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Posts posted by Dreddships

  1. Forewarning - looks like stock is softcapped at around 50 a store. 

    If I remember correctly, that's under the cap that Indomitus was at. If I'm remembering correctly, Indomitus was capped at around ~100 or so a store.

    Seeing a few FLGS and stockists note its only a softcap, and it being possible potentially more will arrive.

    If it's anything, I managed to grab an Indomitus box just a few weeks ago in March that had been sat on a local store's shelf - so it might be that it's not the end of the world - but I'd be ready as early as possible on Saturday to make sure you can grab one...

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  2. 6 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    Can't verify but sounds about right


    Bestigors, Gors and Ungors are all sold as a 10.

    Chaos Warriors - definitely - and Skaven too.

    But I'd imagine the min unit sizes would be 'what is the no. in a box?' and go from there.

    But everything else lines up.

    The recent battletomes did feel awkwardly overcosted too

  3. The supposed 'plastic HH' and moving of 40k kits into Heresy has some implication for AOS and Old World.

    Granted - it's only rumours I've seen so far of the older 40k kits (Mars Pattern Rhinos and non-primaris Marines etc.) and nothing entirely clear whether it will be purely rules or a complete move, but interesting implications for us.

    Granted - judging from Total War and CA's comments - Old World might have FW and GW bring those older kits up to date w/ additions such as Kislev, Cathay etc.

    Still, hope HH 'in plastic' has some precendant for GW to fix FW prices and roll them into the single umbrella - with a hope that we update those kits in plastic like Legion of Azgorh. 

    Judging with what seems GW's gutting of the FW team - Sugden in WarCom, designers moved to Specialist Games or main games - it just might be...

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Clan's Cynic said:

    You vs The Guy She Tells You Not To Worry About


    (Stolen from Reddit)

    They really did make Primaris Stormcast.

    Anyone got a size comparison yet on the Kruleboyz or the rest of the SCE side bc these models seem massive??

  5. 3 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

    When did 2000 point get cemented ? Was it 4th ed? 3rd Ed wfb suggests 3000 points as standard size 

    Imported from 40k, where 2k has been the norm since as far as I can recall in 4th


    Hot take : AOS plays honestly best at 1000 points.

    9th 40k does too.

    Those out-of-the-box Indomitus games sold me on 9th then lost me when I tried ramping it up to 2k.

    Quicker, feels more active.

    1k best game size.

    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
  6. From the way the leaks seemed to read, the double reinforcement rules only seem to apply to units that are non-conditional battleline. 

    There was something about it being warscroll based rather than condition based. Sure it's mentioned somewhere in the reinforcement rules that were leaked. No 'death stars' seemed to imply it too.

    If so, think its a max 6 Stormfiends. Also really hits Pestilens too. Plague Monks are conditional too.

    Now I think of it, there is a very small group of factions who benefit from that if it is 'core battleline' reinforcement.

    EDIT : I've reread the leaked rule. It specifically says 'battleline battlefield role'. Whether this includes conditional battleline or units explicitally battleline on the warscroll isn't too clear. I'm hoping it's the former, but the way it seems to be phrased by WarCom would make me believe it's only for unconditional battleline.

  7. Did the maths

    SCE sit at around 1350

    Kruleboyz sit at around 1050

    If you play w/o Yndrasta, would be a balanced box points wise.

    BoC vs Gitz box seems a little bit unusual. Appreciate new releases for BoC and Ogors tho.

    That release schedule feels sparse though. Out of the factions that need an update, I'd have thought Skaven would be one rather than DElfs and Lumineth.

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    Leaked prices for dominion in Canadian dollars




    5 minutes ago, JustAsPlanned said:

    So roughly it’s £140 (for UK players that is). Not surprised, honestly.

    Indomitus was 239 CAD too.

    £125 UK. 

    Not too bad, I guess

    • Like 1
  9. Orwell wrote in 1946 discussing the 'four motives' - what he sees as the reasons behind why writers and artists create work.

    The fourth of these is 'political purpose' - As something is written in the context of a wider sociopolitical context and by an individuals, whom engage within that context, then we must assume that all art is political. As the audience, we are engaging with art within our own sociopolitical and personal political context. 

    Arguing that 'well we didn't previously view x in this context' is incredibly bad faith. 

    If you disagree with someone's opinion on whether AOS is or is not glorifying crusades, then offer a counterpoint rather than the dogwhistle of 'keep the politics out of my writing/art'.

    And it is a dogwhistle - look no further than half of the alt-lite content on YouTube for the same 'politic bad' when the opinion isn't one socioconservative. 

    Look no further than Football in the UK - where individuals would frame protests against racism as 'evil cultural marxists making everything political no my *game with a long documented history of factionalism, nationalism and bigotry (of which certain fans' infamous violence in the 1980s would inspire the best 40k faction)* shouldnt be political!'

    Or even in this hobby - the certain YouTuber whose name is a shape who argued the same thing to 'keep politics out of the hobby' following Games Workshop's statement last year following the death of George Floyd and the BLM movements resurgence.

    This happened after he was publically challenged for extremely derogatory comments and for his public antisemtism, racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia.

    It was not because 'my game isn't political' - just 'challenging my view is wrong'. 

    I'm not saying that having the opinion that not wanting to talk about the imports and exports of particular cities of sigmar and how that might affect the particular economies of certain realms isn't a completely valid opinion to have. If you do enjoy discussing fictional economies, then that is also valid too.

    But be VERY aware whether people using the 'no political talk about *piece of art*' are doing so because they simply find it dull, or because they like to think it supports their own bias.

    As the latter tend to have politics that I would hope the majority of people would find detestable.

    Thank you for coming to this TED talk.


    Now away from people appearing out of the woodwork to make the same dogwhistles the second anyone thinks GW may be accidentally helping foster the uncomfortable elements of the community who have increasingly uncomfortable opinions,

    I'm hoping our monsters tomorrow are some more of those Troggoths - and they are usable in Gitz.


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  10. 2 minutes ago, KrispyXIV said:

    I've seen rumored changes to max unit sizes elsewhere.  

    If units like Bloodstalkers were capped at 10 models instead of 20, "shoot again" abilities (and their shooting in general) becomes a lot less obnoxious without becoming really bad. 

    Might make sense,

    The new coherency rules definitely seem to be written with much smaller units in mind.

  11. With Hallowheart being discontinued and the amount of Warcry Terrain crawling into every promo picture for Dominion,

    I can see our 'Battlezone' equivalent release being the Warcry Terrain repackaged.

    It wouldnt suprise me at all if the Command Edition is just the repackaged Catacombs version of the terrain (one of each building sprue + belltower)

  12. A free 4 abilities a round seems extremely powerful, especially with where they are in the round. 

    Gonna be interesting to see if the new battalions boost up monsters, because if so, can definitely see monster-focused armies becoming top tier.

    It's gonna be interesting to see just how the new battleplans shape out - if we do shift to a more 'heroes and monsters are the new bread and butter', can see armies like Ogors, Gitz and Sons becoming absolute monsters. 

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  13. Just now, sandlemad said:

    I think reducing these new greenies to LotR film style dudes is a mistake. There’s a lot of older, early 90s WHFB orcs in their, as well as a heap of Brian Froud, Terry Gilliam and Ian Miller.

    They feel very Labyrinth-Hensen. A bit of palette swap and they're there 

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