the 'big' hitters a lot more valuable over stacking buffs across large units.

    Being able to stop Shootas in GG from stacking buffs might be enough to make Troggoths a solid option, for example.

    Those two seem like they're much more impactful than charge reactions.

    EDIT : the only one that seems solid is having a +1 to save. It makes rend much less impactful and handing 40 clanrats a 5+ save seems absolutely crazy?


  14. 27 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Or to tie in with @Dreddships ogor take, '1 in 4 units can be Beastclaw Raiders'. Now that GW is breaking up Grand Alliances, what would be a ballsier move than giving the opportunity for previously Order and Destruction forces to work in a single army? They could be called Mawxists...

    Roll in Chaos into the mix too.

    As Jarl Mawx said 'Chaos is the opium of the masses'. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

    But did the marxist Kharadron, so there is still hope for Grauchobag Scuttlers

    Or maybe that's looking a bit too much into a heart symbol on the forum.

    Kharadron are capitalists just like the Skaven.

    Closest thing to Marxism? Ogors. Direct Democracy based around providing aid. Transparency of political decisions, prioritizing ones based around communal benefits. No class inequality. Resources shared equally, to each according to his need.

    Also random note - the Gnoblar from the Ironblaster/Scraplauncher kit has a piece of wood with 'Kislev' on the end, so not opposed to recycling even when an entire world is blown up and countless ages have past.

    Reject Sigmar.

    Embrace Ogor.

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